Monday, March 29, 2010

The Plantation Programs The Peasants With A New Religion

Paul Wu said ...
The Avatar movie is just the latest installment from Hollywood to move us closer to accepting the Global Elite's psychopathic religious beliefs.

Plato, the Greek philosopher, taught that there are 5 elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air and Aether (Ether). The last element, Aether, can best be described as pure energy or light. It is the stuff of the eternities.

Gnosticism, the religious belief of the Knights Templar, holds that mankind is nothing more or less than Aether trapped in a physical world and held there by Satan (they called him the demi-urge). Through multiple reincarnations, they held, a man or woman could become purified and ultimately freed from the other elements.

New Age religions call those with perfect Aether content, ascendant masters. George Bush referred to them as his 1,000 points of light. They include Buddha, Christ, Mohammed, etc. Gnosticism holds that all light will be returned to Logos, or God, and exist as mass consciousness free from the limitations of the physical elements. One mind as it were. CONT =>

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