Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Opposite Of A Plantation Negro


Anonymous said...

0 Comments? LOL

Anonymous said...

Well brother Ces, actually this should have been Farrakhan's position when he first addressed the nation shortly after the staged 911 attacks. Dissenters needed such encouragement other than what was found in internet chat rooms. NOBODY openly spoke of the staged 911 attacks. I understand why. It was a lot of tension. Only thing is, is that this came after the war machine was already in 4th gear.

As a tactic, traditionally the Nation usually rides the tide of the masses of Negroes emotions. For example they had nothing ill to say about the JFK assassination at the time out of concern for the love Negroes had for the President. That's why Malcolm was suspended by the NOI for saying, "the chickens came home to roost." Understood. He spoke about it before consulting with Elijah.

Malcolm was someone of self sacrifice. He reacted with his passion and fortitude. In all fairness the NOI had concerns about the image of the organization. Like Elijah told Malcolm to stop keeping company with Cassius Clay because if he lost to Sonnie Liston he feared it would be a reflection on the NOI. Nothing new, it went down like that with Joe Louis and the US fight against Germany. But when Cassius won, then the NOI took him in when it Malcolm was always by his side win or loose.

I understand where the NOI is coming from, and recognize the contributions of the organization, I just don't think that is the most wise position to take ALL the time.

Anonymous said...

The other thing I do understand is that if there hasn't been a true, indepth investigation of the whole 911 plot, one has a responsibility to the audience not to just say what they feel. So it does make since why Farrakhan couldnt speak prematurely. Soooo, I take that all back.

Anonymous said...

I take it that you never read my disclaimer that I'm bipolar.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Gee-Chee.

This and there, here and that.

I don't think anyone was in the position to talk about what happened shortly after the 911 attacks.

We all believed what we saw, and what we were told.

It was months after that 18 years old conspiracy nuts spoke out about the inconsistencies.

The story is still developing, it is not done yet.