Friday, April 16, 2010

Not Only Can 'Scrubs Get No Love' ... Chilli Aint Got No Love For Men Who Eat Pork ... Sistas Gonna Work It Out

Imagine if another million or so sistas adopted this attitude ... we could save more brothers from obesity, heart disease and stroke more than every Plantation MD combined.


Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

Just curious, DV... what's with the pic on your sidebar of the manly-looking and hard-looking sista with the cigarette dangling from her mouth and purse oddly placed around her neck?

Denmark Vesey said...

Hey Sista Kit.

That's a Sista from Haiti.


She digs herself.

I like that about her.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

Hmmm. Interesting, a quite a contrast from the usual hotties. Cool.

Anonymous said...

"Imagine if another million or so sistas adopted this attitude ... we could save more brothers from obesity, heart disease and stroke more than every Plantation MD combined"

There'd be 800,000 "sistas" who didn't have a man.

When are you going to realize it's not the PORK, it's the type and quantity of the meat. If someone is eating fatty bacon 3 times a day...they are higher risk of developing high fat diet related illnesses. If someone is eating a more lean cut, in moderation, they will be less likely. This "no pork" thing is born of ignorance.

And Chilli isn't taking a mature approach to this. He's gotta be all these things. What the hell is she bringing to the table? Superficial.

Anonymous said...

...and exactly why again is a 39 year old woman being so picky? Does she not realize there are younger, better looking, more fertile women roaming the earth? Hate to be so blunt, but...having to go on TV to find a man. Weak.

that dude said...

Second the two comments by DMG.

Denmark Vesey said...

"When are you going to realize it's not the PORK, it's the type and quantity of the meat." DMG

What "type" of meat is worse to eat than pork?




What "quantity" of pork makes a man healthy and strong?




When are you going to realize it's really not about "meat"?

It is a reflection of how a man perceives himself.

It is a spiritual thing.

When it comes to food I trust scripture more than I trust the FDA.

Leviticus 11:7-8
"And the swine, though he divided the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.

"Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you."

Deuteronomy 14:8
"And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass.

Denmark Vesey said...

Muslims follow the general principle that all food is halal (permissible) unless a food has been expressly forbidden (haram). Among the few foods which have been clearly forbidden to Muslims under Islamic dietary laws are pork and pork by-products. This prohibition of eating pork comes directly from Allah (God) in the Qur'an.

"Say (O Muhammad): I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork); for that surely, is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allah (or has been slaughtered for idols, or on which Allah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering)” (Qur'an 6:145)
Prohibition of Eating Pork in the Old Testament

The prohibition of eating pork is not exclusive to Islam. Pig meat is also forbidden in the Old Testament: "And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are unclean to you." (Leviticus 11,7-8)

Jewish dietary laws, therefore, clearly forbid the consumption of pork. Although this prohibition hasn't been abrogated in the New Testament, only a minority of Christians consider the restriction from eating pork to be binding on them.
Scientific Evidence that Pig Meat (Pork) is Not Healthy

Of all domesticated animals, swine are the most likely to consume a filthy diet, with pigs even inclined to eating excrement. Science has shown that pig meat is among the least healthy, if not the most unhealthy, to consume. Among the harmful agents found in pork are:

Read more at Suite101: Why Don't Muslims Eat Pork?: Prohibition of Eating Pork and Swine By-Products in Islam.

* Cholesterol and Fatty Acids - Pig meat is high in fat and cholesterol, which can lead to blocked arteries and heart problems. Pork also contains an unusual type of fatty acid which, once digested, can lead to increased cholesterol levels.
* Bacteria and Toxins - Pork meat more readily absorbs toxins than other types of meat. Since pork is digested more quickly by the human body than other types of meat, there is increased likelihood of transfer of toxins to the human body. In addition, findings presented at the 2001 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Chicago revealed that pork meat may contain antibiotic-resistant Enterococci bacteria, a cause of fatal food poisoning.
* Diseases - Pigs may be afflicted with a wide range of diseases, some of which can be passed on to humans. Swine flu, or H1N1, is just one example. The risk of disease is present whether handling live pigs or their carcasses.
* Parasites - A number of dangerous parasites may contaminate pig meat, including tape works, trichina worms, hook worms and round worms. These parasites are transferred to the human body after someone consumes contaminated pork, and may cause serious illness and even death. Some worms ingested through contaminated pig meat can even migrate to the human brain, where they burrow into the brain tissue and must be surgically removed.

Although science has shown there is good reason for the Islamic prohibition on pork, Muslims first and foremost adhere to their dietary laws because doing so an act of obedience to their Creator. There is no hardship in avoiding pork and pork by-products, while consuming the meat of swine clearly poses the possibility of serious health risks.

Big Man said...

"Jewish dietary laws, therefore, clearly forbid the consumption of pork. Although this prohibition hasn't been abrogated in the New Testament, only a minority of Christians consider the restriction from eating pork to be binding on them."

This is a lie.

Anonymous said...


Prove that pork flesh is any worse for human consumption than beef, or shut up. You are getting boring.