Friday, April 16, 2010

The Tea Party & The Automatically Angry Negro - Peep The Plantation Media's Memetic Manipulation of Simple Minded Jigaboos

The Tea Party movement is a populist United States protest movement that promotes fiscal conservatism. The movement emerged in 2009 through an ongoing series of Tea Party protests. These are partially in response to the 2009 stimulus package as well as the 2008 bailouts. In 2010 The Economist described the movement as "America's most vibrant political force. wikipedia

The next time you bump into a Plantation Negro, mention the Tea Party and watch his face squinch up. Ask him why and he'll mumble something about "racists". Ask him to elaborate and he'll mumble something else about "racists" and past experiences with those "types of people". Mention fiscal conservatism, the BS of the "stimulus" package, and the Bankster extortion euphemistically labeled "bailout" ... and he'll roll his eyes and mumble something else about "racists ... and ... because ... most of the people ... uh ... are white".

Challenge him by asking if he really believes the Tea Party is any more racists than the Democratic party and he'll mumble "no ... but ... yada yada yawn".

Are black people not interested in fiscal conservatism? Do brothers and sisters not appreciate the malfeasance of privatized profits and socialized debt masquerading as a bank "bailout"?

Fuug the "Tea Party". What is more important is how Negros allow themselves to be so easily manipulated by the Plantation media who can turn them off to anything simply by characterizing it "racist".

Armed with a video camera and a microphone anyone can be made to appear racist. If your goal is to divide and conquer or to prevent a multicultural (yuck) populist movement that challenges an out of control government that is robbing the American people blind, that is a powerful weapon to have in your holster.


Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

That's a good point about fiscal conservatism, something I'd lean toward myself IF those the GOP and Tea Party were devoid of the not well-hidden Manifest Destiny agenda of their grassroots base, who joined primarily for that reason.

If they really cared about fiscal conservatism, they'd be screaming loudest to reduce the defense budget.

Instead they target every program that benefits blacks and Latinos even though whites benefit as much or more. My view is this is because they can't see past their racism and rage that a black man is in the White House.

I don't think the gun-toting, "he wasn't born over here, he's a Muslim, he's the anti-Christ", etc ad nauseum Tea Party would have been invented if Hillary had won.

Think about that for a moment. Remember the I'm voting white crowd in the primaries? When she lost, a lot of white Dems flocked to the GOP, which made no sense at all since McCain is old as dirt and Sarah Palin is as different from Hillary as day and night.

Wouldn't it be interesting to learn the percentage of former Hillary supporters are now with the Tea Party and GOP?

I think the Tea Party, however, is on the verge of evolving from a cloaked White Nationalist movement, b/c the GOP is aims to absorb them.

I wonder if they'll wear brown shirts...

Denmark Vesey said...

"Instead they target every program that benefits blacks and Latinos" KIT

Sista KIT help me out.

Hip me.

Turn me on.

Cause I don't see it.

Please name a "program" that benefits "blacks and Latinos"?

What is a "black"?

What is a "Latino"?

I think they're head fakes.

Hegel meets Anthony Hardaway.

The crossover.

But look. Let's take the Group Identity politics out for a minute.

Fuuug who they are.

We aint got to be the same to exercise political leverage.

How about a little tactical strategy. Put some pressure on government to spend those "bailout" to pay down each family's mortgage for 6 months.

That would have stimulated the economy.

I submit your attention has been intentionally guided towards the combustible cul de sac of identity politics as opposed to the political potential of coalition.

Shit. I see millions of white folks rallying around an issue ... I say join it and hi-jack it.

Shit if Hip Hop can turn white Rock fans into white Hip Hop fans, why cannot educated Negros exert their political will on a group like the Tea Party?

Why must we play the George Jefferson to there Archie Bunker?

Anonymous said...

Shit. I see millions of white folks rallying around an issue ... I say join it and hi-jack it.

Shit if Hip Hop can turn white Rock fans into white Hip Hop fans, why cannot educated Negros exert their political will on a group like the Tea Party?

Why must we play the George Jefferson to there Archie Bunker?-DV


Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

Heh-heh. I hope I live to see the day when we're sophisticated enough, en masse, to hijack movements. :)

Eugene "Bull" Connor said...

Ain't that DV a lovable Negro? Ah just LOVE that Boy!

Denmark Vesey said...

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

"Heh-heh. I hope I live to see the day when we're sophisticated enough, en masse, to hijack movements. :) "

Workin' on it Sista.

Working on it.

Denmark Vesey took a minute to put together his plan to take over Charleston.

I'm going to need a minute to get a hold on the New World Order.

Anonymous said...

Why hijack, why not create a movement? (putting aside for a brief moment that black political thought is as diverse as any other political thought).

that dude said...

Huh? We did create a movement. And we won. We elected a president. Y'all may not acknowledge our President as a proud product of our culture but he so clearly is.

The Tea Party clowns are just folks caught up in nostalgia for some era when white people had answers.

Anonymous said...

that dude is truth.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

DV, after thinking what you said and anotha brotha named Chauncey talking about the Tea Party, today I posted this fine piece of satire, titled My Night Out With The Bloods & The Tea Party.

Constructive Feedback said...

Denmark Vesey:

I give you credit for going against the grain on this one.

One does not need to agree with the Tea Parities to see the propagandist fraud that is taking place among some Black operatives on behalf of the left and the Democratic Party.

When I see "Tea Party" people and Confederates KILLING BLACK PEOPLE during the "Bloody Summer of 2010" - which has started already - I will be he first one out there standing against them.

Instead the fraudulent people who need to be focused upon the key issues impacting the Black community are instead focusing on diversion tactics.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Instead they target every program that benefits blacks and Latinos even though whites benefit as much or more. My view is this is because they can't see past their racism and rage that a black man is in the White House.[/quote]

KIT - can you detail which of these programs you are speaking of?

If you would add information as to the tax dollars that might or might not have been paid into these "programs"?

The question of if these programs are often listed as the exploding entitlements that will take down the US government balance sheet?

And most importantly - the COMPETENCY that is developed by the people who choose to partake upon these programs and their state of mind after 20 or 40 years?

There is a great difference between "Programs that BENEFIT Blacks and Latinos" versus programs that serve as "maintenance payments" - allowing people to reside as a STANDARD OF LIVING that their productive capacity does not otherwise support.

I see DAMAGE where you see "HELP", regardless of the race of those who partake. If there is no transaction of in-kind value it is likely that there is damage being done, dependency created.