Friday, April 16, 2010


Amenta said...

The corruption of language, based on the largest holocaust on the planet. The destruction of women. Women were the keepers of the healing properties of plants, herbs. The destroyers labeled the natural healing arts witchcraft and sorcery. Thus the advent of plantation medi-sin.

that dude said...

Last Christmas, my kids got a book of children's Bible Tales and a book of Mother Goose Tales. I read them both to the kids. I couldn't see a difference between the two books.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Exactly.

The bible isn't the only book that uses symbols to convey memes.


How do you interpret the symbolic significance of blood sacrifice in Harry Potter and what makes you so certain it is completely benign?

that dude said...

I haven't read any Harry Potter books and only seen two of the films. So I can't judge them.

But I don't have a problem dressing my kids up for Halloween. I don't think that leads to witchcraft or the devil. As long as the outfit is benign or powerful.

The New Testament has some good stuff in it but black folks be going to damn far with this buy into Dark Ages superstition.

These are some of the same folks who thought dancing was evil. Dancing! To quote the great George Clinton "free your mind and your ass will follow...the kingdom of heaven is within".

Denmark Vesey said...

"But I don't have a problem dressing my kids up for Halloween" That Dude

OK. I can understand that.

But let me ask you why DO you dress your kids up for Halloween?

Has it occurred to you that Halloween is just as much a religious ritual as is Easter or Christmas?

Christmas and Easter have been removed from schools but Halloween is celebrated ... well ... religiously.


From where did this "tradition" originate?

Is there ANY symbolic significance at all to dressing 5 year old kids as dripping in blood Vampires and Demons?

that dude said...

I don't see anything wrong with religion being removed from public schools. I say that having spent most of my education at Catholic schools, which I attended because they were the best schools available. But religious instruction from be from the parents, not public institutions. Or, if the parent chooses, they can enroll their child in a religous school, like my parents did.

And Christmas is a big part of any school, public or private.

Halloween is celebrated, just like Valentine's Day and Earth Day. Dressing up as an alter ego is fun, and getting candy is fun.

As I said before, my kids don't dress up in some evil shit. My kids are superheroes and princesses. Parents that do otherwise...well, those are probably not the only bad decisions they are making.