Sunday, March 21, 2010


KonWomyn said...

How'd you get the twinned pictures to stay a good size and next to each other? I've tried that with two posts of mine - one of James Baldwin/Chinua Achebe and one last nite of Angela Plummer's work - but the twinning only worked as tiny passport size pics.

The Fro post worked out okay, bec it has the film strip effect but just for the future, I'd like to know to do it.

Y'should peep this stylist's work, this is my favorite pic in the fros collection.

KonWomyn said...

iLike this one as well, but I'm sure some pple will appreciate the 'bodies as art' more than anything else ;)

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaaaaay Duuuuub!

Nice shots. Hair art.

I like this one:

I think little is understood about the significance of hair.

Look at these two virtually identical images.

Now imagine the difference in experience to be had by the woman on the left compared to the experience of the woman on the right.

Pink said...

...I must be blind. The onlly difference I see is that the woman on the right has slightly lighter eyes and about an inch more hair.

KonWomyn said...

Wsuuuup Magne,

Nice pic u chose. As for these pics, both say different things to me. Without sounding all Eurocentric, iThink the pic on the left has a certain rawness to it that the one on the right doesn't have - not to the right pic's not fierce, but there's sumthin abt short hair.

On the right she appears taller and seemingly has a more menacing look bec of the longer & more natural hair and bec it's a closer shot. iPrefer it.

As for 'different experience', i'M not sure whatchu mean. Is there an underlying narrative or you see sumthin iMissed?

...Help me out with my kwestin plse. Ta.