Monday, March 22, 2010

Which Group of Young Cats Will Really Be Better Prepared To Contend In The Future?

Invested In The PlantationNot Invested In The Plantation

Denmark Vesey said ...
The Plantation is raising a generation of young "men", most of whom have not even had a legitimate fistfight.

Plantation Negros think water comes from the faucet and food comes from the grocery store.

Secretly harboring affirmation fantasies, Plantation Negros operate under the delusion that playing by the rules and distinguishing themselves from those who don't, with education and other accouterments of the establishment, will shield them from the calamity of the impending Balkanization of society and the new order that will emmerge.

Cats who already view the Plantation as an enemy, have a head start on cats who still see the Plantation as their savior.

The prison industrial complex will warehouse gangbangers and Florida A&M sophomores in the same cells as under-employed attornys who have fallen to the inevitability of addiction and superstar athletes accused of "domestic violence".

Baby Mommas with or without degrees will find it increasingly difficult to maintain custody of their gender blurred children as the state becomes more aggressive.

Thanks to the "War on Drugs", the group operating outside the Plantation has 30 years of experience operating under a police state now waging a broader "War on Terror".

They are more suspicious of government mandates like mass vaccinations. They recognize a drug business when they see one, even if the dealer has an MD.

While Plantation Negros pretend not to know their emails and cell phone conversations are archived, street niggas stopped talking on the phone long ago.

While Plantation Negros are conditioned to inform upon one another, streets cats distribute the meme that snitches get stitches.

One group of young men has never had a job in their lives. The other group has years of vertically integrated black market experience.

In the event of an emergency, one group of young men will call the same institution that currently warehouses 1 Million of their members.

The other group will take matters into their own hands.

Undercover Black Man said...
Better question: To which group of young cats will the future husbands of DV's daughters belong?

Denmark Vesey said ...

For my daughter? Ummmm . Well Mills, I'd probably go with the tall good looking young brotha in the back row with the braids giving the middle finger to the camera. Yeah. I'd take him to the side, hip him to Imhotep. Take him to the jungle learn a little bit about organic farming and solar energy. Teach him that the establishment he hates would love nothing more than for him to grow up to be a bullshit father, or to be no father at all. I'd teach him the best way to say "Fuck You" to the Plantation is to raise a strong family not his middle finger, to stay healthy and to love God.

Yeah. I think my daughter would have a better chance with a rude boy than with that young bumpy faced fat kid in the top image, still seeking affirmation from the Plantation, doomed to a future of glass ceilings and lay-offs and too stupid to recognize he is the target of eugenecists.


CNu said...

Dependent upon - though utterly alienated and ostracized from - the plantation...,

Insufficiently well organized to build or acquire a plantation of their own.

Constantly under siege by comparatively low-level paddyrollers and slave-catchers.

Feedstock for the prison industrial complex which provides make-work employment for otherwise unproductive and unemployable bubbas across the countryside.

Anonymous said...


All stereotyping aside (definitely another thread altogether), I'm interested in reading why you believe one group is better prepared than the other for the future.

Illmath said...

Me too.

Big Man said...

Y'all gonna be waiting.

Undercover Black Man said...

Better question: To which group of young cats will the future husbands of DV's daughters belong?

Big Wayne said...

^ Nice.

Anonymous said...

Future husbands? Lol, considering the married rate for baby mamas is 30% and plunging as we speak..

Perhaps the better question is what deadbeat baby daddies?

Michael Fisher said...

DV, I guess you ain't invested in calculus.

You should study some. It is waaaay more satisfying than smoking a stoogie.

The clarity of mind you get when you understand mathematical principles is almost orgasmic. Trust me.

Big Wayne said...

Byrd, you a racist. But you already know that.

Fish, if you bussin nuts to mathematical calculations, then ..well... I'd like to suggest a couple of really good internet porn sites.

Michael Fisher said...

Here DV. Try this.

Just the PROCESS of getting to understand this material will give you a high. Screw that Gangsta shit. Like the Five Percenters taught: "Mathematics is natural to the Black Man".

Michael Fisher said...

Big Wayne...

"I'd like to suggest a couple of really good internet porn sites.".

And guess what it took to create them in the first place?

Besides, I prefer live three-dimensional women. Though if that's what gives a rise outta your pecker, jerk on, my friend, jerk on.

ILLfantastic said...

Byrd posts literally sounds like Satan himself. I don't even think you're a real person. I sometimes feel like you're an evil spirit. LOL am I the only one perplexed by why Byrd would be here? There is only one word to describe it. Obsession.

Michael Fisher said...


"Take him to the jungle learn a little bit about organic farming and solar energy."

He ain't gonna learn shit about that in your jungle. It so happens that my great-uncle practically invented solar energy technology. Dude was incredible. A player, too. My favorite uncle.

Denmark Vesey said...

Oh. Of course Fish. Only way a brother can learn something is from Crackas. I forgot.

Your uncle invented solar energy?

He's a bad dude. I thought God invented solar energy.

Big Wayne said...

Lol. Fish. You win. The 3-D version is always better.

Illmafioso. DV spawned who today posts as "anon". DV empowered him by "accepting" Byrd as his "favorite white boy" and by rescuing and defending him when he lodged his foot in his mouth.

Byrd is DV's creation.

Michael Fisher said...

DV, like Cnu said, read a book. I said solar energy TECHNOLOGY, not solar enregy.

Michael Fisher said...


"Only way a brother can learn something is from Crackas"

ho the hell said anything about crackas? Besides, what makes you think he was white? Look at those lips.

Denmark Vesey said...

Byrd is still My Favorite White boy.

Behind the racist insecurity the cat aint scared.

There's a whole bunch of "non-racist" white cats playing Pied Piper for National Health Care that would see Negros "vaccinated" in masse.

Give me 1 Byrdeye over 100 Harold Ford Jr.'s.

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...

DV, like Cnu said, read a book. I said solar energy TECHNOLOGY, not solar enregy.

Your uncle invented solar energy TECHNOLOGY?

He's a bad dude. I thought God invented solar energy TECHNOLOGY.

What the fuck is photosynthesis?

Ya'll Footnote Negros read books about books about books.

No wonder you don't "know God". Put the book down, go outside and stare at a leaf.

BIg Wayne said...

Oxymoronic Statement of the Day:

" Behind the racist insecurity the cat aint scared."

What, Mr. Vesey, would you say is the root cause of his racist insecurities if it is not, in fact, fear?

Denmark Vesey said...

"What, Mr. Vesey, would you say is the root cause of his racist insecurities if it is not, in fact, fear?" BW

Plantation Cracka conditioning.

Denmark Vesey said...

Plantation Cracka conditioning.

The same Hegelian head fake that makes you not like him.

Michael Fisher said...

Oh, so you DO know God! From staring at a leaf?

Please explain to us exactly how the existence of a leaf proves the existence of God.

"What the fuck is photosynthesis?".

It ain't technology, DV.

Michael Fisher said...


"The same Hegelian head fake that makes you not like him.".

DV, What "Hegelian head fake" exactly? You tryin' to tell me that you read the Phenomenology since yesterday?

Undercover Black Man said...

Yeah, very entertaining, DV. Unfortunately, I bet one of them six cats has been shot and killed since that picture was tooken in 2007.

Hope it wasn't your boy with the braids.

Them niccas don't look prepared to contend in the present... let alone the future Thunderdome you be having wet dreams about.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Oh, so you DO know God! From staring at a leaf?

Please explain to us exactly how the existence of a leaf proves the existence of God." MF

Um. Um. You still don't get it Fish.

It's not the "existence" of a leaf that proves the existence of God.

It's the staring at the leaf that proves the existence of God.

Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...


"It's the staring at the leaf that proves the existence of God.".

Oh, my bad. Then if you kindly would explain how the staring at the leaf proves the existence of God.

Denmark Vesey said...

OK Mills.

That's not a bad point. Many of the young black men in the second picture could very well already be dead. You're right.

That's classic Undercover Black Man: "Black non-conformist will die!"


Got that.

Tell me: To which group of young cats would the future husband of Undercover Black Man's daughter belong?

Denmark Vesey said...

"Oh, my bad. Then if you kindly would explain how the staring at the leaf proves the existence of God." MF


Go stare at a leaf.

Then, come back and tell us if you now experience God.

Hint: (If you are still having trouble, put Stevie Wonder's 'The Secret Life of Plants' on your 8 Track)

Anonymous said...

I think the real problem is a disrespect for knowledge itself. Does someones race matter at all if what he says is true?

It's no wonder young black boys all want to grow up to be pro-athletes, and rappers rather than an Astrophysicists or even perpetuating the false idea that only occupations available to "real" black men are in the lucrative fields of thug, baller, MC, hustler, athlete and pimp.

We had a history before the plantation. A long history.

Michael Fisher said...


"If you are still having trouble, put Stevie Wonder's 'The Secret Life of Plants'"

I remember buying that album as soon as it came out. It is the only one I ever tried to return to the store IMMEDIATELY. They wouldn't take it back.

Undercover Black Man said...

That's classic Undercover Black Man: "Black non-conformist will die!"

Wait a minute... those six young cats with the exact same look on their face, throwing up hand signs, aren't conforming??? Those are free-thinking individuals?

Negro, please. You know they probably dig the exact same brands of sneakers, the same cars, same hip-hop artists...

One of the biggest things wrong with you, DV, is that you hold up "non-conformity" as a supreme virtue.

But that's a meaningless measure. That 88-year-old cracka who gunned a black man down in the Holocaust Museum was a "non-conformist." Doesn't mean he wasn't a fucking asshole.

Big Wayne said...

" Plantation Cracka conditioning. "

Ok. Fair answer. But this brings about another issue.

The Plantation Negro is regularly scorned, ridiculed, rebuffed and berated here. Understanably so. But the first Plantation cracka that walks through the door gets adopted into the "Vesey Inner Circle of Trust" and becomes your "Favorite Plantation Craka"?!

That sounds like some plantation bullshit to me!

" It's no wonder young black boys all want...."

Come on, Doc. Someone of your intellectual capacity should understand the inherent flaws in such general statements as above. They don't all want this. Some do, but not most.

Michael Fisher said...



See. Fact is, DV, you have experienced God just as much as a you've experienced a "Hegelian head fake".

Anonymous said...

Big Wayne,

My bad. Feel free to replace all with many. You still see my point. And of course I know this. I'm one of the ones who didn't have a pro athlete fantasy.

The athlete/rapper fantasy is perpetuated again and again on TV, videos, and feel good stories about the only way out of the ghetto is via a basketball scholarship. I was just reading an article a few days ago about a young black boy whose greatest motivation was to work hard to get a basketball scholarship to UConn, so he could leave sophomore year for the Pro's. The fantasy is alive and well, as is the stereotype of black boys who study and do well in school are fat, wear glasses, are social misfits, weak and NOT BLACK. There is nothing inherently black about bringing home a report card full of C's, D's, and F's.

Big Man said...

Big Wayne said

The Plantation Negro is regularly scorned, ridiculed, rebuffed and berated here. Understanably so. But the first Plantation cracka that walks through the door gets adopted into the "Vesey Inner Circle of Trust" and becomes your "Favorite Plantation Craka"?!

Now that right there had some truth in it. That's quite the question.

Plantation is plantation.

Unless DV is arguing that since Byrd is a weak-minded deluded Plantation Cracka he's actually less of a threat and therefore someone DV doesn't mind being around when compared to white folks with real power and good sense.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The athlete/rapper fantasy is perpetuated again and again on TV, videos, and feel good stories about the only way out of the ghetto is via a basketball scholarship."

I feel ya, Doc. But peep:

The doctor/lawyer fantasy is also perpetuated again and again on TV, videos, in school and in church that suggests the only way for a man to self-actualize and empower himself is to secure some sort of official license / sanction / credential from the Plantation.

Yet it reduces our best and brightest to essentially agents of the Plantation, thoroughly invested in a system designed to keep them from empowering themselves.

I submit as an example the deafening silence from black physicians regarding the disproportionate incidence of AIDS in Africa and among African-Americans and the likely connection of the AIDS virus to experimental vaccinations.

I submit as an example the disproportionately poor health of African-Americans relative to the general population. Yes we produce the occasional black doctor ... but black people are dying like flies.

I submit as an example of the bullshit "black lawyer" fantasy, the disproportionate numbers of African-Americans warehoused in the Prison Industrial Complex.

We are not producing black attorneys who leverage their legal educations to ensure black people live in a just society.

We are producing lawyers whose primary skill set is slip-n-fall lawsuits and negotiating prison sentences for their clients.

Nah DMG, please understand. What I'm doing is holding a mirror up to Plantation Negro hypocrisy that harbors disdain for those blacks who have wisely rejected the value system of a system they feel has rejected them.

Is either group perfect? Of course not. But the hypocrisy of Plantation Negros is dangerous.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Now that right there had some truth in it. That's quite the question.

Plantation is plantation."

Good point Big Wayne and Big Man.

But remember the same cat who coined the Plantation Negro concept, introduced you to the concept of Plantation Crackas.

You aint heard nobody mention "The Global System of White Supremacy" in months have you?

Don't worry about why I tolerate Byrd. Peep the meme game.

Byrd might be a racist, but he can do more more to defeat racism than every Plantation Negro Director of the NAACP combined.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Wait a minute... those six young cats with the exact same look on their face, throwing up hand signs, aren't conforming??? Those are free-thinking individuals?" UBM

Hand signs? I see six young men saying "Fuck You" to people who need to be told "Fuck You".

That's one of your biggest problems Mills. You are too busy saying fuck you to the wrong people.

Instead of directing your self-righteous indignation at the people and institutions herding black and white Americans alike through a eugenecists maze of incarceration, genetically modified food, drug addiction, obesity, disease and spiritual atrophy you prefer to participate in the illusion that those who wander away from the herd victimize themselves and deserve whatever happens to them.

Notice the parallels between Undercover Black Man’s attitude towards young black men in America and the Israeli attitude towards Palestinians. “Moderate Arabs” (conformists), can live, for now. But the “militant” stone-throwing Palestinians will be bombed, killed and tortured at will.

Never mind WHY he throws stones. Never mind the absence of justice. Never mind his desire for self-determination.

Never mind the fact many of these young men resent a system that has incarcerated their fathers and brothers for profit. Fuck all that. “Dem Niggas jus need ta go ta skoowl!”

"One of the biggest things wrong with you, DV, is that you hold up "non-conformity" as a supreme virtue." UBM

"One of the biggest things wrong with you, Mills, is that you hold up "non-conformity" as a supreme threat.

When a brother questions the efficacy of the Oral Polio Vaccine, you respond as if your last name was Salk.

Not "Damn DV. That's a hell of a statement. Can you back it up with some facts?"

Your response is essentially "Oooooh Massa DV Questioning Da Vaccines!!! Who he think he is!!"

Just as the Israelis / Likudists / NWO are maneuvering to annihilate the Palestinians, I see the stage being set in this country for the same thing.

And the little Arab kids waiting in line to be vaccinated by their Israeli occupiers are going to die just as fast as the kids throwing stones at Israeli tanks.

Anonymous said...


I guess my real question should be to ask you what is your definition of empowerment?

"I submit as an example the deafening silence from black physicians regarding the disproportionate incidence of AIDS in Africa and among African-Americans and the likely connection of the AIDS virus to experimental vaccinations."

Deafening silence? Open your ears man...or maybe your web browser.

"and the likely connection of the AIDS virus to experimental vaccinations."

There is no "likely" connection. There's not even a probable connection. There might be a possible connection...but many things are possible. So you think us black physicians should waste our time discussing your conspiracy theories and if we don't we are somehow sitting at the foot of the man doing his bidding? I'm going to have to give you a "negro please" on that.

"I submit as an example the disproportionately poor health of African-Americans relative to the general population. Yes we produce the occasional black doctor ... but black people are dying like flies."

Black folks are dying because they continue to eat horribly, not exercise, are non-compliant with their medications and listen to nonsense conspiracy theories about medicine. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment excuse for not taking your insulin and staying up past midnight gossiping and eating whole cakes (real patient) is getting old. Again, I don't control your fork, or when you put on your walking shoes. And in case you didn't realize, my M.D. does not have an asterisk that says I'm only to treat BLACK patients.

"Yes we produce the occasional black doctor"

...and which of those young doo-rag wearing gentleman throwing up gang signs do you suppose will sit for the SAT and later the MCAT?

"I submit as an example of the bullshit "black lawyer" fantasy, the disproportionate numbers of African-Americans warehoused in the Prison Industrial Complex."

Not sure what you mean by this. Are you suggesting a black lawyer is obligated to keep a drug dealer out of prison? Or are you saying black lawyers are not competent enough to defend actually innocent clients? There are alot of problems with the Prison Industrial Complex, but you can't pin it all on black lawyers.

Not everyone is cut out to be a doctor, lawyer, or businessman. I don't think the doo-rag crew above is lost in anyway. I'm just not going to celebrate their choices as the pinnacle of blackness. I celebrate that kid who studies hard, stays out of trouble and works an extra job to help the family out eschewing the fast money and materialism of the hustler and drug dealer. Even if he still gets C's because he has strength of character.

Your gang sign cats can reject the system as much as they want. They can sit on the corner with a 40 and blunt and talk shit all they want about how the system rejects them. That doesn't better their situation or their community. Although I did what I needed to do to get where I wanted to be without anybodies help, I'm always down to lift one of these young brothers up. But you know what? Most of the time they don't want to hear it. And damn sure don't want to hear about Imhotep.

Anonymous said...

"Not "Damn DV. That's a hell of a statement. Can you back it up with some facts?"

Isn't that what I asked? I'm still waiting...

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG said...

"Not "Damn DV. That's a hell of a statement. Can you back it up with some facts?"

Isn't that what I asked? I'm still waiting..."

Denmark Vesey said...

"Deafening silence? Open your ears man...or maybe your web browser."

National Medical Association?

The National Medical Association?

The muhfuggin National Medical Association?

You mean the Negro version of the American Medical Association?

With much respect Brother Doc, have they EVER taken a position contrary to the AMA?

I've searched their site not a SINGLE mention of the possible connection between the Oral Polio Vaccine and HIV.

How can that be? How can we trust an organization who ignores such a possibility?

How can we trust physicians scared to address such a ... probability?

That's what I mean by agents of the Plantation.

Organizations like this don't seek to empower, but to corral.

Anonymous said...

"With much respect Brother Doc, have they EVER taken a position contrary to the AMA?"

Actually they do often. The completely disagree with the AMA about Health Care Reform.

But I believe your question was what black doctors were doing about HIV/AIDS, not how they differ from the AMA.

DV, get off the OPV thing. Just because we are doctors of African ancestry doesn't mean we are gullible. I trust people who have a firm grasp of the facts and how to utilize them. I don't trust people who support conspiracy theories without evidence.

Why would you think black physicians are any less versed in the Scientific Method and evidence based medicine?

When you get some serious FACTS to support your claim, then you may take us all to task.

And about your Rocket scientist thread...yeah I peeped it, I was the first one to respond. Remember?

Denmark Vesey said...

Doc. That doesn't make any sense.

The Official Conspiracy Theory supported by the Plantation Medical system is that AIDS originated from the "Cut Hunter" theory.


Could you please point us to some "FACTS" that support that theory?

There is another theory that sees a link between the EXPERIMENTAL Oral Polio Vaccine administered by Rockefeller employee Hilary Koprowski to ONE MILLION Africans in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


The Koprowski's EXPERIMENTAL vaccine was manufactured with a LIVE VIRUS taken from monkeys.


The first known case of AIDS appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo IMMEDIATELY after the EXPERIMENTAL inoculations.


Africans have eaten Bushmeat (monkeys) for thousands of years with no evidence of AIDS.


The Polio Vaccine theory is has a variety of proponents including Plantation sanctioned physicians.



I haven't heard a single Negro Physician say squat about this to date.

Other than ... "Stop talking about it".

Why is this not an active discussion among black physicians and black thinking people all around the world?

Southern Africa has 10% of the world's population but 66% of the world's AIDS cases.

Southern Africa does not have 66% of the world's homosexuals. Why are doctors pushing condoms and Early Detection as a means of fighting AIDS when there is virtually no evidence of men getting infected with HIV after heterosexual intercourse with women?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

To my way of thinking a person best prepared for the future would know how to APPLY Calculus and other scientific/mathematical principles AND form their own hypothesis. A kid ready for the future will not just take anybody's word for anything without investigation. A kid prepared for the future will go with his or her conscience over the law, if the law is unconscionable.

A VERY good example of such a child is here. She DIAGNOSED her own disease DESPITE doctors giving her the wrong diagnosis for years. If a high school student can catch something that doctors didn't for years, that is a testament to their overall incompetence and arrogance and her astuteness.

I mentioned in an earlier thread that when I worked as a medical secretary through early college years, I even found mistakes that some doctors made in their calculations in papers that they were submitting to well respected journals. If a young sophomore physics student can catch these simple errors and a high school girl can diagnose HERSELF correctly after many doctors could not, what kind of picture does this paint for the competence of physicians?

Very very little.

Anonymous said...


I'm not interested in getting into yet another vaccine AIDS debate. The OPV hypothesis was considered, researched and refuted. What more do you want? You are behind the curve brah.

"I haven't heard a single Negro Physician say squat about this to date."

Probably because we aren't delusional. Likely because we understand and have read the evidence against.

You are of course free to talk about it. Just don't think anybody who knows anything about immunology or retroviruses should take you seriously.

"Why is this not an active discussion among black physicians and black thinking people all around the world?"

Obsession is not just a cologne by Calvin Klein, I suppose.

If you don't believe you can get HIV by heterosexual sex, then I invite you to go to Thailand or Soweto and run rampant bareback.

There is nothing inherently different about homosexual physiology, the difference is the act. But you are correct it's more difficult for a male to contract HIV. However, male to female rates are double female to male.

But either way, this is patently false:

"there is virtually no evidence of men getting infected with HIV after heterosexual intercourse with women?"

Anonymous said...

While Plantation Negros are conditioned to inform upon one another, streets cats distribute the meme that snitches get stitches.

Dude you must live a life far removed from the streets. There are over one million black men in prison. Do you think they are all there due to good police work? At least 70 percent are there due to thug snitches—their so-called homies who dropped a dime to reduce their time.

There’s no greater example of a plantation mentality than all of these young Negroes who are filling up the prisons for stupid reasons. They’ve made the prison industrial complex one of the most profitable industries in America. They are nothing but 21st century slaves.

There is no greater benefit to the GSWS than the thugs you worship.

Name one revolution that was led by an uneducated thug.

Big Man said...


Two things.

1. Good point about snitching. That was a hole in DV's logic.

2. Define educated? You mean in school, or somebody who acquired knowledge themselves? Also define "thug" and "movement."

Cause I can think of a few things I would define as movements that were led by folks you might consider thugs and uneducated.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Name one revolution that was led by an uneducated thug.

Hip hop.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Name one revolution that was led by an uneducated thug."


Denmark Vesey said...

Now you name one revolution led by an educated conformist.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Man.

Hole? Logic?

Come on dude, you know me better than that.

If a cat interprets my statement to mean the prison industrial complex is not fueled by a culture of informants he's not trying to understand my point.

The only place where an anti-Snithing meme exists at all is the streets.

Plantation Negros fell all over each other to condemn Cam'ron when he told Anderson Cooper there's never a reason to help the police.

Undercover Black Man said...

Now you name one revolution led by an educated conformist.

There goes that mushy, meaningless word again... "conformist."

DV, don't you realize that damn-near everybody conforms to some ways of being, and doesn't conform to others? The only genuine thoroughgoing "non-conformists" are probably clinically diagnosed schizophrenics.

But to answer your question... how about the Niagra Movement? And the Civil Rights Movement?

This presumes, of course, that W.E.B. Du Bois can be considered a "conformist" because he believed in the cultural supremacy of a cognitive elite.

And that the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. can be considered a "conformist" because he believed in Christian ethics.

CNu said...

Name one revolution that was led by an uneducated thug.

Hip hop.


"Name one revolution that was led by an uneducated thug."



Now you name one revolution led by an educated conformist.

Fidel Castro - Cuba.

It's not a revolution, however, until you start putting in wet work.

Castro put in the work.

Anything less than that is simply begging.

Anonymous said...

Define educated? You mean in school, or somebody who acquired knowledge themselves? Also define "thug" and "movement."

Educated = historically consciousness, transformative leadership. (Che Guevara)
Thug = reactionary, self-aggrandizing, self-destructive.
Movement = mass of people dedicated to transforming their lives.

Name one revolution that was led by an uneducated thug. Hip Hop; Christianity

I disagree. Hip Hop did not remain true to its origins, and is now more counter-revolutionary or reactionary, i.e. self-aggrandizing; self-destructive

Christianity was led by a thug—Constantine, but it was counter-revolutionary to the revolutionary order of the day—Spirituality.

Now you name one revolution led by an educated conformist.

That wouldn’t be a revolution.

The only place where an anti-Snitching meme exists at all is the streets.

21st century slaves talk anti-snitching, but act just the opposite. Ask Michael Vick.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Christianity was led by a thug—Constantine, but it was counter-revolutionary to the revolutionary order of the day—Spirituality." Anonymous

You are obviously confusing Christianity with Constantinity.

The Christian revolution was led by a brother from Nazareth who deprogrammed the Plantation Negros of his day.

Denmark Vesey said...

21st century slaves talk anti-snitching, but act just the opposite. Ask Michael Vick.

21st Century slaves talk about sports and allow the Plantation to vaccinate their children with live monkey virus.

Anonymous said...

This person from Nazareth you’re referring to never existed, and even the fabrication of this person never uttered the word Christianity.

Constantine had an assortment of religious writings codified, reducing 200 Gospels to just four, and made that religion a political force in the world. Without Constantine Christianity would have remained a regional religion at best, with perhaps no greater global impact than animism.

Denmark Vesey said...

This person from Nazareth to whom I refer exists more than you do, and he's been dead for 2,000 years.

Without Constantine Christianity would have remained Christianity instead of what is today.

Anonymous said...


For someone who preaches about the plantation, I'm quite surprised that you so vociferously defend the slave masters religion.


Big Man said...


You think Jesus was uneducated?


YOu could make that argument about Peter, but the first two? Nah, homie, you need to check your scripture.

Jesus was very well educated in scripture, did not the Pharisees and Sadducees marvel at his grasp of the scripture considering his humble background?

And we know Paul was one of the most well-educated Christians to ever walk the planet.

Intellectural Insurgent

Who was the thug that started hip hop?

Last time I checked, there were no uneducated thugs at the beginning of hip hop. There were uneducated cats, but I don't think any of them qualified as thugs.

Big Man said...


Anti snitching Meme' exist all over this country.

The Blue Wall of Silence?

The anti-snitching meme of cops.

The Soldiers Code?

The anti-snitching meme for soldiers.

Everybody knows you don't snitch. You don't snitch on your friends, you don't snitch on your co-workers, you don't snitch period. Hell, everybody's momma admonished them that nobody likes a tattletale.

Nah, these street cats took a fairly reasonable rule against snitching, and flipped it so that helping decent cops rid your streets of cats preying on the general public became a bad thing.

I don't like criminals who snitch on other criminals. But, when a grandmother points out a murderer because she wants her grandbabies to be able to play in the street in peace, that ain't snitching. That's survival.

You could argue that black folks should police their own communities along the lines of what the Black Panthers tried to do. I agree with you. But if we lack the power and good sense to do that, then the next best thing is helping the folks getting paid to enforce the law, do their job. I appreciate the dynamics of being a hustler, but I can't ignore the fact that choosing that lifestyle puts you at odds with what's best for your communities overall health.

Big Man said...


You calling Christianity the slave master's religion is like Denmark Vesey calling traditional medicine the plantation's way of healing.

It's funny you don't see that.

Anonymous said...

Without Constantine Christianity would have remained Christianity instead of what is today.

As if you know what pre-Constantine Christianity consisted of.

Beyond the four Gospels of the Bible how many of the 200 other Gospels, many of which were banned from the Bible by people like Eusebius, have you read?

CNu said...

All 30+ that are fully or partially preserved and/or reconstructed.

There are several strands of gnostic practice running through western civilization that remain intact and accessible to a dedicated knowledge seeker.

More important than that, however, are the well preserved, maintained, and faithfully translated writings of the church fathers and monastics.

A highly diluted and perverse form of Constantinity is all that remains to the overwhelming majority of moral authoritarians who've held forth very noisily and defensively on these posts.

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

Was the religion and culture of our ancestors shackled to the decks of those ships Christian? Yes or No?

Was not our culture forcefully stripped from our ancestors?
Yes or No?

Big Man the difference between DV and DMG is that DMG backs up his statements, and does not attempt claim blackness only for himself.

If you think I'm making something up, feel free to confirm my statement. I don't care what you believe, that's personal, and I'm truly happy that you are comfortable with it. But don't pretend Christianity wasn't forced on our ancestors or the native cultures of North and South America, Hawaiian Island, Philipines, etc. Be real. Accept all of your history for what it is. It was a forced conversion. Kind of like rape.

Denmark Vesey said...


For someone who preaches about the plantation, I'm quite surprised that you so vociferously defend the slave masters religion.


That's a fair question DMG.

Please understand that I don't consider following the teachings of Christ "the slave master's religion".

You see. What the Plantation schools teach is the "middle east" was known in ancient times to be essentially North East Africa.

Remember the Arabs did not arrive until the 7th Century.

By the time the Greeks could wipe their asses Kemet was 2,000 years old.

Jesus was a product of an African culture.

The grand irony is the "slave master" was forcing a religion on our people which was ours from the beginning.

Which is why we took to it so thoroughly. Exodus and the movement of Jah's people echoed in our souls.

Nah Doc. I'm poppin' Christianity before Christ. The African origins of Christianity. The do unto others. The love thy neighbor.

See Doc. My Jesus walks like Denzel.

That's what the nerds don't get.

Denmark Vesey said...

"As if you know what pre-Constantine Christianity consisted of.

Beyond the four Gospels of the Bible how many of the 200 other Gospels, many of which were banned from the Bible by people like Eusebius, have you read?" Anonymous

How many did Jesus read?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

I hear you on Christianity DV. I really do. I was raised within the context of liberation theology so when I went to church, Jesus had a woolly little afro and brown skin, as the Bible says he did! What many agnostic atheists seem to forget is what sustained Black people from the middle passage to the new world was faith.

How can you have faith when everything around you looks so foul and you have no rights and aren't even considered human? Belief in the most high. This is why I am confused when I meet Black Americans who say stuff like "slave masters religion". They have no real grasp of history and they don't understand that the ONLY way we survived and continue to survive to this day was because in a belief in something bigger than ourselves; a belief that one day things would get better and that we would be treated as human beings.

If you looked at the condition of our ancestors from a logical perspective, you have to ask what logical or rational reasons did they have to survive? None. Absolutely nada. But they chose to keep on truckin.

I am amazed at what faith in God has done for my family and ancestors and I strongly believe that it is what has kept us together.

And I don't believe that you should do to church all the time or even every Saturday or Sunday.

CNu said...

See Doc. My Jesus walks like Denzel.

That's what the nerds don't get.

At age 12, Jesus visited the Temple of Jerusalem (Luke 2:39-52), where he confounded the teachers with his wisdom. He spoke of “doing his Father's business.”

Your Jesus walks like an actor.

The Jesus revered by Christians talked like an Egyptian and held it down with the high priests - even as a boy.

It's important that he was learned enough - and far enough advanced in the religious science of that era - that he was able to do so, because he too was confronted throughout his entire life by jealous and uncomprehending monkeys posing as religious authorities and seeking to mislead the masses.

Yosef Bar Kayafa (Hebrew יוסף בַּר קַיָּפָא, joˑsef bar qayːɔfɔʔ) (which translates as Joseph, son of Caiaphas), also known simply as Caiaphas (Greek Καϊάφας) in the New Testament, was the Roman-appointed Jewish high priest between AD 18 and 37. In the Mishnah, Parah 3:5 refers to him as Ha-Koph (the monkey), a play on his name for opposing Mishnat Ha-Hasidim. According to two New Testament gospels, Caiaphas is involved in the trial of Jesus after his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Some things just never change...,

Denmark Vesey said...

"Your Jesus walks like an actor."

Does Denzel walk like an actor?

LOL. Your little Negro Pharisee struggle to demonstrate some proprietary knowledge of "religion" or "God" is comical.

I've read such n such book! Therefor I'm most qualified to speak of God!'

Fuck what you've read.

I say let the most Godly speak of God.

You stick to the "globs of cells" and "children yet to have souls".

Anonymous said...


"Jesus was a product of an African culture. The grand irony is the "slave master" was forcing a religion on our people which was ours from the beginning. Which is why we took to it so thoroughly. Exodus and the movement of Jah's people echoed in our souls."

Please, DV, my eyes have rolled so much while reading this, that I'm dizzy.

I'm sorry brother, are you making an excuse on why you have so fully embraced the slave masters god, rather than attempting to turn back to your ancestors beliefs? The slave master's god has you thinking that you've escaped bondage, while you sit content in his yard, unchained, because he knows you aren't going to run.

The sad thing is you speak about "African" culture like most ignorant white though it is one single homogeneous group. You probably have no idea that there is more genetic diversity between someone from Mali and Soweto, than between Mali and Estonia. And let's not even discuss the cultural diversity of the mother continent.

Not to get down on you DV, but I've heard this same "ashamed of my culture" 5% tripe for quite awhile. I met some musicians from Mali, a few years back when I was in Berlin. We talked for a long time over Jever's and Sprite, on a warm summer night at an outdoor cafe in Prenzlauer Berg. They laughed at some of the same suggestions they'd heard other blacker than thou Americans had made. They said, " people who travel to Mali from America are worse than the whites, because they bring all of that mixed up and fabricated "history", because you are ashamed of where you come from". Run down south to an HBC, get your Kinte cloth, make your 2-week tourist vacation to Ghana after graduation, to say you've returned home, and still wallow cultural ignorance, by worshiping Egyptians, and everything East African as a substitute for your unknown West African heritage.

I thought you would have given a better explanation. If you want to twist history in your mind to make Jesus look like Tupac, and say a black man invented everything from toilet paper to nuclear missiles, that's on you. Jesus was a part of the culture he grew up in. The man was Jewish. He was not African. If you want to denigrate all non-African cultures and say they stole everything from us, fine that's on you. I'm part of the human family, I can appreciate all cultural contributions.

Are we SO ignorant of our own culture that we have to claim the best of other cultures as our own? You'll of course call me a Plantation negro.

If you all want to continue with this 5% "logic", of Jesus, and the original Hindu's were black, etc. feel free. You want to say we are Asiatic, Moors, Arabs...feel free. It is MORE than likely that my ancestors were stolen from the shores of Western Africa, not modern day Morocco, not Ethiopia, not Arabia. I descended from a group of people who survived a hellish existence for several hundred years. I don't have usurp the culture of others to feel proud. I don't have to make excuses about why I still worship the slavers god.

...if you believe Jesus of Nazareth was born of a virgin and is the only son of believe in the slave masters matter your mental gymnastics.

And yes Mahndisa, what sustained our ancestors through the middle passage may have been faith...but it wasn't from of a religion born near the Sea of Galilee.

Denmark Vesey said...

"The man was Jewish. He was not African" DMG

LOL. Doc. I've know I've spent a lot of time knocking things that your hold dear: Corporate medicine, mass vaccinations and Plantation mythology.

I can understand why you would be a little eager to "trip up DV".

I can save you some time. It aint gonna happen. Where you are now, I was a long time ago.

I was poppin' that "massa's religion" shit when you had a flat top and was doin' the Pee Wee Herman.

Doc, you' Windows 95. I'm OS X 10.5.8

But I like you, cuz you don't hate. Don't worry, I'll get your software up to date.

Jesus was Jewish? Don't be childish. I doubt he ever heard the word. He was a Jew.

Which to you means probably means Abe Foxman.

Tell you what. You new to the site. Peep my archives about Christianity. That way we can skip the arrogant ignorant assumptions about the 5% and kinte cloth.

Or better yet, at least read the introduction to 'The African Origins of Christianity' by Sumani Lanka.

"It is MORE than likely that my ancestors were stolen from the shores of Western Africa, not modern day Morocco, not Ethiopia, not Arabia."

Well I wasn't talkin''bout you Negro.
I was talkin' about me.
Look close at my face,
you'll recognize dynasty.
You see Pharoahs? You see me.
Not all black people Negro. Me.
Not Negros "stolen" from W. Africa. Me.
Not you. Me.
Fuck the pretensions of equality. Me. Royalty.
One Thousand Years of Selective Breeding.
There's an ancient House of Israel in Ghana by the sea.
Established long before any fuckin' Tel Aviv. Some say by tribe 13.
Plantation Negros trying to teach history,
Is a strange comedy that's gotta be seen to be believed.
You can't even conceive of Christianity without the myth of the trilogy.
You see. Constantine introduced that apostasy to trip up little brainy MD's still confusing Jews with Israelis.

Yeah yeah so you've seen Zeitgeist. Moms and Pops were religious so you think you know Christ.
That shit Constantine pulled was a heist. Tell you once. Not twice.

It was a Nubian narrative that produced Christ.

Anonymous said...


Do you rhyme when you are nervous?

I have no intention of "tripping you up". I need to defend neither my vocation, nor the utility of vaccinations. I've only participated to set the record straight so the gullible won't follow the Pied Piper over the cliff.

I know the difference between Israelites and Israeli's. Many of the latter's ancestors are European converts rather than descendants of Hebrews...who are closely related to the other nomadic tribes of the area.
But they still aren't Africans.

I'm quite certain you've never been where I am now. Reality is a sober place. And you still seem to be intoxicated. You have the enlightenment of someone with cataracts. But DV, again, I'm not trying to convert you, change you, or even enlighten you. It's not about you. It's about that young cat, who is right now sitting at your cyber knee absorbing all of these half-truths and distortions, and starting to see his mentor tremble a bit under cross examination. Not a full on seizure...just a tremble, or maybe a slight stammer.

I can't rhyme, but I do know how to battle. Each one of your minion have either foamed at the mouth, tried to change the subject, front, or just babbled incoherently after I checked them.

Eventually, that young brother will recognize you for what you are. A well dressed, pleasant, likable fraud ("...please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste" how the song goes I believe).

And DV, in all honesty I do like you. You seem like a cool brother, with some fucked up ideas. You aren't malicious (except to homosexuals I suppose), and allow the mentally ill to roam free here at your spot (which I suppose keeps them off the street).

You say you look like a Pharoah, like there's something wrong with looking like the brothers who built Timboctou, and the Songhai Empire.

And is there something wrong with being Negro?

How many brothers walking around Roxbury, Brooklyn, and Inglewood look more like that inbred Pharoah, than this brother from Benin?

Now I love my Egyptian brothers, I just had a few visit me last summer for a week. They will tell you they are from the same continent as my ancestors (and will get in that ass if you suggest they are somehow not African). But it's a continent. My people are from the other side across a desert, and had proudly had their own thing going on. If you want to claim Egypt, well then you can't claim Denmark Vesey. So which is it?

I could give a damn about some desert religion far from the home of my ancestors.

Today's Christianity has very little to do with that Carpenters kid from Nazareth.

It's sad you pseudo-conscious wannabe's pretend like West African culture doesn't exist, when even some of the words and traditions of home survive until this day. You gotta say they invented Christianity, or were instrumental in creating Islam...and who CARES if there was a Jewish settlement in West Africa? Is Judaism, Islam, or Christianity somehow better than the beliefs native to the people there already?

I revere Christ for the philosopher that he was, like all the others. Not the son of gods you pretend him to be. His mama was knocked up and unwed, but that didn't fit, so you pretend she was a virgin, like so many other god-child stories before him. You people spend so much time putting him up and down on that instrument of torture called the cross that you've completely forgotten what he said and did. But, I can't blame you for wanting him to be a black man. Isn't that how all gods begin...made in your own image?

Undercover Black Man said...

Do you rhyme when you are nervous?

Goodness gracious!

DMG, you're a killer.

DV, the good doctor's been slapping you around the ring ever since he put the gloves on.

CNu said...

LOL. Your little Negro Pharisee struggle to demonstrate some proprietary knowledge of "religion" or "God" is comical.

CNu is school for Denmark Vesey.

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV, the good doctor's been slapping you around the ring ever since he put the gloves on." UB

Says Ricky Hatton to Floyd Mayweather.

LOL. Ahh man. That's cute.

The Plantation Negro heckler urges Doc on to do something he can't.

The Big House done burned to the ground and Plantation Negros swear up n down Masssa going to make a come back.

"Today's Christianity has very little to do with that Carpenters kid from Nazareth."

What the fuck is "Today's Christianity"?

Christianity after Christ makes about as much sense as The Civil Rights Movement after King.

See. You talking about that Christianity spoon fed you by the same people spoon fed you Monkey Virus juice.

Funny thing is, you don't recognize that's your new religion.

"You say you look like a Pharoah, like there's something wrong with looking like the brothers who built Timboctou, and the Songhai Empire."

Nah. Doc. Said it cause I look like dude they modeled the Sphinx after. Picture Khafre in a Paul Smith suit. Of course the chariot is now a Benz. But you get the picture.

"Now I love my Egyptian brothers, I just had a few visit me last summer for a week. They will tell you they are from the same continent as my ancestors" DMG

Doc. No Pharoah ever even heard the word "Egypt" or ever laid eyes on an Arab.

"It's sad you pseudo-conscious wannabe's pretend like West African culture doesn't exist" DMG

LOL. West African? West of what? The Christian narrative is African.

The Plantation got you believing "Western Civilization" is Greek. Why you find this so hard to believe?

"so you pretend she was a virgin" DMG

Come on Doc. Thought you would have caught on by now. You are attributing assumptions about Christianity to me spoon fed you by the Plantation again.

You fell for the Okey Doke.

They taught you a historical narrative designed to lead you to this sad little secular fanaticism and Luciferian dogma which has become your new religion.

The people got you sucking on Monkey Virus Juice attached the "virgin" meme, exactly so you would one day become "enlightened" and "realize" God is not real.

I like you man. Don't run off. And don't become a side line hater who feels me but aint got the heart to give it up.

Anonymous said...

@Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden
would you still love Jesus if I told you he really looked like Yaphet Frederick Kotto!

Anonymous said...

How strange that Mr. Vesey who rails against Zionism, believes in narratives of faith which serve as the farcical religious basis for the Zionist State of Israel.

How many did Jesus read? None! Zero! Notta!

How many times do you have to be told that you’re not dealing with a historical figure? Christ is a mythical crucified savior, just like the 15 others who preceded him.

As I expected Mr. Vesey cannot name a single one of the pre-Constantine Gospels which were left out of the Bible. His knowledge of Christianity, much like white supremacy, is constructed on a foundation of myths.

The Doc aka Pokey Pete, da Rib Tickla said...

You know, there are actually tests you can do now where geneticists are able to trace your lineage, practically to the tribe/region your ancestors were originally from.

Once I save myself up a few hunny, i'ma have it done myself. So DV you can actually see if your resemblance to the pharoahs really is genetic. I'm intrigued by your idea of Christianity originating in Africa. But I also know, having researched for my writing that some African tribes were monotheistic, others were poly, others believed in nature and spirits, like native americans, etc. Yah, there was some wildly diverse religionativitalism going on there. (What? It's a real word. Bing it.)

It's funny. I'll laugh with my gull about that sometime. I'll jokingly be like I'm descended from Shaka's tribe, i'm a Zulu warrior. Then i'll be like, ha I probably was descended from some people from Ghana who couldn't stand the gotdam Zulus! (Getting off on a tangent, anybody see Deadliest Warrior on Spike- the simulated Will Wallace vs. Shaka Zulu fight?)

Anonymous said...


Is that all I can expect for a reply? That's it? "my Benz" and "Monkey Juice" twice.

"Nah. Doc. Said it cause I look like dude they modeled the Sphinx after. Picture Khafre in a Paul Smith suit. Of course the chariot is now a Benz. But you get the picture."

Well I suppose I should have expected this again. You are concentrating on how dark the person was, who designed the Pyramids. You are like than the little dark skin girl, who having been told that her look is inadequate seeks out tall blond Barbie on TV. Everybody wants to claim their ancestors were kings, queens and inventors. I guess nobody wants to be descended from the working class. You be who you want to be. You use the moniker "Denmark Vesey" but eschew his ancestral culture for that of a group 3000 miles away across a desert.

When cornered you act like the street rhymer, who knowing nothing else begins to talk about his imagined materialism. My Benz, my shoes, I'm so fly. Am I supposed to somehow be impressed? To whom do you believe you are addressing? Some easily impressed kid?

I thought you were supposed to be the title fight, since it's your house and all. Even Mahndisa put up a better brawl before she ran away screaming in high pitched hysterics.

I guess it's like James Brown sung, your just "...talkin' loud and sayin' nothing. Oh, I won't be going away.

Big Man said...


My point was the Christianity was forced on black people.

Traditional medicine often is forced on the general populace.

Are Christianity and traditional medicine inherently evil or wrong because they are forced on people?

That was my point.

Anonymous said...

What's up Big Man,

OK. I see where you are coming from I of course don't agree, as my patients come to me...not the other way around.

I don't make the assertion that there is inherent evil in Christianity. However, stripping entire peoples of their respective cultures and belief systems, as was done to our ancestors, peoples native to the Americas, and elsewhere in my opinion is evil. It's not the religion, it's the action of its practitioners.

I'm assuming you mean Modern medicine when you say traditional. I don't force medical treatment on anybody. However, I will tell them in graphic detail the consequences of not addressing a problem. I state facts, the choice is theirs. If you are referring to that kid from Minnesota, that case involved child-endangerment. The physicians knew what was wrong, and knew what to do to fix it, allowing the the child's to go untreated by proven therapy was wrong. Legal action or force if you like, was a last ditch effort. If I see that you as an adult are diabetic, and not taking your insulin and sitting in front of me eating cakes and pies, I'm going to ask you to think about it. I'll only "force" care on you when you are laying in front of me in a diabetic coma. There's a difference.

Big Man said...


I was referring to the case in Minnesota since that's the most recent example discussed on this blog of traditional medicine intruding on the rights of private citizens.

I understand the distinction you made between children and adults, and I think it's a sensible one.

Also, I do not defend the actions of the people who tried to force feed slaves a truncated version of Christianity to convince them to remain docile servants. That was heinous.

I'm saying that just because one groups motives are evil, does not remove any value from what they do.

My point was that you seem to focus on how Christianity was introduced to black people as a means of denigrating its worth.

This seems illogical when you consider that there are many things in life that are introduced to people in the wrong way but ultimately can operate to their benefit.

One example being traditional, or mainstream medicine. There have been times in history when people are forced to adopt certain medical practices and the methods utilized to insure compliance were inhumane, unkind or unjust.

Yet, obviously, those medical practices contained some benefits.

I think you clearly have thought long and hard about why you reject organized religion in general and Christianity in particular. However, I think the focus on how black folks were introduced to Christianity has very little to do with the value of the religion, and does not strengthen your position.

Most religions, if not all, have been introduced to certain segments of the population through violence and coercion. That is a human failing in my opinion, not a religious one.

That's all.

Big Man said...


Also, you say you don't connect that way Christianity was introduced to people to its actual worth, but then I don't understand why you consistently discuss that introduction when making a comment about the idiocy inherent in believing in Jesus?

It's a pattern I've noted in your comments. So, I'm curious about it.

pink said...

DMG said:

How many brothers walking around Roxbury, Brooklyn, and Inglewood look more like that inbred Pharoah, than this brother from Benin?

I work in Roxbury and I'm still waiting to see one that looks like that brother from Benin... not really relevant but if you know where I can find one, post a link!

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

Don't get me wrong. I'm not sure you read my comment as I don't recall which thread it was on, but I do believe religion is useful for some people. It's something to hang on to. I just don't believe it. As far as Christianity being forced on African slaves, again it's not the religion per se, but that the practitioners (and I think the same thing about any group pushing their faith) used religion to strip these people of their identity. Why was their mythology true and our ancestors false? It's not the value of the religion I'm concerned with. In my opinion they are all equal. If one is content with the Hindu gods, and it helps one get through life, then that's as valuable as Roman Catholics who feel the same about their faith.

(I'm going to use Modern Medicine if that's alright with you, because some people use the term traditional as closer to herbalism, etc.) If you are referring to say the Tuskegee Syphilis experiments, that's not modern medicine, that's unethical behavior. It's because of these kinds of experiments that we have Institutional Review Boards, and human subjects training to protect the public from such misdeeds.

"There have been times in history when people are forced to adopt certain medical practices and the methods utilized to insure compliance were inhumane, unkind or unjust."

Give me an example, I'm not sure what you are getting at.

Again, I think Jesus was a fantastic philosopher, but there is no need to deify him. The black community holding so tightly on to Christianity is akin to Stockholm Syndrome.

Big Man, ever ask yourself why you are a Christian? I think joining a religion after having grown up in a family that was agnostic, or did not follow your choice of religion qualifies as a personal choice. But choosing to follow a Christian religion having grown up in that religion doesn't qualify as an unbiased choice. Children tend to follow their parents faith. I don't think you are an idiot for believing in Jesus, that's your choice. You just can't tell me you can prove a deity exists, or that we as a people freely adopted Christianity. Kind of like these kids.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pink,

I don't know how many Djimon Hounsu's are out there, but I got some good looking cousins you might see around Blue Hill Ave and Morton St.

Big Man said...


I don't believe I ever argued that I could prove to you that Christ exists, or that we as a people freely adopted Christianity.

In fact, I've stated the opposite on several occasions.

On the question of modern medicine, how about forced vaccinations?

Here we have a classic case of one group saying a certain medical procedure is necessary for the well being of children and society, yet another group says that the way they are conducting their business is inhumane and unsafe.

Does the method by which these vaccines were administered invalidate the medicine that they contain?

Pink said...

Hmmm DMG I used to live on Blue Hill and had to move once it got hot because that's when the kids start shooting stuff up... never saw any Djimon's out that way.

Anonymous said...

Big Man,

I had to read your article twice, because at first I mistook the AAPS-American Association of Physicians and Surgeons as the AAP-Association of American Physicians. The article made sense the second time around. The AAPS is a conservative political organization out of Arizona, whereas the latter is a well respected Professional organization concerned with science and medicine. So, it's not really a disagreement between two sets of experts. Just because they say they represent physicians doesn't make it so.

About Prince Georges County. I see the analogy you are trying to make, but it's not really forced vaccination. It was a matter of timely compliance, rather than opposition. Those who were opposed for religious or medical reasons could request an exemption. So it doesn't compare with slavery and freedom of religion...which wasn't afforded to our ancestors.