Wednesday, January 20, 2010

H1N1 SWINE FLU HOAX FALLS APART AT THE SEAMS - DV 62 pts 25 rbs 14 stls DMG 000

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
by Mike Adams

The great swine flu hoax of 2009 is now falling apart at the seams as one country after another unloads hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines. No informed person wants the injection anymore, and the entire fear-based campaign to promote the vaccines has now been exposed as outright quackery and propaganda.

Even doctors are now calling the pandemic a complete hoax. As reported on FoxNews, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a leading health authority in Europe, says that drug companies "organized a 'campaign of panic' to put pressure on the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a pandemic. He believes it is 'one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century,' and he has called for an inquiry." (,2933...)


DMG said...

You are going to have to do better than a German politician who once worked as a cruise ship doctor. Why do you waste my time?


Anonymous said...

You are being disingenuous DMG


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a german national. Born in 1947, he graduated from highschool in 1966. He studied medicine in Berlin and Hamburg and obtained his medical degree and a doctor´s grade from the University of Hamburg. He obtained his postgraduate qualifications in internal medicine and pneumology, in public health, social medicine, hygiene and environmental medicine in Germany and further training in epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University/ Baltimore, USA.

Dr. Wodarg worked as a ship´s doctor, port health authority and in the Bernhard-Nocht-Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Hamburg. He practiced medicine in several clinics and was the director of a public health institute in Northern Germany for 13 years before getting elected for the German Bundestag.

He was MP from 1994 till 2009, for the whole time a member of the Health Committee and since 2005 in the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development. He initiated and was the speaker of the Enquete Commission "Law and Ethics of Modern Medicine" of the German Bundestag.

Since 1998 he has been a Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe, since 2002 Vice-Chairman of the Socialist Group, since 2006 speaker of the German Social Democrats and deputy head of the German delegation in Strasbourg. He is also the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and a Member of the Political Affairs Committee and the former Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe.

Denmark Vesey said...





The facts are indisputable, whether delivered by Dr. Wodarg, Paul Plankhead or Hippocrates himself.

1) Are countries attempting to unload hundreds of millions of doses of unused swine flu vaccines or not?

2) Why did 100's of Millions of Doses of vaccines go unused?

3) Weren't you Plantation MD's promoting the meme just months ago that there was an H1N1 Vaccine shortage?

4) If 100's of Millions of people turned down the vaccine ... was there a corresponding increase in H1N1 Swine flu deaths?

Never mind.

You will never man up and admit you and your Plantation Massa's were wrong.

You are officially ... A QUACK.

DMG said...

You are officially and idiot, but that's not news.

Why do you ALWAYS hold up these guys as "experts"? If you just said former physician who is now a politician I'd take the information as more genuine. No, you need to inflate their resumes to try to add weight to your assertion.

He is NOT a pulmonologist (lung specialist) and his own biography says he practiced epidemology and occupational medicine. He has no recent medical training or patient contact, nor does he base any of his opinions on fact, but rather conspiracy theory.

He's speaking his opinion, but one that isn't one based on evidence unfortunately for you.

Why do you so often dig up people with MD behind their name and tout them as being at the forefront of medicine...when in every instance they are firmly on the periphery?

I suppose you haven't embarrassed yourself enough. Feel free to continue with this non-story. But you are mistaken if you think I'll be wasting anymore of my time.