Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is Israel Stealing Organs In Haiti?

Ian Black, Middle East editor
The Guardian,
Monday 21 December 2009

Israel has admitted pathologists harvested organs from dead Palestinians, and others, without the consent of their families it emerged over the weekend.

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Black rights activist T. West of AfriSynergy warns that people need to be aware of the tragedy in Haiti being exploited by nefarious groups for their own gain, including Israel, who have admittedly stolen organs from dead Palestinians in the past.

West highlighted a CNN news clip as evidence of how the media is promoting the Israeli relief efforts in Haiti as second to none. Though praising the Israelis for their support for the victims and outstanding medical facilities, West warned that there were “personalities who are out for money” operating in Haiti with no monitoring of their activities.

“It is good that the IDF and others are helping there, but everywhere there is death, there are exploiters. There needs to be transparency in Haiti,” West told YNet News in an interview.
“The Haitian people must watch out for their citizens,” said West, highlighting past cases of IDF stealing organs from Palestinians.


DMG said...

This is ludicrous for so many reasons that it's beyond laughable. Do you KNOW HOW SMALL of a window a transplant surgeon has to get an organ to a recipient...even under the BEST of circumstances? Let's just ignore how horribly livers do after warm and cold ischemia. Let's just stick to an organ that tolerates cold ischemia fairly well...the kidney. Do you think potential transplant patients are flying into Port-Au-Prince from Israel for transplant? A place with almost no infrastructure, or medications for immunosuppression without intensive care units. No.

Or perhaps they are rushing the organs out of Haiti to Israel? Flights too long, under the best of circumstances.

Maybe they are rushing the organs to Miami for transplant? Kind of far fetched...and transplants aren't done in hotel rooms despite popular fiction.

Give me a viable explanation.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

IMAGERY IS POWERFUL. Movements out of the 60's had a measure of success because of strategies in taking advantage of America's embarrassment on an international level. MLK played those chess games by exploiting "Bull" Connor's blind hatred and gaining support from other nation's criticisms of America's treatment of African-Americans.

Why would CNN make a point of Israel being more efficient than the US? In 'Sicko' Michael Moore pointed out other nations that are more responsive to their citizens than America is to her own and was labeled unpatriotic, communist blah blah.

CNN does it and no backlash. Why?

One could argue Jews own Hollywood.,0,4676183.column

That's one read. I think it draws parallels to the 'physical Katrina response' under the Bush administration and the Haitian response from Obama. Even though (my opinion) Obama is a paper President anyway. But a possible conversation that may arise in the future.

Anonymous said...

Oh, plus regardless of the motive, it's always good PR for anyone offering assistance in front of the camera. Especially when your war on poor people becomes so unpopular that it's even to the point that wearing a keffiyeh is stylish.

Anonymous said...

This demonstrates the weak point in corporate media. Normally the story would go, "If you wear a keffiyeh you could be a suicide bomber suspect." Not difficult to believe if you believe Muslims hate us for our freedoms and the civil rights movement was about interracial promiscuity.

They tried that bullysh with hip-hop but too many people made it apart of the American landscape. They eventually had to shut the eff up with that bull-tysh.