CNu said ... His "friends" would've been equally or more envious had he continued plowing his way through the entire swedish fitness model team with no strings attached.
bottom line, in elevating this peasant, he made a categorical error which has now come full circle to bite him in the ass (or upside the head) as the case may be...,
she married corny ass robin thicke and he married the help.
Yes he did. Earl Woods first wife, Barbara Hart Woods, the mother of Tiger's three older siblings, is an Afrikan American woman.
[Years ago the Army sent me to Germany. My first wife came with me. A landlord took us downtown to show us an apartment. And we caused a traffic jam. I mean gridlock. People got out of their cars, pointing at us as though we were aliens. I asked the landlord what they were talking about. "They're looking for your tails," he said. "When the white soldiers came through here in World War II, they told us black people had tails." Now, you can't blame the Germans for thinking we had tails. But it bothered me that American soldiers would perpetuate such a thing.] -- Earl Woods
My point is that Tiger's mother is white. Or maybe you'd call her Asian. Fact is, his mama is not a black woman. So why would he feel "obligated" to marry one? Or an Asian at that.
Tiger Woods could pretty much marry who he wants. So seems to me he wanted a Swedish model. And they have made some gorgeous children, biracial -- just like him.
I agree with you, MOTI, that he's not obligated to marry a black woman, or an Asian, or even an American.
"It's not wrong. Just strange."
What is strange about a man marrying a woman? Because that's all it boils down too. I could possibly understand an argument about marrying someone from a different culture. Scandinavians have different traditions, although some are very familiar. I'm just not buying the strangeness of "black" and "white".
Tiger probably didn't meet many Black women on the golf course. If he is surrounded by Europeans - chances are, he'll chose one as his mate. And if a Scandinavian is seen as the apex of attractiveness within his circle of friends - chances are, he'll pick the most Scandinavian of the bunch.
it should come as no surprise that she acted just like every other phukking peasant showcased on cops.
phukking peasants are for phukking, not marrying....,
now he's had to lie to both the public and the authorities in order to save his phukking peasant from her self-inflicted just desserts.
shoulda just let'em drag her golf-club swinging, hillbilly failtail off to the pokey and initiated divorce proceedings immediately.
he caused that peasant to forget her place. now he's responsible to put her back in her place and set about the serious business of finding more marriageable material.
@ SeeNew - Possibly. But not the way he views it. Anyone who refuses to say that being "mixed" and being "Black" are the same is not ikely to think of someone white as someone who is aspirational. To him - she is the perfect trophy wife to earn his friends' envy. She is the whitest of the white who can render him (and his children) more white.
Personally, I like all fine women. I just don't see what the facination is with dating (marrying) exclusively white.
his "friends" would've been equally or more envious had he continued plowing his way through the entire swedish fitness model team with no strings attached.
bottomline, in elevating this peasant, he made a categorical error which has now come full circle to bite him in the ass (or upside the head) as the case may be...,
Categorical error??? This dude plays golf and that's as deep as his mechanical understandings go. His wife's whiteness was no more significant in meaning to Eldrick than his nonwhiteness was to his wife. These two are race-unconscious liberals. Each without a recognition that such existence is bound to dissolve if larger meaning is not confronted.
Clearly, a radical homosexual advocating autonomist like CNu would suggest that it should have been recognized that Eldrick retained the right of infidelity in any marriage to a white woman.
@Medium White Tiger denied his blackness on Oprah, under the guise of not wanting to devalue his mother heritage as a asian women, remember that Calabrasian bullshit!
I wouldnt had a problem if the brother married a Paula Patton, or a asian woman, but he married the help!
You all can couch it in any terms you want. You are just too weak (or stuck on yourselves) to admit that you all are a bunch of goddamn racists.
Stay in my place? Who the fuck are YOU of all people to tell me anything. There's nothing profound in what you are writing. You've never written anything to suggest critical thinking above a third grade level. You are too predictable. You go back to the same tired argument of "you've been taught this, and that", or "plantation...excreta, excreta" on que. Do you really see yourself as some sort of beacon of enlightenment? You are a dullard and a fraud. You haven't proven otherwise.
What that man sees in his wife is his own business, white, black, or blue. If you don't like blonds, don't marry one. If you think you are "better than the help", marry someone as shallow as yourself.
Perhaps you prefer "sistas", but nobody really knows what that means, since you constantly shifting definitions. You say it's not necessarily a black woman, but everything you write suggests otherwise.
All this talk about peasants makes me nauseous, coming from this group, one of the worst informed groups of people I've met online. You all act as though you are descended from kings and queens. And even if you were, this doesn't make you any better or worse. You all attempt to elevate yourselves as though you are elite. Elite in WHAT exactly? Talking shit and wasting time?
Tiger Woods isn't here to give you the finger, so I'll do it for him.
thank you sMF! I am decended from royalty... come on dmg. it is okay to disagree. hell, i commend those who are brave enough to stand on their own in the midst of those who disagree but the hostility is not required here. if u have a beef with dv, fine. but please do not lump us all in one bucket of fucked up thought...we come here because we all think differently and in spite of it. peace to you king...
Keep it real folks. Most of us are decedent from people who were captured in West Africa, had to endure horrible physical torture and forced to become the lowest of lowly slaves.
Those "Kings and Queens" with few exceptions such as Nzinga were the ones who captured and sold these people to Europeans. If you folks want to be proud to be descendants of these "Kings and Queens" assholes, be my guest. Me, I'll be proud of my slave greatgreatgandpa and grandma who fought back as best they could and build a families and homesteads under the most adverse conditions.
Mike, the one thing I am not required to do is prove myself to you. I do not need u to qualify my flyness. trust, if u ever met me in person u would bow..not because u felt lowly, but because u, too would see the God in me.... i am immensely proud of all of my ancestors, including the ones who were unfortunate enough to take the ride in the belly to this world. just because u don't believe does not make it not truth... tgn
Sit your sorry, dumb ass down. Am I supposed to be somehow reproached if I DO like white women? Move on weak mind. I'll tell you say something about my wife in front of me, and see if you don't get stomped into a puddle of mud. Believe it. Do you think a real man would somehow feel ashamed if his wife was white, yellow, or purple, because some weakminded racist says so?
Some of the "Kings and Queens" from which we are descended wound up on the same slavers ship, that tells me that were just as vulnerable as the "peasants" they ruled. Fuck a king or a queen. Leadership and wisdom are not passed through genes. I don't respect or bow to tradition, or so called "noble" birth.
You descended from regular folks going about their business. But if you need that king/queen shit to get through the day, fantasize all you like.
Like Mike said, I'm proud of my ancestors. I have no shame of people who resisted for hundreds of years, and survived in spit of overwhelming odds. Kings and queens have clean soft hands. I prefer the hardened coarse hands of my grandfather and grandmother. They are the ones who taught me to get up again and again after being knocked down. But if you all prefer titles to talent, I can't help you.
I say fuck royalty. But you sorry bunch prefer style over substance anyway.
No one is telling you to be ashamed of your wife's color, but when you say it doesn't mean anything then you are just parroting liberal orthodoxy. It makes us wonder what us didn't matter in the selection of your wife? Heck, it makes us wonder if another wife selection would have made any difference at all???
Nah only folks that need to 'keep it real' are the ones who don't know the cultural, spiritual and political dimension of calling oneself Royal.
Stylistic MF and TGN go 'head Queens make 'em bow down when you walk in the streets.
Fisher, your reference to history begins at the point of slavery yet before European slavery there were civilizations constructed and conquered. For example the movement of Nubians from East (Memphis) all the way to West Africa meant conquests along the way. Clans were defeated and absorbed into the victor's clan and in effect those of nobility within the defeated clan lost their titles.
Clans also disappeared from existence so whose to know what Royal lineage one could actually belong to? What if your ancestry could be traced back to the Nok of Nigeria for example. They are said to have occupied Nigeria from about 1000BC then abt 200AD they disappeared. Some say the Yoruba came from this tribe; but the process of clan evolution meant the Edo, Ewe were before the Ife Yoruba. And within the evolvement of these clans maybe a Chief's daughter or someone within the Chief's extended family could be an ancestor of The Good Nurse...I'm just sayin'.
The naming of oneself as Royal from such a complex history with a myriad of possibilities of one's true origins is no more valid than Danny Glover or Forest Whitaker being bestowed with chieftancy by the Igbo Nation. Claiming one's pride whether from a complex and rich African past is legitimate. It does not make you or DMG's pride in your heritages any less significant nor someone who only knows their family line back as far as their living Grandparent or one who knows nothing at all as an orphan.
And by that same token don't put The Good Nurse down - as y'all are from good stock, I trust your grandfolks taught you not to crush someone else's beliefs.
dmg, what i do not require to get through my day is the need to talk down to and attempt to belittle those who simply disagree with me. i make every effort to be respectful and kind....not that my tongue does not have the ability to me, it does. i choose to speak life. even to u.
If you are ashamed of the station in life your ancestors occupied, that's something for you to deal with. I have NO SHAME about my ancestors being enslaved, or living through racial segregation. I AM ashamed of people who feel they are better than those ancestors.
Now do me a favor and tell KonWomyn what the term F.O.S. means, and that I think she's just that for pushing this royalty stuff.
Why do you perpetuate these fantasies? Why because deep down you need them to make you feel like you are worth something. Why can't you realize that you DON'T need fantasies of some distant royalty to walk down the street beautiful and confident.
DMG, what u do not realize is that i am most confident in who i am and my history. all of it. i am beautiful and confident and very in touch with reality. please let the anger go...i am not mad, and would like to extend an olive branch to you if you feel i have offended u in any way..let's part ways and move on. love.
Angry? I'm not angry. I've been laughing most of this time. If going to bed with dreams of being some long lost African (because we all know it's just one big group of people and culture over therr) queen works for you. Go with it. Wrap yourself in Kinte cloth and a head wrap for all I care, if it helps you get through the day. I have nothing but love for confident women.
But why do we have to falsely teach our kids this nonsense? What happens when they realize that they come from plain old regular folks who had to get up early to hunt and gather food and drag water in to survive?
I don't teach my son he's royalty, nor did I tell him some fat bearded white guy came down the chimney to bring him presents. I told him to be proud of what's real. Olive branch accepted.
DMG When you have stopped throwing your toys and playing brat of the blog by hurling meaningless insults hidden as acronyms, put forward an intellectual argument. If you can't control your fingers from running wild on the keyboard, like Tourette's sufferer, I'd be more than happy to get a collection plate going round for you to get some anger management therapy. No doubt, errybody who has experienced your profane dramatics would drop a dollar or two.
Why should I? You haven't. You are talking about fantasy relatives. I actually complimented you. I said you don't need affectations and a false history to be walk confidently.
DMG, your assumption that i am ignorant to the fact that Africa is a continent, full of countries and a varied collection of differently cultured but spiritually connected people appears to be an insult to my intelligence. not sure why u are feeling the need to do so. again, i have been nothing but kind to you, despite your continued efforts to taunt me into some sort of verbal slugfest. i respectfully i am first and foremost a a gentleman and stop this foolishness. the wonderful thing about the blog world is if you don't like what is being said or do not connect with the fellow bloggers you can turn your laptop off. love.
Never assumed any such thing. Don't know why you are latching on to that, when it was not even minor part of my post. Don't get the vapors, nobody is taunting you. (I suggest you re-read my post).
On the intertubes, everyone is equal. Chivalry and gender have no place here. Don't ask me to play nice because you are a girl. You can respond as forcefully as anyone else if you choose. Everybody can throw down equally, if you don't want to participate turn off your computer.
The only thing I assumed was that the king/queen thing was a coping mechanism. One that an accomplished woman like yourself doesn't need.
No I wasn't talking abt fantasies. I gave concrete historical examples of how West African nobilities have changed over time; some absorbed into other clans, others defeated and others vanished untraceably.
My point was that one can't use the European slavery era to discredit claims to a nobility; you have to take into account a whole hisory that stretches back to BC.
My other point had to do with the spiritual, humanist and political dimension of calling oneself Royal.
Maybe the humanities is not your strong point and working in the medical science things have to be absolute (although those absolutes are not always absolute truth & objectivity is highly contestable); culture and identity discourse functions very differently - both objective and subjective abolutism are in effect. Subjective in the sense of what principles of identity one ascribes in their interpretation of that which is objective legitimates a claim to a Royal African Heritage or a Diasporic working class and enslaved past.
"I gave concrete historical examples of how West African nobilities have changed over time; some absorbed into other clans, others defeated and others vanished untraceably."
Yes, that's nice. Position, and "royalty" was not enough to get away from the slavers net. Now how does that make you and everybody sitting on stoops in Brooklyn royalty? And who cares what someones greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandmother was or did? History is littered with the asshole sons and daughters of people of great stature, wealth, intellect, and "noble" birth.
And if you want to go ALL the way back to BCE (before common era), then EVERYBODY on the planet can claim royalty...which makes royalty to be...well quite common. So what's the point?
"My other point had to do with the spiritual, humanist and political dimension of calling oneself Royal."
Like I've said what you gotta do to get through the day. But do away with the "we descend from kings and queens" stuff when you know doesn't mean anything or bestow any kind of special worth or talent on anybody. I hold those statements in the same contempt as telling little girls that they are princesses and will one day be rescued by her special prince. I don't need magical thinking to hold my head high.
And don't worry, I'm well versed in the Humanities. The only absolute is that nothing is absolute. Medicine, my friend, not Physics and Math.
Sista Nurse ... As always, soulful, real and empowering.
DMG ... Frustrated, bitter and missing the point.
The fact is you are descended from MANY different people of MANY different circumstances.
How you choose to characterize your past impacts your present and determines your future.
Your dogged determination to reduce your collective parentage to nothing beyond chattel slavery explains your slave like obedience to the current Plantation rulers today.
You won't teach your own son that he is descended from royalty but you would certainly allow him to think Andrew is the "Prince of England".
I teach my son: "Fuck Andrew. You are a prince son. Behave like one. Eat like one. Study like one. Think like one. Determine your own reality. Don't be a one of these Plantation Negros who allow their entire worldview to be crafted by others."
Your anachronistic and plebeian notions of royalty have been crafted by television images of self-obsessed effeminate spiritually bankrupt European inbreds.
The royalty to which we speak has to do with an ineffable quality, refinement, modesty without pudency, elegant simplicity, spiritual tranquility and being without the angst of becoming.
Carpenters can be Gods. Farmers can be royal.
Your hostility to that which you don't understand is what makes you a peasant.
Mike, I am Shona, my rural home is near Masvingo where Great Zimbabwe is, but my family live in the City of Kings, Bulawayo where Mzilikazi founded the Ndebele State.
Yeah, MOTI, if you say so. Funny how you have difficulty getting your points across, that folks are always somehow "missing" the point. I think I'll start keeping records of how often you use that particular phrase.
DMG If you reserve the right to no be called King then you should not decide what others may or may not choose to call themselves.
No. You still don't get it; it's not that Royalty is/was "common" but complex and can't be pinned down to one historical era - all civilizations are always in construction, Bra. Can't make it any clearer than that.
DV brilliantly explains how such a title can be appropriated and why it does not function as 'magical thinking' but as an essential mindset for this present world:
"You won't teach your own son that he is descended from royalty but you would certainly allow him to think Andrew is the "Prince of England".
I teach my son: "Fuck Andrew. You are a prince son. Behave like one. Eat like one. Study like one. Think like one. Determine your own reality. Don't be a one of these Plantation Negros who allow their entire worldview to be crafted by others."
"I teach my son: "Fuck Andrew. You are a prince son. Behave like one. Eat like one. Study like one. Think like one. Determine your own reality. Don't be a one of these Plantation Negros who allow their entire worldview to be crafted by others."
I teach my son to behave like a man, without blinders. To not be handicapped by invisible gods, and religion. To know the root of history, rather than accept some popular version. To bow to nobody. Ever.
You are sending your kid mixed messages. On one hand you say don't respect someone who--despite what YOU say--actually holds the title of Prince. On the other hand you teach your son to demand the respect of a royal, without giving respect. Guess you didn't think that through. Whatever, he's your son I don't question how other fathers raise their kids. Good luck to yours.
Funny how you keep telling me where I get my information. If you get your info about history the same place as you have been getting miseducated about medicine and science...I doubt you have the upper hand in this argument.
"Carpenters can be Gods. Farmers can be royal."
Now I'm confused (must be that definition fluidity again...).
You believe in God (capital G) and I've taken you to be monotheistic, but now you are saying there can be other human Gods (capital G). Which is it?
Now about the Farmer thing...peasant (if I remember correctly) comes from the root word for people who work the Farmers. So in MOTI world Kings/Queens=peasant when MOTI says so. And there can be no other Gods (except the ones that MOTI names). I'm sure my poor addled plantation peasant mind is getting this wrong somehow. Why don't you explain all that again. But first, could you say a phrase that incorporates "missing the point", so I have a place to start my tally?
Let's c If we can't c Like DMG Despises "Royalty" Cuz he disavow loyalty Both impediments To his radical autonomy!!! How else can he say, On the in'net we all equal Then the sequel... We all throwdown equally??? Dood talk 'bout dispensin' with fantasies But then spew these obscenities!!! The humble atheist Spreadin' radical autonomy... That's y we all equal This DMG's meme!!! This what he means when we throwdown equally Not equal in strength or intellectually But cats are free To speak consciously... Unconsciously, DMG Don't c the need fo' Highest Authority??? Even as he stakes his claim Attempts to build his credibility... Without the ability to accumulate the capital Cuz DMG a humble atheist Means u an out n out radical Onna diabolical sabbatical Able to make it practical... Via the magic of radical autono-me That's u DM-Gee!!! A two-face leper That's him and then me, DMG... Say he in tuned with reality But he confused in totality... Cuz atheism as fundamental belief Is banality... An anti-intellectual coward's attempt To act principally... But it's purely illusory A total and absolute disconnect From humanity An intelligence that never strived For equality... 'Til now and it's a monopoly It goes by many disguises This radical liberal orthodoxy With DMG... Playin' the proxy!!!
You can call yourself Queen of Vegan chitlins, Sovereign of the Most Honorable Order of Pink Paki Salt, Duchess of Whole Foods for all I care, that's on you.
What is with you people and titles? The name your mama gave you not good enough? You have to put on airs?
Style over substance.
You madam are easily impressed. You possibly have difficulty distinguishing sublime from subpar. There is nothing brilliant or anything approximating adequate that comes out of our hosts mouth or fingertips. He assumed I somehow revered that "Royal" family of England. How he surmised this will probably give us a clue as to how he comes up with any of his "memes"--he extracted it manually from his rectal vault.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I hold those "royal" welfare vermin in highest I do ANYone who is self appointed "important". Neither do I believe in VIP medicine. The filthy homeless man gets the same treatment, time, and attention as the wealthy hospital donor.
I do believe your bible clearly states that God is no respecter of persons. And neither am I. Hey, perhaps that DOES make me a "god". Thanks.
DMG... It's like I say And then u be... "No respector of persons" Mite-azz-well Be stealin' grannys' purses!!! Set about Creatin' curses!!! Buttjew don't believe n magic That ain't so tragic Still see ya evil and work to unmask it... It's fantastic U so elastic!!! Still Static Automatic And dogmatic!!! Justa lost soul Caught n the traffic Like n addict Who still at it... Playin' God While denyin' His existence!!! You persistent Insistent But ultimately not resistant... To the fact of yo' self-refutation Cuz if God cannot be Either shall DMG...
God is no respector of persons because embracing His Truth doesn't deserve His respect. Embracing His Truth is the sure-fire way to avoid the pain and destruction of sin. Why respect those who steer free of pain and destruction through righteous action? The fact that people who consistently embrace Truth accord respect from some and not from you says a lot about you. So are you "god" or do you REALLY respect no one?
DMG... No respector of persons But he save lives Means he stitch ya up Invoice it n crack High Life If ya nosedive This just part Of duh 9 tuh 5 He's uh doctor and no respector of persons How's that jive??? Cold and calculated Lika bee out the bee-hive Army ant Says u can't, I can... I'm the man... No Respector of Persons Not even the Man He don't even exist But cuz I'm uh scientist I CANT REALLY say this I must be uncertain... So when I'm atheist scientist I am certainly uncertain... Pull back duh curtain Lights on... DMG's really hurtin' Fo' an explanation That explains his creation No Respector of Persons Apparently, he needs no salvation???
The scientist proclaims, "There is no empirical evidence for God."
So in one person, DMG, you have certainty and uncertainty about the same entity. This is rationalized via radical autonomy. That being the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want including being certain and uncertain about the same thing.
The consequence for the outside observer is that nothing you say can be reliable because of your very expressed existence.
Now, this could be some REAL mental illness? Or maybe, it's just some incredible hubris?
These cats don't want to give it up to a white boy ... but you rippin' it, bra.
This is actually hot:
"So when I'm atheist scientist I am certainly uncertain... Pull back duh curtain Lights on... DMG's really hurtin' Fo' an explanation That explains his creation No Respector of Persons Apparently, he needs no salvation???"
LOL. Even my favorite white boy got more soul than these SELF-PROCLAIMED slaves.
Thanks DV... And thanx fo' tha intellectual octagon...
Sumtimes my dopamine hegemony Get tha best uh me But this DMG So dang creepy!!! Like he ain't never met uh redneck Fixin' tuh give'm uh three-peat??? That b three beatinz' Dood won't even come to his feet... Think he can post uh link... Like uh shrink He shrinkin' from his responsibility!!! That say I gots tuh protect My radical autonomy... If I marry white chicks... That fine with me!!! If my wife bury otha chicks... That fine with me... If tha chicks is really chitlins It don't matter Cuz I still chillin'...
What...? Me uh villian???
I make a killin' By sometimes killin'... Killin' time if my boy BO Pull through On the Imperial HMO!!! I b gettin' paid No matter m'flow... Count the dough!!! That come from tha other... Now U on the MY payroll Claimin' u an independent brother!!!
Mike... U funny 'Mind me of that bunny I seen With his nose all runny I tried tuh get close But he didn't know how to act He was the black bunny WHO wasn't black He went on the attack By retreatin' Inside uh bushel of tacks But I always lure him out Reminded him HE.REALLY.IS.BLACK.
What allows each of you to take the position of pro-homosexual atheist abortionists and BELIEVE that you have not disqualified yourself from the right to direct events in a free society?
If you believe that your mommy killing you during gestation would have been her exercising a "fundamental right" then logic dictates that your abortion would have been a good thing. This outlook alone disqualifies ALL OF YOU from speaking on anything. Self-annihilators do not get seats at the table.
Now watch these fools say, "It wouldn't have mattered if I was aborted because I would have never known it." Right!!! It wouldn't have mattered and who cares if you know about it or not? By this logic, a cap in the back of your head wouldn't matter because you didn't know anyway. Fact is, your existence doesn't matter. Or, it does... Just not the existence of your kids or they kids or they kids or they kids.... Self-annihilators... Maybe not yesterday, but certainly tomorrow.
So it figures that two of these cats have no objection to the whitening of the Tiger lineage and the other dude can only voice peasant unpleasantries. What explains this???
Anon... Just peruse 'round duh in'nets Ya c frets, bets and Turets Amongst duh black mainscream 'Bout duh white machine It control everything!!! From K.I.T.'s spinster sisterlings To Fisher's African underlings!!! Then there's duh CIA stings That CNu sings... N then US Marine A.Respector.Of.No.Persons He fight fo' duh bling n duh fling Itza shame These lames Get so much game!!! Black Mad Maxxers with Tina n'mine N radical aims!!! Hide behind autonomy NEVA really sayin' uh thang...
You're very transparent. It is clear our host and us other free-thinking commenters have made an impact on you. Your insecurity about your own beliefs has become quite obvious.
You went from an arrogant stance making comments like, "You're not in my league," to now sounding like a victim, accusing others of "putting on airs." wearing you down, Eh?
Just because someone expresses their self love by recognizing their royal ancestry doesn't mean their putting on airs. It's just your insecurity that makes you feel like a peasant when one does so.
We're not ashamed of our slave ancestors. We're just recognizing that our history didn't begin on the slave plantations of AMERIKKKA. Although you speak otherwise, you are ashamed of our ancestors. What's mores self-denying than marrying a white chick?
Moreover, you are very contradictory.
First, you say, "You all act as though you are descended from kings and queens," giving the titles king and queen merit, then you say, "Fuck a king or a queen. Leadership and wisdom are not passed through genes. I don't respect or bow to tradition, or so called 'noble' birth."
I'm sorry...did you say something? I was zoning out on all that softheaded chin dribble you just tried to pass off as profound thought, in which an ant without legs, would be hard pressed to accomplish drowning himself.
I mean you have all the elements.
Use of 3 K's instead of a c in America. Check.
Nose placed firmly and securely in MOTI's ass, savoring every funky emission. Check.
A sprinkling of backhanded racism for good measure. Check.
You just don't pull it off.
Too much style and not enough substance in your motherfucker.
DV's got beef with potato head Plantation Negros with yellow teeth who go out of their way to give a beautiful sister grief. Negro Please. She called you on your insecurities. Your ill at ease with black Kings and Queens. She's pondering what that really means.
Ask me? It's in the genes. Cuz this marine is about deep as a hill of beans. Thinks like a Plantation machine. 3rd eye long atrophied. Mercury in the spleen. Nose dripping monkey vaccines.
"Oh Shit! ... GMO Food Sterilizes People ... And It's Really A Form of Population Control?"
"There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."
Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider - founder Club of Rome - The First Global Revolution, pp.104-105
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
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Plantation Negros & The New World Order
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"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. "
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The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
"It Is Easier To Change A Man's Religion Than It Is To Change His Diet"
Private Prison Industry
2,000,000 human beings in American prisons and counting
The founders of the American state understood that the proper functioning of a democracy required an educated electorate. It is this understanding that justifies a system of public education and that led slaveholders to resist the spread of literacy among their chattels. But the meaning of "educated" has changed beyond recognition in two hundred years. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are no longer sufficient to decide on public policy. Now we need quantum mechanics and molecular biology. The knowledge required for political rationality, once available to the masses, is now in the possession of a specially educated elite, a situation that creates a series of tensions and contradictions in the operation of representative democracy.
Greater Display of Conspicuous Consumption?
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. P
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Louis Pasteur
"The Microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything."
Ask Denmark Vesey
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Beverly Johnson. Beverly Hills. 1978
Do You Consider Yourself:
"Bra! Tell Me About It!"
"Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from Negroes."
Is President Barack Hussein Obama The Driving Force Behind US Policy?
Ted Turner - CNN founder and UN supporter - quoted in the The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June '
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
"At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?"
Denmark Vesey For President 08
1. Troops Out Of Iraq Immediately. Like By Monday. 2. Money Owed To Haliburton and War Contractors Be Given Directly To The Iraqi People 3. Complete Electoral Reform 4. No Corporate Conglomerate Will Be Allowed To Control More Than 5% Of News Market 5. Federal Reserve Abolished 6. For-Profit Prison Industry Abolished
*George Orwell (1903-1950) English novelist, critic
Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness... If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear... The great enemy of clear language is insincerity... The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it... To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle... For a creative writer possession of the truth is less important than emotional sincerity.
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society will be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski
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Gordon Parks 1912-2006
"I suffered evils, but without allowing them to rob me of the freedom to expand."
she married corny ass robin thicke and he married the help.
I actually like them as a couple. LOL "the help". You NEED help lol... whatever makes you feel better bruh.
I don't have a problem with them as a couple Ill.
That's a misunderstanding.
I'm just appreciating what he is missing.
Did his father marry a black woman?
Did his father marry a black woman?
Yes he did. Earl Woods first wife, Barbara Hart Woods, the mother of Tiger's three older siblings, is an Afrikan American woman.
[Years ago the Army sent me to Germany. My first wife came with me. A landlord took us downtown to show us an apartment. And we caused a traffic jam. I mean gridlock. People got out of their cars, pointing at us as though we were aliens. I asked the landlord what they were talking about. "They're looking for your tails," he said. "When the white soldiers came through here in World War II, they told us black people had tails." Now, you can't blame the Germans for thinking we had tails. But it bothered me that American soldiers would perpetuate such a thing.] -- Earl Woods
My point is that Tiger's mother is white. Or maybe you'd call her Asian. Fact is, his mama is not a black woman. So why would he feel "obligated" to marry one? Or an Asian at that.
Tiger Woods could pretty much marry who he wants. So seems to me he wanted a Swedish model. And they have made some gorgeous children, biracial -- just like him.
"So why would he feel "obligated" to marry one?"
He shouldn't.
You still don't get it.
Tiger is no more obligated to marry a sister than a man riding in Coach is obligated to ride First Class.
It's not wrong.
Just strange.
My point is that Tiger's mother is white. Or maybe you'd call her Asian.
Ha. I dig how Asians have been let into the whiteness club all of a sudden.
I agree with you, MOTI, that he's not obligated to marry a black woman, or an Asian, or even an American.
"It's not wrong. Just strange."
What is strange about a man marrying a woman? Because that's all it boils down too. I could possibly understand an argument about marrying someone from a different culture. Scandinavians have different traditions, although some are very familiar. I'm just not buying the strangeness of "black" and "white".
"I'm just not buying the strangeness of "black" and "white"."
That's because the Plantation has conditioned your mind to see race when race is not the issue.
I've told you several times brother / sister transcends simple minded black / white.
Look at the image of Tiger and that woman again.
See that vacuous look in her eye?
It's not that she is white. It's that she is not a sister.
The capacity for spiritual connection in this case is limited.
Spiritual development, Plantation MD, is the real opportunity whenever men and women bond.
Picture Tiger with the sister in the image above.
Look in her eye.
See a difference?
A brother would.
What is "Blackness"?
Tiger probably didn't meet many Black women on the golf course.
If he is surrounded by Europeans - chances are, he'll chose one as his mate.
And if a Scandinavian is seen as the apex of attractiveness within his circle of friends - chances are, he'll pick the most Scandinavian of the bunch.
"In both of those pictures, I see two attractive women. End of story."
Wrong again Plantation Negro MD.
If it were end of story ... you wouldn't still be here begging for the story.
(you don't think your little hissy fits of faux hostility are fooling anybody do you Doc? You open like a broad)
1) What you "see" is not the end of the story.
2) It's the end of what you see.
3) You don't see much that you haven't been taught to see.
4) Critical Thinking is something drilled out of your pointy little head when you were being taught to please in med school.
5) I invent definitions. You consume them.
Stay in your place.
"he'll pick the most Scandinavian of the bunch." UBJ
And aint it a shame?
Imagine what he could have had.
If he only knew better.
Appreciating women is like appreciating art.
Everybody can't do it.
^^Particularly not egg head body mechanics.
c'mon UBJ...,
a phukking peasant.
it should come as no surprise that she acted just like every other phukking peasant showcased on cops.
phukking peasants are for phukking, not marrying....,
now he's had to lie to both the public and the authorities in order to save his phukking peasant from her self-inflicted just desserts.
shoulda just let'em drag her golf-club swinging, hillbilly failtail off to the pokey and initiated divorce proceedings immediately.
he caused that peasant to forget her place. now he's responsible to put her back in her place and set about the serious business of finding more marriageable material.
I appreciate Paula Patton, that's for sure. She'd get devoured. She is unbelievable.
@ SeeNew - Possibly.
But not the way he views it.
Anyone who refuses to say that being "mixed" and being "Black" are the same is not ikely to think of someone white as someone who is aspirational.
To him - she is the perfect trophy wife to earn his friends' envy.
She is the whitest of the white who can render him (and his children) more white.
Personally, I like all fine women.
I just don't see what the facination is with dating (marrying) exclusively white.
his "friends" would've been equally or more envious had he continued plowing his way through the entire swedish fitness model team with no strings attached.
bottomline, in elevating this peasant, he made a categorical error which has now come full circle to bite him in the ass (or upside the head) as the case may be...,
Categorical error??? This dude plays golf and that's as deep as his mechanical understandings go. His wife's whiteness was no more significant in meaning to Eldrick than his nonwhiteness was to his wife. These two are race-unconscious liberals. Each without a recognition that such existence is bound to dissolve if larger meaning is not confronted.
Clearly, a radical homosexual advocating autonomist like CNu would suggest that it should have been recognized that Eldrick retained the right of infidelity in any marriage to a white woman.
lol@"larger meaning"..,
putting on a peasant is an inherently bad idea, but keeping one on after its expiration date has passed guarantees exposure to spoiled goods...,
@Medium White
Tiger denied his blackness on Oprah, under the guise of not wanting to devalue his mother heritage as a asian women, remember that Calabrasian bullshit!
I wouldnt had a problem if the brother married a Paula Patton, or a asian woman, but he married the help!
"I wouldnt had a problem if the brother married a Paula Patton, or a asian woman, but he married the help!"
Paula Patton preferred a white man who acts black... Sorry! That rules out Tiger!
You all can couch it in any terms you want. You are just too weak (or stuck on yourselves) to admit that you all are a bunch of goddamn racists.
Stay in my place? Who the fuck are YOU of all people to tell me anything. There's nothing profound in what you are writing. You've never written anything to suggest critical thinking above a third grade level. You are too predictable. You go back to the same tired argument of "you've been taught this, and that", or "plantation...excreta, excreta" on que. Do you really see yourself as some sort of beacon of enlightenment? You are a dullard and a fraud. You haven't proven otherwise.
What that man sees in his wife is his own business, white, black, or blue. If you don't like blonds, don't marry one. If you think you are "better than the help", marry someone as shallow as yourself.
Perhaps you prefer "sistas", but nobody really knows what that means, since you constantly shifting definitions. You say it's not necessarily a black woman, but everything you write suggests otherwise.
All this talk about peasants makes me nauseous, coming from this group, one of the worst informed groups of people I've met online. You all act as though you are descended from kings and queens. And even if you were, this doesn't make you any better or worse. You all attempt to elevate yourselves as though you are elite. Elite in WHAT exactly? Talking shit and wasting time?
Tiger Woods isn't here to give you the finger, so I'll do it for him.
Chill out Bra, breathe for a hot minute. Why so much aggro?
Cause he loves Whitewoman, and doesnt like be sanctioned verbally!
"You all act as though you are descended from kings and queens."
Some of us are. You are too, but don't even know it.
thank you sMF! I am decended from royalty...
come on dmg. it is okay to disagree. hell, i commend those who are brave enough to stand on their own in the midst of those who disagree but the hostility is not required here. if u have a beef with dv, fine. but please do not lump us all in one bucket of fucked up thought...we come here because we all think differently and in spite of it.
peace to you king...
^^STANDING OVATION StylisticMF & TGN!! He doesn't even know it!
The Good Nurse...
"I am decended from royalty..."
Which royalty exactly? You got names? A family tree?
Decended from Kings and Queens? Oh, Please!
Keep it real folks. Most of us are decedent from people who were captured in West Africa, had to endure horrible physical torture and forced to become the lowest of lowly slaves.
Those "Kings and Queens" with few exceptions such as Nzinga were the ones who captured and sold these people to Europeans. If you folks want to be proud to be descendants of these "Kings and Queens" assholes, be my guest. Me, I'll be proud of my slave greatgreatgandpa and grandma who fought back as best they could and build a families and homesteads under the most adverse conditions.
The Good Nurse...
"I am decended from royalty..."
Michael Fisher said...
"Which royalty exactly? You got names? A family tree?"
She has something better than "names" and a "family tree".
She's got her dignity. Her sense of self-worth. Her self-love. Her self-esteem. Her ability to love herself allows her to love others.
What's more evidence of true "Royalty" than that?
the one thing I am not required to do is prove myself to you. I do not need u to qualify my flyness. trust, if u ever met me in person u would bow..not because u felt lowly, but because u, too would see the God in me....
i am immensely proud of all of my ancestors, including the ones who were unfortunate enough to take the ride in the belly to this world. just because u don't believe does not make it not truth...
Sit your sorry, dumb ass down. Am I supposed to be somehow reproached if I DO like white women? Move on weak mind. I'll tell you say something about my wife in front of me, and see if you don't get stomped into a puddle of mud. Believe it. Do you think a real man would somehow feel ashamed if his wife was white, yellow, or purple, because some weakminded racist says so?
Some of the "Kings and Queens" from which we are descended wound up on the same slavers ship, that tells me that were just as vulnerable as the "peasants" they ruled. Fuck a king or a queen. Leadership and wisdom are not passed through genes. I don't respect or bow to tradition, or so called "noble" birth.
You descended from regular folks going about their business. But if you need that king/queen shit to get through the day, fantasize all you like.
Like Mike said, I'm proud of my ancestors. I have no shame of people who resisted for hundreds of years, and survived in spit of overwhelming odds. Kings and queens have clean soft hands. I prefer the hardened coarse hands of my grandfather and grandmother. They are the ones who taught me to get up again and again after being knocked down. But if you all prefer titles to talent, I can't help you.
I say fuck royalty. But you sorry bunch prefer style over substance anyway.
No one is telling you to be ashamed of your wife's color, but when you say it doesn't mean anything then you are just parroting liberal orthodoxy. It makes us wonder what us didn't matter in the selection of your wife? Heck, it makes us wonder if another wife selection would have made any difference at all???
This a sad argument, sad. Who cares! Black is beautiful. Enough said.
Nah only folks that need to 'keep it real' are the ones who don't know the cultural, spiritual and political dimension of calling oneself Royal.
Stylistic MF and TGN go 'head Queens make 'em bow down when you walk in the streets.
Fisher, your reference to history begins at the point of slavery yet before European slavery there were civilizations constructed and conquered. For example the movement of Nubians from East (Memphis) all the way to West Africa meant conquests along the way. Clans were defeated and absorbed into the victor's clan and in effect those of nobility within the defeated clan lost their titles.
Clans also disappeared from existence so whose to know what Royal lineage one could actually belong to? What if your ancestry could be traced back to the Nok of Nigeria for example. They are said to have occupied Nigeria from about 1000BC then abt 200AD they disappeared. Some say the Yoruba came from this tribe; but the process of clan evolution meant the Edo, Ewe were before the Ife Yoruba. And within the evolvement of these clans maybe a Chief's daughter or someone within the Chief's extended family could be an ancestor of The Good Nurse...I'm just sayin'.
The naming of oneself as Royal from such a complex history with a myriad of possibilities of one's true origins is no more valid than Danny Glover or Forest Whitaker being bestowed with chieftancy by the Igbo Nation. Claiming one's pride whether from a complex and rich African past is legitimate. It does not make you or DMG's pride in your heritages any less significant nor someone who only knows their family line back as far as their living Grandparent or one who knows nothing at all as an orphan.
And by that same token don't put The Good Nurse down - as y'all are from good stock, I trust your grandfolks taught you not to crush someone else's beliefs.
what i do not require to get through my day is the need to talk down to and attempt to belittle those who simply disagree with me. i make every effort to be respectful and kind....not that my tongue does not have the ability to me, it does. i choose to speak life. even to u.
kw...likewise my nubian sister.
You seem to be under the impression that radical autonomists can't claim royalty without an actual royal bloodline?
Good Nurse,
If you are ashamed of the station in life your ancestors occupied, that's something for you to deal with. I have NO SHAME about my ancestors being enslaved, or living through racial segregation. I AM ashamed of people who feel they are better than those ancestors.
Now do me a favor and tell KonWomyn what the term F.O.S. means, and that I think she's just that for pushing this royalty stuff.
Why do you perpetuate these fantasies? Why because deep down you need them to make you feel like you are worth something. Why can't you realize that you DON'T need fantasies of some distant royalty to walk down the street beautiful and confident.
what u do not realize is that i am most confident in who i am and my history. all of it. i am beautiful and confident and very in touch with reality.
please let the anger go...i am not mad, and would like to extend an olive branch to you if you feel i have offended u in any way..let's part ways and move on.
Angry? I'm not angry. I've been laughing most of this time. If going to bed with dreams of being some long lost African (because we all know it's just one big group of people and culture over therr) queen works for you. Go with it. Wrap yourself in Kinte cloth and a head wrap for all I care, if it helps you get through the day. I have nothing but love for confident women.
But why do we have to falsely teach our kids this nonsense? What happens when they realize that they come from plain old regular folks who had to get up early to hunt and gather food and drag water in to survive?
I don't teach my son he's royalty, nor did I tell him some fat bearded white guy came down the chimney to bring him presents. I told him to be proud of what's real. Olive branch accepted.
When you have stopped throwing your toys and playing brat of the blog by hurling meaningless insults hidden as acronyms, put forward an intellectual argument. If you can't control your fingers from running wild on the keyboard, like Tourette's sufferer, I'd be more than happy to get a collection plate going round for you to get some anger management therapy. No doubt, errybody who has experienced your profane dramatics would drop a dollar or two.
Until then, nam-myoho-renge-kyo!
Why should I? You haven't. You are talking about fantasy relatives. I actually complimented you. I said you don't need affectations and a false history to be walk confidently.
your assumption that i am ignorant to the fact that Africa is a continent, full of countries and a varied collection of differently cultured but spiritually connected people appears to be an insult to my intelligence. not sure why u are feeling the need to do so. again, i have been nothing but kind to you, despite your continued efforts to taunt me into some sort of verbal slugfest. i respectfully i am first and foremost a a gentleman and stop this foolishness.
the wonderful thing about the blog world is if you don't like what is being said or do not connect with the fellow bloggers you can turn your laptop off.
Never assumed any such thing. Don't know why you are latching on to that, when it was not even minor part of my post. Don't get the vapors, nobody is taunting you. (I suggest you re-read my post).
On the intertubes, everyone is equal. Chivalry and gender have no place here. Don't ask me to play nice because you are a girl. You can respond as forcefully as anyone else if you choose. Everybody can throw down equally, if you don't want to participate turn off your computer.
The only thing I assumed was that the king/queen thing was a coping mechanism. One that an accomplished woman like yourself doesn't need.
No I wasn't talking abt fantasies. I gave concrete historical examples of how West African nobilities have changed over time; some absorbed into other clans, others defeated and others vanished untraceably.
My point was that one can't use the European slavery era to discredit claims to a nobility; you have to take into account a whole hisory that stretches back to BC.
My other point had to do with the spiritual, humanist and political dimension of calling oneself Royal.
Maybe the humanities is not your strong point and working in the medical science things have to be absolute (although those absolutes are not always absolute truth & objectivity is highly contestable); culture and identity discourse functions very differently - both objective and subjective abolutism are in effect. Subjective in the sense of what principles of identity one ascribes in their interpretation of that which is objective legitimates a claim to a Royal African Heritage or a Diasporic working class and enslaved past.
"I gave concrete historical examples of how West African nobilities have changed over time; some absorbed into other clans, others defeated and others vanished untraceably."
Yes, that's nice. Position, and "royalty" was not enough to get away from the slavers net. Now how does that make you and everybody sitting on stoops in Brooklyn royalty? And who cares what someones greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgrandmother was or did? History is littered with the asshole sons and daughters of people of great stature, wealth, intellect, and "noble" birth.
And if you want to go ALL the way back to BCE (before common era), then EVERYBODY on the planet can claim royalty...which makes royalty to be...well quite common. So what's the point?
"My other point had to do with the spiritual, humanist and political dimension of calling oneself Royal."
Like I've said what you gotta do to get through the day. But do away with the "we descend from kings and queens" stuff when you know doesn't mean anything or bestow any kind of special worth or talent on anybody. I hold those statements in the same contempt as telling little girls that they are princesses and will one day be rescued by her special prince. I don't need magical thinking to hold my head high.
And don't worry, I'm well versed in the Humanities. The only absolute is that nothing is absolute. Medicine, my friend, not Physics and Math.
Kay Duuub ...
As always, gracious and edifying.
Sista Nurse ...
As always, soulful, real and empowering.
DMG ...
Frustrated, bitter and missing the point.
The fact is you are descended from MANY different people of MANY different circumstances.
How you choose to characterize your past impacts your present and determines your future.
Your dogged determination to reduce your collective parentage to nothing beyond chattel slavery explains your slave like obedience to the current Plantation rulers today.
You won't teach your own son that he is descended from royalty but you would certainly allow him to think Andrew is the "Prince of England".
I teach my son: "Fuck Andrew. You are a prince son. Behave like one. Eat like one. Study like one. Think like one. Determine your own reality. Don't be a one of these Plantation Negros who allow their entire worldview to be crafted by others."
Your anachronistic and plebeian notions of royalty have been crafted by television images of self-obsessed effeminate spiritually bankrupt European inbreds.
The royalty to which we speak has to do with an ineffable quality, refinement, modesty without pudency, elegant simplicity, spiritual tranquility and being without the angst of becoming.
Carpenters can be Gods. Farmers can be royal.
Your hostility to that which you don't understand is what makes you a peasant.
KonWomyn, are you Ndebele, Shona or what? Are you a descendant of Mizilikazi?
"DV", you win. I hereby concede and acknowledge your Queenhood. All hail the Queen.
I am Shona, my rural home is near Masvingo where Great Zimbabwe is, but my family live in the City of Kings, Bulawayo where Mzilikazi founded the Ndebele State.
Yeah, MOTI, if you say so. Funny how you have difficulty getting your points across, that folks are always somehow "missing" the point. I think I'll start keeping records of how often you use that particular phrase.
If you reserve the right to no be called King then you should not decide what others may or may not choose to call themselves.
No. You still don't get it; it's not that Royalty is/was "common" but complex and can't be pinned down to one historical era - all civilizations are always in construction, Bra. Can't make it any clearer than that.
DV brilliantly explains how such a title can be appropriated and why it does not function as 'magical thinking' but as an essential mindset for this present world:
"You won't teach your own son that he is descended from royalty but you would certainly allow him to think Andrew is the "Prince of England".
I teach my son: "Fuck Andrew. You are a prince son. Behave like one. Eat like one. Study like one. Think like one. Determine your own reality. Don't be a one of these Plantation Negros who allow their entire worldview to be crafted by others."
"I teach my son: "Fuck Andrew. You are a prince son. Behave like one. Eat like one. Study like one. Think like one. Determine your own reality. Don't be a one of these Plantation Negros who allow their entire worldview to be crafted by others."
I teach my son to behave like a man, without blinders. To not be handicapped by invisible gods, and religion. To know the root of history, rather than accept some popular version. To bow to nobody. Ever.
You are sending your kid mixed messages. On one hand you say don't respect someone who--despite what YOU say--actually holds the title of Prince. On the other hand you teach your son to demand the respect of a royal, without giving respect. Guess you didn't think that through. Whatever, he's your son I don't question how other fathers raise their kids. Good luck to yours.
Funny how you keep telling me where I get my information. If you get your info about history the same place as you have been getting miseducated about medicine and science...I doubt you have the upper hand in this argument.
"Carpenters can be Gods. Farmers can be royal."
Now I'm confused (must be that definition fluidity again...).
You believe in God (capital G) and I've taken you to be monotheistic, but now you are saying there can be other human Gods (capital G). Which is it?
Now about the Farmer thing...peasant (if I remember correctly) comes from the root word for people who work the Farmers. So in MOTI world Kings/Queens=peasant when MOTI says so. And there can be no other Gods (except the ones that MOTI names). I'm sure my poor addled plantation peasant mind is getting this wrong somehow. Why don't you explain all that again. But first, could you say a phrase that incorporates "missing the point", so I have a place to start my tally?
Let's c
If we can't c
Like DMG
Despises "Royalty"
Cuz he disavow loyalty
Both impediments
To his radical autonomy!!!
How else can he say,
On the in'net we all equal
Then the sequel...
We all throwdown equally???
Dood talk 'bout dispensin' with fantasies
But then spew these obscenities!!!
The humble atheist
Spreadin' radical autonomy...
That's y we all equal
This DMG's meme!!!
This what he means when we throwdown equally
Not equal in strength or intellectually
But cats are free
To speak consciously...
Unconsciously, DMG
Don't c the need fo' Highest Authority???
Even as he stakes his claim
Attempts to build his credibility...
Without the ability to accumulate the capital
Cuz DMG a humble atheist
Means u an out n out radical
Onna diabolical sabbatical
Able to make it practical...
Via the magic of radical autono-me
That's u DM-Gee!!!
A two-face leper
That's him and then me, DMG...
Say he in tuned with reality
But he confused in totality...
Cuz atheism as fundamental belief
Is banality...
An anti-intellectual coward's attempt
To act principally...
But it's purely illusory
A total and absolute disconnect
From humanity
An intelligence that never strived
For equality...
'Til now and it's a monopoly
It goes by many disguises
This radical liberal orthodoxy
With DMG...
Playin' the proxy!!!
You can call yourself Queen of Vegan chitlins, Sovereign of the Most Honorable Order of Pink Paki Salt, Duchess of Whole Foods for all I care, that's on you.
What is with you people and titles? The name your mama gave you not good enough? You have to put on airs?
Style over substance.
You madam are easily impressed. You possibly have difficulty distinguishing sublime from subpar. There is nothing brilliant or anything approximating adequate that comes out of our hosts mouth or fingertips. He assumed I somehow revered that "Royal" family of England. How he surmised this will probably give us a clue as to how he comes up with any of his "memes"--he extracted it manually from his rectal vault.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I hold those "royal" welfare vermin in highest I do ANYone who is self appointed "important". Neither do I believe in VIP medicine. The filthy homeless man gets the same treatment, time, and attention as the wealthy hospital donor.
I do believe your bible clearly states that God is no respecter of persons. And neither am I. Hey, perhaps that DOES make me a "god". Thanks.
So KonWoimyn, tell me. Was everybody in Monomatapa a King and a Queen? If so, who did they govern?
professional athletes putting peasants on as wives position themselves for penury....,
"On one hand you say don't respect someone who--despite what YOU say--actually holds the title of Prince." DMG
"actually holds the title of Prince." DMG
"actually" DMG
"holds the title of Prince." DMG
That's what I'm talking about.
Doc. Who gave Andrew that title to "hold"?
Who invented that title?
Though you supposedly have a disdain for royalty ... why do you so readily recognize the title of a goofy freckled faced white boy with bad teeth?
Your problem isn't with royalty.
Your problem is with black people who dare consider themselves royal.
You that same dude who told on Denmark Vessey 200 years ago.
"Weeee Slaaaaaaaves Aint We??!!"
And you deserve to be.
Nah DMG my family titles and totem suit me just fine.
Fisher, you hve a pretty gd grasp of the history so you know the answers.
It's like I say
And then u be...
"No respector of persons"
Be stealin' grannys' purses!!!
Set about
Creatin' curses!!!
Buttjew don't believe n magic
That ain't so tragic
Still see ya evil and work to unmask it...
It's fantastic
U so elastic!!!
Still Static
And dogmatic!!!
Justa lost soul
Caught n the traffic
Like n addict
Who still at it...
Playin' God
While denyin' His existence!!!
You persistent
But ultimately not resistant...
To the fact of yo' self-refutation
Cuz if God cannot be
Either shall DMG...
God is no respector of persons because embracing His Truth doesn't deserve His respect. Embracing His Truth is the sure-fire way to avoid the pain and destruction of sin. Why respect those who steer free of pain and destruction through righteous action? The fact that people who consistently embrace Truth accord respect from some and not from you says a lot about you. So are you "god" or do you REALLY respect no one?
Umm...MOTI, even YOU identified him as a Prince.
Does he or does he not hold the title of Prince Andrew, Duke of York?
This is a yes or no question.
Indeed, MOTI, who gives ANYONE title? You want to be just like them by taking titles for yourself.
While I'm saying, "...ain't no such thing as a king or a queen"
Plantation inhabitants: 1
Nom de Plume: Denmark Vesey
Occupation: (supposed) Blackest Man on the Internet--self titled
...too bad it's only black face.
among a lord's seigneurial privileges was "first taste" of the manor's virgins..., up to and including on their wedding night.
Insert requisite "good to be the king" reference
No respector of persons
But he save lives
Means he stitch ya up
Invoice it n crack High Life
If ya nosedive
This just part
Of duh 9 tuh 5
He's uh doctor and no respector of persons
How's that jive???
Cold and calculated
Lika bee out the bee-hive
Army ant
Says u can't, I can...
I'm the man...
No Respector of Persons
Not even the Man
He don't even exist
But cuz I'm uh scientist
I CANT REALLY say this
I must be uncertain...
So when I'm atheist scientist
I am certainly uncertain...
Pull back duh curtain
Lights on...
DMG's really hurtin'
Fo' an explanation
That explains his creation
No Respector of Persons
Apparently, he needs no salvation???
Title: Atheist Scientist
The Atheist "truth" is "God does not exist."
The scientist proclaims, "There is no empirical evidence for God."
So in one person, DMG, you have certainty and uncertainty about the same entity. This is rationalized via radical autonomy. That being the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want including being certain and uncertain about the same thing.
The consequence for the outside observer is that nothing you say can be reliable because of your very expressed existence.
Now, this could be some REAL mental illness? Or maybe, it's just some incredible hubris?
These cats don't want to give it up to a white boy ... but you rippin' it, bra.
This is actually hot:
"So when I'm atheist scientist
I am certainly uncertain...
Pull back duh curtain
Lights on...
DMG's really hurtin'
Fo' an explanation
That explains his creation
No Respector of Persons
Apparently, he needs no salvation???"
LOL. Even my favorite white boy got more soul than these SELF-PROCLAIMED slaves.
Thanks, DV.
I always
My niggly
Thanks DV...
And thanx fo' tha intellectual octagon...
Sumtimes my dopamine hegemony
Get tha best uh me
But this DMG
So dang creepy!!!
Like he ain't never met uh redneck
Fixin' tuh give'm uh three-peat???
That b three beatinz'
Dood won't even come to his feet...
Think he can post uh link...
Like uh shrink
He shrinkin' from his responsibility!!!
That say I gots tuh protect
My radical autonomy...
If I marry white chicks...
That fine with me!!!
If my wife bury otha chicks...
That fine with me...
If tha chicks is really chitlins
It don't matter
Cuz I still chillin'...
What...? Me uh villian???
I make a killin'
By sometimes killin'...
Killin' time if my boy BO
Pull through
On the Imperial HMO!!!
I b gettin' paid
No matter m'flow...
Count the dough!!!
That come from tha other...
Now U on the MY payroll
Claimin' u an independent brother!!!
U funny
'Mind me of that bunny
I seen
With his nose all runny
I tried tuh get close
But he didn't know how to act
He was the black bunny WHO wasn't black
He went on the attack
By retreatin'
Inside uh bushel of tacks
But I always lure him out
Reminded him HE.REALLY.IS.BLACK.
DMG, Fisher and CNu,
What allows each of you to take the position of pro-homosexual atheist abortionists and BELIEVE that you have not disqualified yourself from the right to direct events in a free society?
If you believe that your mommy killing you during gestation would have been her exercising a "fundamental right" then logic dictates that your abortion would have been a good thing. This outlook alone disqualifies ALL OF YOU from speaking on anything. Self-annihilators do not get seats at the table.
Now watch these fools say, "It wouldn't have mattered if I was aborted because I would have never known it." Right!!! It wouldn't have mattered and who cares if you know about it or not? By this logic, a cap in the back of your head wouldn't matter because you didn't know anyway. Fact is, your existence doesn't matter. Or, it does... Just not the existence of your kids or they kids or they kids or they kids.... Self-annihilators... Maybe not yesterday, but certainly tomorrow.
So it figures that two of these cats have no objection to the whitening of the Tiger lineage and the other dude can only voice peasant unpleasantries. What explains this???
Are any cats going to take a real position on Tiger and the blue-eyed devil?
We have:
It doesn't matter.
It might matter, but I not saying why.
It matters because this is racial and cultural dilution.
you forgot because she is the help. CNulan called her a peasant. I believe. Not a blue eyed devil.
Just peruse 'round duh in'nets
Ya c frets, bets and Turets
Amongst duh black mainscream
'Bout duh white machine
It control everything!!!
From K.I.T.'s spinster sisterlings
To Fisher's
African underlings!!!
Then there's duh CIA stings
That CNu sings...
N then US Marine
He fight fo' duh bling n duh fling
Itza shame
These lames
Get so much game!!!
Black Mad Maxxers with Tina n'mine
N radical aims!!!
Hide behind autonomy
NEVA really sayin' uh thang...
You're very transparent. It is clear our host and us other free-thinking commenters have made an impact on you. Your insecurity about your own beliefs has become quite obvious.
You went from an arrogant stance making comments like, "You're not in my league," to now sounding like a victim, accusing others of "putting on airs." wearing you down, Eh?
Just because someone expresses their self love by recognizing their royal ancestry doesn't mean their putting on airs. It's just your insecurity that makes you feel like a peasant when one does so.
We're not ashamed of our slave ancestors. We're just recognizing that our history didn't begin on the slave plantations of AMERIKKKA. Although you speak otherwise, you are ashamed of our ancestors. What's mores self-denying than marrying a white chick?
Moreover, you are very contradictory.
First, you say, "You all act as though you are descended from kings and queens," giving the titles king and queen merit, then you say, "Fuck a king or a queen. Leadership and wisdom are not passed through genes. I don't respect or bow to tradition, or so called 'noble' birth."
Things that make you go, "Hmmmmm."
I'm sorry...did you say something? I was zoning out on all that softheaded chin dribble you just tried to pass off as profound thought, in which an ant without legs, would be hard pressed to accomplish drowning himself.
I mean you have all the elements.
Use of 3 K's instead of a c in America. Check.
Nose placed firmly and securely in MOTI's ass, savoring every funky emission. Check.
A sprinkling of backhanded racism for good measure. Check.
You just don't pull it off.
Too much style and not enough substance in your motherfucker.
DV's got beef
with potato head Plantation Negros
with yellow teeth
who go out of their way
to give a beautiful sister grief.
Negro Please.
She called you on your insecurities.
Your ill at ease
with black Kings and Queens.
She's pondering what that really means.
Ask me? It's in the genes.
Cuz this marine is about deep as a hill of beans. Thinks like a Plantation machine. 3rd eye long atrophied. Mercury in the spleen. Nose
Ah, yes. I was wondering when you'd get around to the ubiquitous "rhyme".
Well then, I guess I'm put in my place now.
I'm feeling faint...How ever will I recover from your slanderous syllables?
"Too much style and not enough substance in your motherfucker."
Actually, the MF in StylisticMF, doesn't stand for motherfucker at all.
You responded exactly the way I expected you to, not dealing w the I said you're transparent. Thanx for proving my point further.
Like I care. You have no point. Please retire back to the childs table, grown folks are talking.
The S doesn't stand for stylistic in my book anyway. SMF.
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