Monday, November 30, 2009

According To Mike Fisher - Only 1 Person In This Photo Is "black". No Wonder He Thinks There Is A Global System of "White Supremacy"

Michael Fisher said...
By the way, DV. If this is your Pops, I don't think he really looks African-American. Not West African either. Certainly not Southern African. East African... Tanzania? Kenya?
Ahhh. Ok. I'm a little slow. Looks like the same brother as the young guy with the white lady on the side bar. So your Mamma is white and your Pops is African?

Since you are just as much "white" as you are "black", why is it that you say that you are a black person? Why don't you say that you are a white person?
Denmark Vesey said ...
Wrong, yet again Mike.

Pops - Baltimore via Virginia. Moms - New York via Georgia.

They say if the only tool in your box is a hammer ... every problem looks like a nail.

Mike your only tool is the race card ... and every problem looks like a brown bag test. The dignity, the love, the grace, the combination of coco butta complexion and aquiline features, which seems to simultaneously puzzle and bother you cannot be explained away with mere ethnocentric psychobabble.

Nah Mike. The phenomenon that is DV transcends your simple minded notions of race. I am a product of a 1,000 years of selective breeding. The child of generations of free black men and women skilled in the art of self-definition. Unhindered by lingering notions of inferiority and self-hatred which seems to plague you petit bourgeois inmates of the plantation persuasion.

Biracial? Nah. But even if I was, I'd still be the blackest man on the planet.


CNu said...

even if you have to pull a 9 from the waistline you going to blow minds out their confines and realign paradigms assigned by an evil bloodline. While the Plantation is injecting thine with strychnine Denmark Vesey healing Black people with sunshine....,

CNu said...
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Anonymous said...

It's so funny how you have a white man's pic as Mike Fisher. HA HA HA. LOL.

Michael Fisher said...

Exactly which straw man are you arguing with? Your premise is incorrect. According to yours truly "black" is a socio-political category. Never said anything different.

Anonymous said...

Definition fluidity is a useful tool to have in ones box.