They're either blindsided by their hero-worshiping of the highest status people in their group, or lying themselves to avoid nuisance lawsuits from Big Pharma.
You just wait n' watch for three or four years. I think we'll see an even higher disproportion of autistic kids from mothers now getting Swine Flu shots.
Wouldn't surprise me either if a lot of this ADHD comes from thimerosol/mercury containing childhood vaccines.
The organic matter in soil derives from plants and ANIMALS.
Plant and ANIMAL material and WASTE: Dead plants or plant waste such as leaves or bush and tree trimmings, or ANIMAL MANURE
These materials supply nematodes and bacteria with nutrients for them to thrive and produce more humus, which will give plants, orgsnsic produce & fruits enough nutrients to survive and grow.
Guess what else is in the soil that your produce in grown?
In the United States, countries in the European Union and a few other affluent countries, thiomersal is no longer used as a preservative in routine childhood vaccination schedules.
The thiomersal controversy describes claims that vaccines containing the mercury-based preservative thiomersal contribute to the development of autism and other brain development disorders.[1] The current scientific consensus is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these claims.[2][3]
Thiomersal, also spelled thimerosal, is an organomercury compound used as a preservative in vaccines since the 1930s to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.[4][5] In July 1999, following a review of mercury-containing food and drugs, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) asked vaccine makers to remove thiomersal from vaccines as quickly as possible as a purely precautionary measure, and it was rapidly phased out of most U.S. and European vaccines.[6][7] Many parents mistook the action to remove thiomersal as indicating that the preservative was harmful, leading to this controversy that has diverted attention and resources away from other efforts to find the causes of autism.[2] This controversy has also been perpetuated by the efforts surrounding and promoting thousands of lawsuits filed in the U.S. to seek damages from alleged toxicity from vaccines, including those purportedly caused by thiomersal.[6][8]
Major scientific and medical bodies such as the Institute of Medicine and World Health Organization[9] as well as governmental agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration[4] and the CDC[10]—rejects any role for thiomersal in autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders. Multiple lines of scientific evidence have been cited to support this conclusion: for example, the clinical symptoms of mercury poisoning differ significantly from those of autism.[11] Most conclusively, eight major studies (as of 2008) examined the effect of reductions or removal of thiomersal from vaccines. All eight demonstrated that autism rates failed to decline despite removal of thiomersal, arguing strongly against a causative role
"Fish can have a huge amount of mercury, about 1 million times higher than the concentration found in the water [or] algae algae, a large and diverse group of primarily aquatic plantlike organisms. These organisms were previously classified as a primitive subkingdom of the plant kingdom, the thallophytes (plants that ," says Edenise Garcia, an aquatic eco-toxicologist with the Jacques Whitford environmental consulting Environmental consulting is often a form of compliance consulting, in which the consultant ensures that the client maintains an appropriate measure of compliance with environmental regulations.
Mercury is also commonly found in topsoil. Intense forest fires burn off topsoil, lofting its mercury contents into the atmosphere, where the metal drifts long distances.
Myth: There are high amounts of mercury levels in the swine flu and seasonal flu vaccines.
Truth: Multiple-dose vials of these vaccines do contain the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. But the amount is tiny. A single dose delivers about 28 micrograms of mercury, the same as a small tuna fish sandwich. And while the tuna has methyl mercury, the type that accumulates in your bloodstream and has been linked to nervous-system damage, the type in thimerosal is ethyl mercury, which studies suggest is eliminated from your body relatively swiftly.
Yes, the swine flu shot has thimerosal, but thimerosal has been removed from virtually all other vaccines for kids under the age of 6 and from many given to older kids and adults, too. If you're still concerned about it, some thimerosal-free versions of both vaccines will be available this fall and winter.
"We shouldn’t expect the CFR to tell us the truth about the danger of vaccines.
For instance, the Norwegian Medicines Agency is reporting that people are suffering serious side effects from the Pandemrix vaccine. “Numbness, dizziness, loss of taste and sense of smell, nausea and watering, are some of the first reported side effects of the swine flu vaccine in this country,” Dagbladet, a Norwegian newspaper reports.
The Norwegian Medicines Agency has received reports that 21 people have suffered serious or unusual side effects. “In addition Medicines Agency said that many patients have struggled to come forward with reports of side effects.”
In other words, the true number of people suffering from side effects remains to be seen.
However, numerous cases of serious reactions to the vaccine are now appearing, although the corporate media plays these down as rare occurrences.
No matter. The CFR, the CDC, and the government expect you to play Russian roulette with your health."
Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el Gabali announced that Egypt is developing its own vaccine against H1N1 swine flu for production in 2011 and, in the meantime, will import vaccines to inoculate school children and key public workers
Experts fear a flu pandemic could have a devastating impact on Egypt, a country of 77 million people who mostly live in the densely packed Nile Valley. Many are in Cairo's crowded slums.
Late on Sunday, Egypt's Health Minister said that Egypt, already hard hit by the more deadly H5N1 bird flu virus, has found about 1,030 cases of H1N1 flu, widely known as swine flu, and three people have died from the virus.
Guess the CDC got to them huh?
Damm!.. CDC must be full of shit now??
CARACAS, Oct 3 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) -- Venezuela will receive the first batch of one million vaccines against the A(H1N1) flu next January that will be distributed free, reported the Health Minister Carlos Rotondaro.
The official explained that the vaccine will first be given to the most risky sector made up of children, women, pregnant women and people suffering of restrictions of the immunological system.
Interviewed by Venezuelan TV Rotondaro explained that all the procedures are being taking into account for the arrival of the medicine on time and researches are in process for further manufacture.
He said that Venezuela and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) in coordination with the Pan American Health Organization (PHO) are trying to achieve collective purchase of the vaccine for better prices.
Regarding the measures for the production of the vaccine within the country Rotondaro said that they are planning to buy in bulk first and then pack it in adequate dosage and distribute it.
Rotondaro also emphasized that 70 percent of the people infested have received the attention of the Health Public System strengthened during the government of President Hugo Chavez and increasing at this moment. -- NNN-PRENSA LATINA
1,030 deaths from the flu?
Wow Casper!!!
That's amazing!
Wow! Maybe we should inject every person, plant and animal with these vaccines to pwotect us!
A whole 1,030 died out of 77,000,000?
That's amazing Casper.
Considering that the Worldwide annual death from the flu estimated between 250,000 and 500,000 people anyway.
(a little bit of education is a dangerous thing)
How many people globally take flu shots?? How many took flu shots during the "Spanish Flu" pandemic? What did people do during the "Spanish Flu" pandemic to rid themselves of the virus?? Do humans treat the flu the same as 1918??
Come on dude you can do better.
The only relevant question for you is whether you believe in mandated vaccination?
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