César André said...

Nursing is possible in most cases of implants, however it causes difficulties to do this for some women. I just don't agree with it.
Artificial tits, artificial satisfaction, artificial happiness, but artificiality is the gospel of today's world, they preach it's better.
Plus, we still don't know what complications this things might bring in the future to this women.
Michael Fisher said...

Dang. What a judgmental person about other people's private life-style choices you are. Why don't you mind your own titties, "DV"?
I do not believe nursing is possible with all of that artificial foolishness blocking the milk ducts.
I am not a plastic titty fan. In a bra, in an outfit they can look exciting. But once you make contact, the magic is gone.
And as for a potential partner, it's a automatic disqualifier. No self esteem, health hazard for yourself and the children...as the saying goes, can't make a ho a housewife.
I agree with that dude - they're nice to look at but terrible to work with.
They are like prototype cars - all looks, no performance.
Nursing is possible in most cases of implants, however it causes difficulties to do this for some women. I just don't agree with it. Artificial tits, artificial satisfaction, artificial happiness, but artificiality is the gospel of today's world, they preach it's better.
Plus, we still don't know what complications this things might bring in the future to this women.
I wonder if the nipples are real, too. I'd be scared if I was a pilot. The way they're pointing, they look like they could down my plane.
the nipples are actually what disgusted me too. I remember toni braxton saying that she didn't breast feed her son because of the implants so I assumed that you couldn't but maybe she just chose not to.
I'd be afraid they'd explode if you touch 'em too hard...
I'd be afraid they'd explode if you touch 'em too hard...
lol!!! exactly!
Dang. What a judgmental person about other people's private life-style choices you are. Why don't you mind your own titties, "DV"?
Fake tits look INCREDIBLE in a bra, but touching them just ain't right. But boy they look good....LOL
That Dude said,
"And as for a potential partner, it's a automatic disqualifier. No self esteem, health hazard for yourself and the children...as the saying goes, can't make a ho a housewife."
Wow! Just because a woman chooses to get implants she's suddenly lacking in self-confidence? DEEP.
*That Dude this not an attack on you, but I'm using it as a talking-point about about societal perceptions in general.
There are numerous reasons why a woman might choose to have implants and its might be beneficial to understand why a woman makes such a decision. Some for purely cosmetic purposes. Some as career choices as glamour models or strippers. Others because of deep body dysmorphia issues. IMO society passing judgement on a woman with implants (WWI) is all too revealing of society's own prejudices against WWI rather than the industry.
As much as I object to cosmetic enhancements of the body; moralizing about women who make this choice, rather than the industry and society which normalizes is nothing but idle chatter.
But Kaaay Duuub ...
Did 'society' pass pass judgement on a woman's implants, or did That Dude express his personal judgment regarding his choice for a mate?
For example -
Would you marry a man who ate pork?
I mean, there are numerous reasons why a man would still eat pork in this day and age. Some because they are ignorant. Some because they are unaware of the hormones, pesticides and steroids that are abundant in factory raised meat. Some because of low self-esteem and who think pork is 'good enough' for them. Still others who believe they "like the taste" because their palates have become accustomed to that particular combination of salt and grease.
As much as you object to the ingestion of factory meant and cruelty to animals, is moralizing about men who make the choice to eat pork rather than the meat industry and poor education system which normalizes it idle chatter too?
.....nevermind the fact that That Dude is 100% right!
Lol! That was a funny read. Aight, you got me DV, I hear ya.
First, people can and should be able to use whatever criteria they want in picking a man or woman as husband or wife.
Having said that, a woman can nurse with implants. A woman sometimes get them AFTER birthing children because of what nursing can do to the breasts. And not all fake boobs look and feel fake.
I just know these things...
I have to disagree that women who have implants have low self-esteem and are "hoes" who can't be made into housewives. And no, I don't have implants. However, I am personally good friends with 4 women who do. None of these women have self-esteem issues and all are married. One is, in fact, a housewife. (Who did nurse her baby)
These women made the choice to get implants because they had an idea as to what they considered attractive for themselves. They did not get porn-star implants of cartoonish proportions. Rather, a tasteful size that made them feel more comfortable. You can wear a padded bra or you can get them sewn into your chest. Whatever.
While it is not something I would personally do, I don't think a woman who does make that decision should be pigeon-holed and considered to have some emotional handicap because of it. If you're a man and you prefer women with natural breasts, great. That's a personal preference and you can say that implants are dealbreakers. But leave it at that, sans the judgment.
I see you got "the email" from one of your boys as well.
This Black woman with the bold nipples has spread faster among the brothers than the H1N1.
DV - Plastic Breasts + Prophylactic = Never having to worry about is this woman can ever nurse the child that you'll never have with her.....if that is what you are into.
Dv, Dv, ok, pork and breast have nothng to do with the other. Nothing. Now, would that picture be considered ponography or is it art? hehhehehhe
^I think "DV" is just trying to balance out his male homosexual posts by feigning some interest of sorts in naked women.
must say for being fake they look daammmmnnnn good!!
you sure their fake?
should we not consider non-acceptance of physical-self as an issue of self-steem?
Fake as the H1N1 "Vaccine".
Fake as the official 911 story.
Fake as the myth of "Western Civilization".
Fake as the economic "recovery".
Fake as "National Health Care"
Fake as "Spreading Democracy In The Middle East".
Fake as The Federal Reserve.
Fake as "Save Darfur".
Fake as "WMD's".
Fake as HIV / AIDS.
Fake as Flouride.
Fake as The Banker "Bailout" (Ransom).
Titties look like chocolate covered styrofoam.
This picture is scary. Who finds this attractive?
There was a study done that links cosmetic breast implants to higher rates of suicide among women. These women were supposedly three times as likely to commit suicide.
True/real self-esteem comes from within and no amount of plastic surgery is going to make you feel good if you don't already feel good about yourself. Your physical appearance does not affect your behavior or thoughts. Yeah it may a little at first, just like any other superficial/materialistic gain but in the long run, it makes no difference. It's even more devastating if the woman is getting it to get or please a man.
I guess if you're psychologically o.k. a little enhancement is cool. But I'm a big believer in messing with nature as little as possible.
Natural beauty is classic beauty.
Anonymous said...
Dv, Dv, ok, pork and breast have nothng to do with the other. Nothing. Now, would that picture be considered ponography or is it art? hehhehehhe
It depends on who looks at it...
By the way, "DV". How would you know what fake breasts feel like these days? Ain't you faithfully married?
Mike Fisher...
Tryin' tuh b DVeez twisted sister
Prolly fellcha up
Cuz y'all plastic
That tha reason why
Ya don't getcha arse-kicked
When ya hot
Y'all stretching and pliable
When ya cold
Predictably reliable
This called schizophrenia
Fo' sum crazy renamed it
"The Mind of the Millineum."
U uh broke down pentinum
And it was all accidental
This perverse realization
Y mikey all mental...
^^ "Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz My two cannons blast niggaz, ass niggaz Fucked up in the game, get your shirt stained Keep your five mics nigga" - Shyne
""Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz My two cannons blast niggaz, ass niggaz Fucked up in the game, get your shirt stained Keep your five mics nigga" - Shyne"
I note you avoided answering the question. Let's try that again:
"How would you know what fake breasts feel like these days? Ain't you faithfully married or does Mrs "DV" approve of you going around feeling up other women's breasts?"
Well, "DV" what's up with my question? Do you
(1) go around feelin' up females with breast implants behind Mrs. "DV"s back
(2) go around feelin' up females with breast implants and Mrs. "DV" approves of you doing the same
(3) is it a fact that, once again, you don't know what the f... you're talking about?
(4) "Mike Fisher" needs to Get a Chick.
^^ "Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz My two cannons blast niggaz, ass niggaz Fucked up in the game, get your shirt stained Keep your five mics nigga" - Shyne
That's what happens when you don't mind your own titties as a married man, "DV" - minefield.
By the way, "DV". Shyne being your hero... Ain't he famous for "his cannons" blasting an innocent black woman in the face at Club New York in December 1999? And that dumb ass mofo is your hero?
Yes Michael.
He coined the phrase "Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz".
How apropos?
Shakespeare, Keats nor TS Elliot every wrote anything more profound.
Even I got to say that Thordaddy rhyming "plastic" and "ass-kicked" was kinda tight...
"Yes Michael.
He coined the phrase "'Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz'.
Figures that you would value a turn of a phrase over the physical safety of a woman.
^^ "Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz" have hurt far more women than has Shyne.
"Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz" don't make women feel safe.
"Andrew Cunanan ass niggaz" always have an excuse why they not with a woman.
Nov 4, 2009 1:21:00 PM
Come on now, "DV", you're running around behind your wife's back feelin' up ladies fake breasts (or , alternatively not knowing what you are talking about), constantly thinking and expounding about sweaty hairy dudes fucking each other in the anus, praising guys who shoot women in their faces, praising fools for selling crack in black neighborhoods and any neighborhoods for that matter, getting your kids vaccinated while telling everybody else not to do so, talking about Hegel while refusing to open a book by the man, kissing some certifiably moronic dude-who-thinks-he's-the-Daddy-of-Valhalla's ass - and constantly at that, and bragging about Hip Hop and the industry without ever having gotten near enough the same in any professional capacity in order to disqualify as an overzealous fan.
I gotta give ya one thing, though. I've never seen anyone who so persistently maintains his braggadocio in light of such a thoroughly vacuous cranium. It also demonstrates that despite, no, maybe because of, all that one can maintain quite a fan base.
But then again, a million horse-flies can't be wrong, eh?
Mike, you like DV don't you? Why bother? Uh, oh Dv that may be it. Mikes's in love.
Yuck Under Covers
Think Homosexuality
And advocacy???
Yellow Under Black
Not averse
To manz biology???
Tied to your psychology...
Do you hide it
Behind autonomy???
The thought from me
Is your tendency
To cast on me
The racist meme
But it really seem
That you a queen
With dry vageen
Who need break free...
From all his grief
Of lovin' sheep
And playin' creep...
Seekin' packs of meat
Carryin' infected heat
Mike feel defeat
Lost all his faith
He on the creep...
Lost and lonely
He found TD
Beg for mercy
I'll give my keep!!!
Have faith, mikey
You likey again
Be humble in success
Take account of your sins
And be a man among men...
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