Artificial scarcity and the anatomy of the 2009 swine flu pandemic
This video exposes how the corporate health industry met at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York and expressed concern that Americans are refusing the unpopular H1N1 swine flu vaccines.

This video also documents the strong case that the media is hyping an artificial scarcity of the vaccine to trick concerned parents into lining up like cattle for the flu shot.
The CFR, as usual, just likes to hear themselves talk.
Yeah that's crazy of them because Vitamin D would have prevented all of these modern pandemics:
"Asiatic Flu", 1889–1890 1MM deaths
"Spanish Flu", 1918–1919 50MM deaths
"Asian Flu", 1957–58 2MM deaths
"Hong Kong Flu", 1968–69. 1MM deaths
Wouldn't be so bad Cuz, if they just talked.
But them Crackas don't just talk. They program.
Your sons wouldn't have had 2/3's of the vaccines they received were it not for the CFR.
This country would not be spending $2 Billion per week in Iraq and Afghanistan (mostly with "private" contractors) were it not for the CFR.
Even our boy DMG here, doesn't realize that what he confuses for "science" is actually politics conjured up by Trojan Horse organizations like the CFR.
Do you know how the CFR came about?
Do you know Obama's connection to the CFR?
Most people have heard the acronym, assumed it was a governmental organization and stopped there.
^^ See what I'm talking about.
They program.
This fool actually thinks "vaccines" actually stopped any of those pandemics.
Asked to name any pandemic vaccines prevented ... he would return with some CDC / AMA propaganda that attempts to credit "vaccines" with the eradication of viruses that were going through their natural life cycle anyway.
"he would return with some CDC / AMA propaganda"
My info was neither from the WHO, CDC, CFR or AMA ... More like a Spanish history book ... As Fish would say crack a book.
Secondly, so why don't you provide your audience an explanation of what caused those deaths since you are an expert on pandemics.
LOL. Aint none of ya'll peasant ass Plantation Negros crack a book that wasn't spoon fed you by massa.
That's why you got monkey virus juice dripping out of your nose today.
For example:
Name a pandemic vaccines have prevented.
LOL. Casp ...
In 1556 there was an earthquake in Shansi China that killed 830,000 people.
I've got a "vaccine" that will prevent that many people from dying in future earthquakes.
But in order to make it work... 500,000,000 people must take 1 dose each at $29.99 per dose.
But in order to make it work... 500,000,000 people must take 1 dose each at $29.99 per dose.
Oh yeah that what Egypt and Venezuela are charging their people?? Must have missed that..
^^ Uh .... at least.
See. Casp ... aint nuttin' free.
Even when Massa volunteers to "vaccinate" you little Plantation Occupants ... "for your own good" ... fo fwee.
You Plantation occupants pay out the nose.
There's a thing called taxes ... or in Plantation Negro speak: "National Health Care".
So under the guise of making it free - it really means EVERYBODY pays, whether they elect to be vaccinated or not - AND - the maximum number of the herd are injected with God Know's What (Probably soft kill sterilizing agents).
"See. Casp ... aint nuttin' free."
So you pay those local & state government taxes on that Belair land you squatting on every year?
What's that run.. $20,000 per year... but your life aint worth $29 dollars.. I see how that works... Makes sense now.
Name a pandemic vaccines have prevented.
When was the last polio pandemic, DV?
BEIJING : China has inoculated over 3.78 million people against H1N1 flu and distributed over 26 million doses of vaccine to ward off a serious outbreak of the disease, the government said on Sunday.
Over 33 million doses produced by eight Chinese pharmaceutical companies have been approved for distribution, with another 100 million more doses expected in the first quarter of next year, the health ministry said.
"The trend of a quickly spreading A/H1N1 virus has emerged worldwide and is posing a serious situation to our domestic prevention efforts," the ministry said in a statement on its website.
"At present, the number of flu cases in many areas has gone up sharply, group cases have appeared in many schools and some areas have already entered a period of high influenza infection."
"During the coming period, the epidemic will continue to develop."
The statement comes after Prime Minister Wen Jiabao urged increased measures to fight the virus during a Saturday visit to a Beijing children's hospital.
"Currently the situation on preventing the spread of the A/H1N1 virus is very serious, in some places an explosion or a prevalence of cases can occur," Wen said on state television.
The H1N1 flu has infected over 46,000 people and killed six in China, including two in recent days, the ministry reported. The number of infections was up by 1,000 from Friday.
Good Luck DV!
Undercover Black Man said...
When was the last polio pandemic, DV?
UB, I'm not hip to any polio pandemics since the tremendously salutary impact on health and longevity wrought about by better living conditions, hygiene and sanitation.
What's that the about Correlation & Causation?
The Europeans universally rejected the "Salk vaccine".
Why did polio disappear from Europe in the mid 50's about the same time that it disappeared in the states?
"Name a pandemic .. vaccines have prevented."
Smallpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the Variola virus. The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans per year during the closing years of the 18th century.[77] During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300–500 million deaths.[78][79] As recently as early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year.[80] After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in December 1979. To this day, smallpox is the only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated.[81]
UB, I'm not hip to any polio pandemics since the tremendously salutary impact on health and longevity wrought about by better living conditions, hygiene and sanitation.
Wrong. You ain’t hip to a lot of things, bookless. But the last polio pandemic was in the early 1950s. When "living conditions, hygiene and sanitation" were pretty much equal to what they are today.
“From Copenhagen, Denmark, to Vancouver, Canada, to Hong Kong, local medical teams mounted an unprecedented effort to sustain the lives of mostly young patients attacked by the disease.
“Gymnasiums were turned into wards, cots installed from wall to wall. Nursing and medical students were pressed into service to help maintain those whose respiratory paralysis could only be countered by manual ventilation after a tracheostomy.”
The Europeans universally rejected the "Salk vaccine". Why did polio disappear from Europe in the mid 50's about the same time that it disappeared in the states?
Denmark Peasy, once again you show yourself to be ignorant of basic facts.
Almost all European countries began vaccination with the Salk vaccine between 1956 and 1958.
During the 1960s, much of Europe switched to the oral polio vaccine after its demonstrated success in the Soviet Union.
In 1992, after 14 years without a case of polio detected in the Netherlands, there was an outbreak there. At least sixty-seven cases. Check this out:
"None of the patients had been vaccinated before, and all but one belong to small Protestant groups that refuse vaccination for religious reasons." (Source.)
On June 21, 2002, Europe was certified "polio-free." Thanks to aggressive vaccination programs carried out over decades. Source.
"Wrong. You ain’t hip to a lot of things, bookless." UB
LOL. Easy fat boy. You gettin' too invested. Try cancerless. Diseaseless. BumpyFaceless.
Obviously there is a diversity of opinion regarding the correlation / causation connection with the decline in disease Plantation Medicine is attempting to credit to the multi-billion $ vaccine business.
The visceral opposition expressed by you Plantation Negros is akin to religious any fanatics learning their God is a fraud.
Which is exactly what is happening in your case.
We can trade citations on both sides of the vaccine myth all day:
"According to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, childhood diseases decreased 90% between 1850 and 1940, paralleling improved sanitation and hygienic practices, well before mandatory vaccination programs.
The Medical Sentinel recently reported, “from 1911 to 1935, the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S. were diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever, and measles. However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95 percent, before the implementation of mass immunization programs.”
"Thus, at best, vaccinations can only be examined only for their relationship to the small, remaining portion of disease declines that occurred after their introduction. Yet even this role is questionable, as pre-vaccine rates of disease mortality decline remained virtually the same after vaccines were introduced. Furthermore, European countries that refused immunization for small pox and polio saw the epidemics end along with those countries that mandated it; vaccines were clearly not the sole determining factor. In fact, both small pox and polio immunization campaigns were followed by significant disease incidence increases. After smallpox vaccination was being mandated, smallpox remained a prevalent disease with some substantial increases, while other infectious diseases simultaneously continued their declines in the absence of vaccines."
[36] Neil Miller, supra note 33 at 45 [NVIC News, April 92 at 12].
Denmark, you are fucking ignorant.
"The Europeans universally rejected the "Salk vaccine".
Lawd. When does the ignorance stop? Fact is, as a kid in the early 1960's I, together with hundreds of other German kids in my elementary school, received the polio vaccine orally on a sugar cube.
Actually, polio was eradicated after it was realized that there was too much bacteria in the cow's milk and the USDA began requiring that milk be pasteurized.
"Denmark, you are fucking ignorant." UB
Undercover Black Man, one of us certainly is ignorant.
Again, I submit it is the man with monkey virus, antifreeze and bovine serum dripping out of his nose.
You live in sunny CA dude. Lay your big ass out by the pool.
"The Medical Sentinel recently reported"...
I like how you copied nonsense from a concerned parents petition web site. You were bamboozled!
Nah "Michael",
That wasn't Salk. Salk was an injection of inactivated monkey virus.
You were given Sabin's activated monkey virus on a sugar cube. The oral version of the "vaccine".
The switch was made from dead virus to live virus after it was pretty much obvious that the Salk vaccine was pretty much useless.
Why else switch to the more dangerous live monkey virus?
LOL. Ya'll Plantation Negros were taught to read but not to think.
The first successful vaccine for diphtheria was developed in 1913 by Behring.
The Schick test, invented between 1910 and 1911, is a test used to determine whether or not a person is susceptible to diphtheria. It was named after its inventor, Béla Schick (1877–1967), a Hungarian-born American pediatrician. A massive five-year campaign was coordinated by Dr. Schick. As a part of the campaign, 85 million pieces of literature were distributed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company with an appeal to parents to "Save your child from diphtheria." A vaccine was developed in the next decade, and deaths began declining in earnest in 1924.[4]
Pertussis, also known as the whooping cough
In the 1920s Dr. Louis W. Sauer developed a vaccine for whooping cough at Evanston Hospital (Chicago, IL). In 1925, the Danish physician Thorvald Madsen was the first to test a whole-cell pertussis vaccine on a wide scale.[5
Scarlet fever
Husband and wife Gladys Henry Dick and George Frederick Dick developed a vaccine in the 1920s that was later eclipsed by penicillin in the 1940s.
To date, 21 strains of the measles virus have been identified.[26] Licensed vaccines to prevent the disease became available in 1963.
Prior to licensure of the first measles vaccine in 1963, virtually every person in the U.S. got the measles by age 20. Since the vaccine became available, there has been a 99% reduction in the incidence of measles. However, measles is still being “imported” from other countries. The most recent outbreaks occurred in the U.S. between 1989 and 1991, resulting in 755,000 cases and 123 reported deaths.
Following the widespread use of poliovirus vaccine in the mid-1950s, the incidence of poliomyelitis declined dramatically in many industrialized countries. A global effort to eradicate polio began in 1988, led by the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and The Rotary Foundation.[68] These efforts have reduced the number of annual diagnosed cases by 99%; from an estimated 350,000 cases in 1988 to 1,310 cases in 2007.[69][70] Should eradication be successful it will represent only the second time mankind has ever completely eliminated a disease. The first such disease was smallpox, which was officially eradicated in 1979.[71] A number of eradication milestones have already been reached, and several regions of the world have been certified polio-free. The Americas were declared polio-free in 1994.[72] In 2000 polio was officially eradicated in 36 Western Pacific countries, including China and Australia.[73][74] Europe was declared polio-free in 2002.[75] As of 2006, polio remains endemic in only four countries: Nigeria, India (specifically Uttar Pradesh and Bihar), Pakistan, and Afghanistan.[69][7
Yo, Denmark. I'm in sunny New Orleans for the foreseeable. But point taken.
So DV... did the Europeans universally reject the "Salk vaccine"?
Yeah well, DV. I guess your kids ain't going to public school or any school for that matter. Given that you haven't had them vaccinated...
Mike Fisher,
My children are not vaccinated & they go to public/charter school. There is a such thing as an "Objection to Immunization" Affidavit that schools must recognize.
It isn't true that your children have to be vaccinated to attend school.
Aren't public schools the greatest concentration of potential swine flu outbreaks? Why would we be encouraging public schooling in time of national emergency? Simply put, in order to vaccinate them.
MF ...
(Notice the Plantation Negros & Global System of White Supremacist Negro Impulse To Protect and "Explain" Massa.)
Did you have your daughter "vaccinated" Mike?
How many times?
Do you know how many vaccines are "Scheduled" for a kid by the time they turn 8 "Mike"?
When you were a kid (I'm picturin' that) ... you got "a" sugar cube of monkey virus.
These days the kids get the equivalent of 33 sugar cubes of monkey virus + cow bovine + animal cancer cells + thirmesol + God knows what.
OK ...
Since you still want to pretend like you don't "get it".
Look at it this way "Mike":
Every time one of these Big Pharmaceutical Companies manages to manufacture the PERCEPTION OF THREAT to any 1 of perhaps millions of different strains and mutations of viruses ... supported by "Studies" ultimately funded by groups they finance ... that new "vaccine" (product) is automatically added to the Government / Plantation / Corporate Medical vaccine schedule.
Why stop at 33 vaccines?
Hell, there are millions of viruses, why don't we at least go on and take one thousand vaccine shots?
Why not? If the shit is soooo ... safe?
Makes us "safer" right?
If our only protection from viruses is some shit we shoot in our veins and sprayed up our noses, why stop?
We may be on our way there.
Multi-$Billion Business "Mike".
Toxic. Harmful. Neurological Warfare.
You Monkeys Can't See.
The vaccine industry is built on a foundation of vaccine hype and myth.
Plantation Negros and Crackas hold onto the myth because they feel secure in the promise that Massa is custodian of some special "power" or "magic" that can actually ... give life.
"Massa Can Tooo Cure Peepus Fwum De FeeVaaa!!!"
"(Notice the Plantation Negros & Global System of White Supremacist Negro Impulse..."
What is it with you and not answering direct questions? Obviously my daughter has been vaccinated. Now once again:
"Yeah well, DV. I guess your kids ain't going to public school or any school for that matter. Given that you haven't had them vaccinated..."
So, what's up? Are your kids going to a school with other kids or are you home schooling?
"Obviously my daughter has been vaccinated." MF
Ahhhh ...
You are not discussing the relative merits or dangers related to government vaccinations and Pandemics for Profit... you are just covering your own ass.
You have to accept the fact that you HAD to get your child vaccinated. It's the first clear cut evidence that you recognize a hierarchy in your radical autonomy.
So DV are you advocating no vaccinations whatsoever for kids?
Or are you saying we should not be coerced into vaccinating for everything they tell us to and also not follow their schedules. But instead weigh the risks/benefits and choose for ourselves which vaccines to give to our kids and at what age?
Just curious....
"Ahhhh ...
You are not discussing the relative merits or dangers..."
"DV". I asked you a straight up question:
"Yeah well, DV. I guess your kids ain't going to public school or any school for that matter. Given that you haven't had them vaccinated...
So, what's up? Are your kids going to a school with other kids or are you home schooling?Still avoiding giving a straight yes or no answer."
Given the fact, that you persist in avoiding answering the question it can safely be deducted that your children indeed have been vaccinated. Which would make you a hypocrite. In any case, in California that would consist of:
4 doses at any age, but... 3 doses meet requirement for ages 4-6 if at least one was given on or after the 4th birthday; 3 doses meet requirement for ages 7-17 years if at least one was given on or after the 2nd birthday.
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
Age 6 years and under (Pertussis is required) DTP, DTaP or any combination of DTP or DTaP with DT (tetanus and diphtheria)
Age 7 years and older (Pertussis is not required) Td, DT, or DTP, DTaP or any combination of these
5 doses at any age, but... 4 doses meet requirements for ages 4-6 if at least one was on or after the 4th birthday.
4 doses at any age, but ...3 doses meet requirement for ages 7-17 years if at least one was on or after the 2nd birthday. If last dose was given before the 2nd birthday, one more (Td) dose is required.
7th grade
Td booster
1 dose not required but recommended if more than 5 years have passed since last DTP, DTaP, DT, or Td dose.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
7th grade
Grades 1-6 and 8-12
2 doses* both on or after 1st birthday.
2 doses* both on or after 1st birthday.
1 dose must be on or after the 1st birthday.
Hepatitis B
7th grade
3 doses
3 doses**
1 dose or health care provider-documented varicella disease or immunity.
* Two doses of measles-containing vaccine required. One dose of mumps and rubella-containing vaccine required; mumps vaccine is not required for children 7 years of age and older.
California Child Immunization Requirements
That's exactly what I'm saying.
But ... rest assured. Anyone who actually does what you just outlined has no option but to arrive at the place where they say hell nah to all vaccines.
You don't have to be a genius to see that's simply not how the body works.
Strong immune systems keep us from getting sick.
Neurological Russian Roulette weakens the immune system and creates a domino effect of other ailments.
Bombarding infants and toddlers with vaccines cripples their immune systems for life.
At best they are plagued with "allergies" at worse they die or get autism.
"That's exactly what I'm saying."
Lemme see. Just to make sure. Your response to my statement that "it can safely be deducted that your children indeed have been vaccinated" is "That's exactly what I'm saying."
"Strong immune systems keep us from getting sick."
By Karen Kaplan
September 18, 2009
As health officials brace for a new onslaught of illness from the novel H1N1 virus, they remain perplexed by one of the most unusual and unsettling patterns to emerge from this pandemic – the tendency of the so-called swine flu to strike younger, healthier people.
If this where really the case then wouldn't we see an explosion in the deaths of those that are unhealthy. Or is this a new kind of virus that doesn't attack weak immune systems? Really though, if this is true is not the overall health of our young people greatly exaggerated?
"Really though, if this is true is not the overall health of our young people greatly exaggerated?"
Or maybe there is no such thing as an immune system that can protect human life from all of GOD'S creations. So to answer you I think some people are fooling themselves if they claim to be invincible vs. Mother Nature based on what they eat.
has it occurred to you Casper that some people can be fooling themselves by tinkering with their immune system's ability to protect their lives by adding viruses from monkeys dogs and cows to their system?
"has it occurred to you Casper that some people can be fooling themselves by tinkering with their immune system's"
Google life expectancy rates & pandemics over the last 200 years and get back to me. If you choose to possible die earlier than what you are capable of then as DMG would say roll wit it. I keep hearing vaccines are HORRIBLE. But I have yet to see any of you provide some facts (stats) versus the historical numbers of deaths due to pandemics. So it would appear that you support mankind living to 35 on average again. I Got it your old school! If GOD wanted man to fly.. yada.. yada.. I got it.
Secondly, in some cultures people have been eating Monkeys, Dogs, Cows, Cats, Rats, etc. for centuries.. And?
Finally, when you eat concentrated Shiitake mushrooms on purpose you are tinkering with your immune system... NO?
Casper, I don't think you understand that crediting life expectancy rates today to those of the last 200 years is a gargantuan leap in logic.
You had might as well credit life expectancy rates to soda pop.
"I don't think you understand that crediting life expectancy rates today to those of the last 200 years is a gargantuan leap in logic."
Do you have a better logical factual explanation? ... Or have you run out of conspiracies?? Or do the facts/stats not suit your argument so you wish to play FOX News games?
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