first tap Mircea
Denmark Vesey said ...
That's patronizing bullshit old negros like to say to hear themselves talk. It plays into the old racist canard that young black men are mindlessly violent semi-animals who know not what they do. Young black men in the hood are no more violent than old white men in the Pentagon.
If I was some twenty year old cat, I'd be like "get the fuck out my face with that 1970's shit pops."
If you want to talk to some young cats, if you REALLY want to get through to them, do it Denmark Vesey style: First of all: Most of you cats aint going to make it. Especially you fat chicken eatin' muhfuggas who aint got a woman. That's right. For every one of you murdered by another brother, 40 will die of diet related diseases. The rest of you pussy ass - blame-a-cracka / waiting-for-Affirmative-Action niggas raised by your mommas aint got much of a chance. Some of you will squeeze through. But most of you cats are doomed. Most of you been vaccinated up and already semi-sterilized or half-way gay. Those of you who are not ... Those of you who still like girls, those of you whose dream is not to slave away in some glorified plantation gig until you are no longer needed are prime targets. If they don't get you with genetically modified food that is guaranteed to give you cancer, the plantation has a Prison Industrial Complex just waiting to suck your ass up into the belly of the beast. The 5% of ya'll who avoid that pitfall I advise you to first - Get A Chick. That's right a woman. A man needs a woman like a fish needs water. Marry her. Commit to her. Start your family. Now you got something to live for. Yup. That's the last thing the Plantation wants to see you do. So do it. Next. Get a gun. You are at war. Consider yourself a soldier. Be prepared to die. Train. Next, read as much as you can about sustainability, urban gardening, water filtration, alternative energy. There's a cat on the internet called "CNu". Look him up. If you are lucky he will point you in the right direction. Those of you who aint family men ... get some coke, some weed, some meth. Turn a nic into an ounce, ounce into a quarter, a quarter into a key. Sell that shit to middle America. Hell the Plantation is selling drugs to your "community", why not sell it back? But don't get high on your own supply. You get enough loot, slip out the country, get you a little piece of land on an island someplace, make some babies and ride out the storm. Don't feel bad. The situation is not entirely your fault. I blame my generation and the previous generation mostly. We fell for the Hegelian Head fake. Most of us been led by the nose by liberals who we thought were saving us from evil conservatives. Come to find out they were one and the same.
Dare i say u two are agreeing?
denmark vesay my jaw is on the floor. Wowzer
Dyson is a hypocrite. Like "DV" he's been championing the self-destructive memes of Gangsta Hip Hop, and more so he's given the genre a theological bend:
Biggie proclaims on his first album on Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs’ Bad Boy Records Ready to Die: “the landlord dissed us/I used to wonder why Christmas missed us/Damned right I like the life I live/Cause I went from negative to positive”.
Biggie, of course, got to show just how truly ready to die he was only a few years after the release of this record. His “negative to positive” actually was a negative - he went from negative to negativer. That’s the thug life, ya know.
How does Michael Eric Dyson assess Biggie? Referencing the above lyrics, he’s got the following to say in one of his latest books, Open Mike: “Biggie’s lyrics, like those of Tupac, speak directly to the question of black suffering and what’s known in theological circles as 'the problem of evil.' Biggie shares honors with Tupac in the articulation of a grassroots secular urban theodicy.”
“Theodicy”? “Idiocy” is more apt.
Dyson lifts Biggie and Tupac into the realm of the metaphysical:
“So it seems to me that hip-hoppers, and hardcore rappers in particular, are trying to confront the discontinuity between destiny and merit, between social evil and the contention that God is good, a claim they hear from intellectuals and preachers like me. I think these hardcore rappers and their fans, are attempting to negotiate the dominion of death and the sovereignty of suffering by rejecting its ultimate logic – of the utter finality of existence – and insist on an immortality of expression that is undiminished by physical displacement."
This stuff sounds really smart. It sounds so smart that if one doesn’t understand this it would tend to induce self-doubt in any individual who reads this. “Negotiate the dominion of death”, “Sovereignty of Suffering”, “Utter finality of Existence”. Fact is, the verbiage can not be understood in the context of daily, concrete, reality.
What Dyson does here is use an old trick: Make an assertion about the going-ons of real life in abstract metaphysical terms which, by their very metaphysical nature, can not be logically challenged in terms of physical reality.
The end result? Biggie Smalls, Tupac et al are not only secular “revolutionaries”, but now have become tainted with the theology of sainthood. Thugism thus becomes a matter of faith and theology rather than what’s really at issue: cold hard cash.
Plain and simple: Dyson operates via obfuscation and gobbledygook. This is a time honored tradition among “radical” African-American “ethno-philosophers” who in the 1960s and 1970s could be found on any corner of Harlem’s 125th Street and in many “New Afrikan” cultural centers which sprung up throughout Black America during that time. The type was best satirized by Damon Wayans’ deranged prison philosopher of Fox’ “In Living Color” TV show.
Getting back to Biggie: Christmas missed a whole lot of people (though certainly not the vast majority of consumption-addicted African-Americans), but even if this were so, that did not give anyone the right to glorify thuggism and the pushing of drugs onto the black community. Nonetheless, Biggie was no idiot. He was mercenary. Dyson, I suspect, is not an idiot either, merely mercenary.
Making revolutionaries and saints out of thugs does not serve the African-American community.
This Johnny-Come-Lately "Love yourself" bullshit he is espousing is just the same old hypocrisy. The fact that gobbledygook-speaking "DV" now seeks to distance himself from his spiritual Daddy - Michael Dyson - is hilarious.
did u ammend ur statement? looks like it.
^did u ammend ur statement?
Yes, while you were making yours.
"We fell for the Hegelian Head fake."
I can see it already:
Young black kid: "What's Hegelian"?
"DV": "Some German philosopher's named Hegel, philosophy".
Young black kid: "What did this Hegel guy say?"
"DV": "Ahem, ahh aahh uhhhh... well, ugh..
LOL. Nah I'd just tell 'em: "Hegel is the reason cats like Mike Fisher still see the world in anachronistic terms like 'white vs non-white'".
^Which is the equivalent of "Ahem, ahh aahh uhhhh... well, ugh..."
A man needs a woman like a fish needs water. Marry her. Commit to her. Start your family. Now you got something to live for. Yup. That's the last thing the Plantation wants to see you do. So do it. Next. Get a gun. You are at war. Consider yourself a soldier. Be prepared to die. Train. Next, read as much as you can about sustainability, urban gardening, water filtration, alternative energy.
DenmarkVesey is school.
everything else is merely conversation....,
Dyson sounds like Obama.
DenmarkVesey is school.--CNu
Yes it is, particularly for those proficient at digging through a pile of cow manure to find a turd of horseshit.
But most of you cats are doomed. -DV
How many?
The 5% of ya'll who avoid that pitfall…- DV
So 95% of all Afrikan American males are doomed.
That’s precisely what the White Supremacy Dynamic would want young Afrikan American males to believe.
Start your family. Now you got something to live for.—DV
Aberration to the defeatist mentality duly noted.
Next. Get a gun. You are at war.- DV
Whom with, other than each other?
Consider yourself a soldier. Be prepared to die.- DV
For what purpose, since the other 95% are obviously dying for no purpose.
Train. Next, read as much as you can…-DV
Aberration duly noted.
Those of you who aint family men ... get some coke, some weed, some meth. Turn a nic into an ounce, ounce into a quarter, a quarter into a key. Sell that shit to middle America.—DV
Ah, Don Corleone since you’ve already doomed these young men to death, are you suggesting that they may as well commit suicide. If you haven’t noticed La Familia, etc. have that market cornered. Are you going to provide these young men with the firepower they would need to fight these cartels to capture that market? Not!!!!!!!!!!!
I blame my generation and the previous generation mostly.-DV
Aberration duly noted
Most of us been led by the nose by liberals who we thought were saving us from evil conservatives. Come to find out they were one and the same.- DV
Malcolm told us about the fox and the wolf back in the 1960s. For all of us who did not hear Malcolm speak in person, his message was in books for us to read and on recordings for us to listen to. Surely the Shrine Constructor is not just finding this out.
Hot damn! DV, that was awesome. I am wowed. Email my azz, I got something to ask you.
I'm gonna check out CNu's blog too. I also want all of you who want to weather the storm to visit Wildflower. This sista is a survivalist and the theme of her blog.
That was a cold piece!!!
I agree 100% with Denmark Vesey. That was way better than your rhymes DV.
speak on it kid blast!!
kid blaze
*Ahem* And yes, i'm a broken record. *Paddy from Family Guy* so what, big whoop, want to fight about it?
DV, I was with you through most of that, but advocating young black men to sell dope. Hellz naw, bruh. How about take control of your community, start a business, something like that. Learn how to monetize the things we innovate. If black people would learn this alone, a significant portion of our problems would be solved right there. Why do more Asian and Middle Eastern people own businesses in black communities than we do, selling us Michael Jackson t-shirts and fake rolexes? I saw a toy in the store one day that said, simply, "Bling". And inside it was a bunch of plastic rapper gear, a chain, a watch, a plastic grill, that kinda stuff. B.G. said if they had copyrighted the word "Bling", none of them would ever have to work again.
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