Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DX Surprised By DV In St. T


Anonymous said...

dayuuuuum dv! all your friends fine as hell! dx single?

Michael Fisher said...

Don't be fooled. That video obviously is a fake. Anyone who understands anything about photography will know that the lighting is inauthentic, the colors are unreal, and the beach shown is actually Redondo Beach, Cali. Plus the audio clearly was created on a sound stage. "DV" never was in St. Thomas.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ And boooom goes the dynamite!


Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhhhhh!!! That's funny. Mike.

I guess if DX had the sun shining on his face and the back of his head at the same time and paint was peeling off the palm trees, you'd be right on time.

Michael Fisher said...

^And plus this wasn't DX, but a hired actor.

Anonymous said...


"DV" never was in St. Thomas.""

ya think ya might be just a tad bit jealous mike??!!

ya think??

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

Of fake St. Thomas? Anon. You got any idea where I've been on the planet?

dx said...


just peeped da vid boss...nice!!

DV is school!!!

cant believe mike...dis dude would deny his own nose on his face...trippn'

tks for droppn' in...da time spent was kool...

tks for da shared wisdom...workn' on da "project"


Michael Fisher said...


"I guess if DX had the sun shining on his face and the back of his head at the same time..."

You never did hear of high noon? No? Figures.

Denmark Vesey said...

You never did hear of high noon? No? Figures.

No. But I've heard of 'high negro'.

Which is what you must be.

LOL. But come on "Mike". Why you so salty? Why you got your lips poked out? What's the matter man?

You still mad because folks laughed at your "Hip Hop Conspiracy Theory" that 4 Jews in LA sat down and "decided" what Hip Hop would be "about"?

LOL. Come on bra. Don't be like that.

Tell you what. I apologize. I should never have questioned the opinions of the man who invented Hip Hop.

Even if he was a Yale "black militant".

My fault Mike.

Michael Fisher said...


"cant believe mike...dis dude would deny his own nose on his face...trippn'...

Anyone who understands anything about anything will know Michael Fisher doesn't exist. Clearly "Michael Fisher's" writing is inauthentic, the the IP addresses "Michael Fisher" uses are unreal, and the things he claimed happened never happened. "Michael Fisher" is the creation of the "Jewish Illuminati Conspiracy" in order to confuse all "Plantation Negroes".

Michael Fisher said...


"You still mad because folks laughed at your 'Hip Hop Conspiracy Theory' that 4 Jews in LA sat down and 'decided' what Hip Hop would be 'about'?"

Dang, that reminds me. What was it which Hip Hop artist(s) you worked with in which professional capacity for what length of time again?

Oh, now I recall: None.

By bad...

dx said...


"Michael Fisher" is the creation of the "Jewish Illuminati Conspiracy" in order to confuse all "Plantation Negroes".


is this your attempt to save face??

cause yo know... MF laughn' at yo ass...

think you juuusssst might of lost your blog cred....

Denmark Vesey said...

Dang, that reminds me. What was it which Hip Hop artist(s) you worked with in which professional capacity for what length of time again?


Ahhhh ....

So THAT was it. You still salty.

Mike, you think because you used to book concerts for Public Enemy ... 20 years ago ... you have some special insight into Hip Hop others don't have?

Can you rap? Can you hear a difference between Young Jeezy and Young Joc?

Mike ... Bert Padell "worked with" 100 times more rap artists than you did ... and he doesn't understand Hip Hop either.

You were functionary Mike. You "worked with" Hip Hop artists the way Financial Advisors "work with" pro athletes. Just because Larry Goldstein manages Kobe's money doesn't mean he was a Laker.

You are not an artist Mike. Stop pontificating about an art form that you never understood.

Michael Fisher said...


"MF laughn' at yo ass...

think you juuusssst might of lost your blog cred...."

dx, if you knew anything about my background you'd know that I could never lose my blog cred given all that I've accomplished in the entertainment world.

Kimberly said...

I love me some handsome black men!

Michael Fisher said...


"Mike, you think because you used to book concerts..."

Ummm, ummm. Still trying to divert from the issue at hand? Given that you are the "expert" in all matters hip hop industry, once again:

"What was it which Hip Hop artist(s) you worked with in which professional capacity for what length of time again?"

Michael Fisher said...
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Undercover Black Man said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"Just because Larry Goldstein manages Kobe's money doesn't mean he was a Laker."

And why the heck would I wanna be Kobe Bryant if I manage his money? Sheeet. As to Bert, I bet you he done "worked with" 1000 times more Hip Hop artists than you, "DV", including all of Def Jam. Though, 1000 times more is actually misleading, because X (the number of Hip Hop artists Bert worked with) * 0 (the number of Hip Hop artists "DV" worked with) = 0. You get my drift, though.

Undercover Black Man said...

Mike: I think DV has quite effectively disabled the argument that concert promotion -- which requires business acumen and organizational skills -- doesn't perforce convey any artistic insight.

You need to attack on a different front.

Michael Fisher said...


"Mike: I think DV has quite effectively disabled the argument that concert promotion..."

I'm not arguing concert promotion, David. "DV" clearly has no idea what he is talking about. He thinks concert promotion and booking agent is one and the same thing. What I am trying o find out is what the basis of "DV"s "expert opinion" on the Hip Hop industry is. For example, arguably you, David, not being involved in the industry, have had a greater impact on the Hip Hop industry (as I have demonstrated to you before) than all of "DV"s ill-informed rantings put together.

dx said...


nah....you putin' on an act right???

no pun intened...

but you cant be serious???!!!!

you callin' that entertainment??

twistin' balloons and spitn' a joke or two??

Anonymous said...


Thanks for shout out, might take you up on that after February when flu season winds down.


In a rare defense of our host...it seems like the cat was actually in the islands. I try to stay away from conspiracy theories, so I'll give him the benefit of doubt.

Anonymous said...

...now was that really Dx? Who knows. Is Dx an online alter ego of MOTI who co-signs? Who knows? Do I care.


Michael Fisher said...



nah....you putin' on an act right???

no pun intened...

but you cant be serious???!!!!"

WTF? You have no respect for my artistic integrity? Plus all the good works I've done? Not only am I a concert promoter, but I appear as support before all of the artists I promote on stage and do my show. The audience loves it! Hip Hop fans are just like anyone else, they love magic, too. Ask Dave Mills. He's seen me perform! In fact, HBO offered me a deal and Dave is writing me into his next script.

Anonymous said...


was that really DX???

I want to know??

handsome man!!

dx said...


aight, aight.....

i believe ya, i believe ya...

no need ta get your drahws all bunchd' up!!!

i'm sure you're a GREAT magician....

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"i'm sure you're a GREAT magician...."

Well, dx, I really appreciate that. Thanks, my man.

Though I gotta admit I've fallen on some hard times
recently. Not only did I get bad press, but the paper didn't even get my age right.

dx said...



that's some funny shit, mike.....

dx said...


on second thought!!!


Undercover Black Man said...

Comedy-wise, though, Mike... you on a whole other level tonight, dude. Masterful. Half the folks ain't even getting it.

IMS said...

Aaaaaaawww!! Ayo mekin me miss home! Lovely! I'll be there in Dec...I have to go back at least once a year.

Michael Fisher said...


"on second thought!!!


I'm glad you had a second thought, dx, because I am deadly serious about my work and life. In fact, I started singing recently and have been doing pretty well praising the Lord.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"Half the folks ain't even getting it."

David, you being really unfair to that half. They get "levitating shamans", "people turning into owls", "evolution is bullshit", "the Jews Run The World", "modern medicine is bullshit", "national health care is a terrible concept". "logic is illogical", and "there never was a moon landing". Certainly they would get my biographical musings.

Undercover Black Man said...

^ Masterful.

Michael Fisher said...

Merci bien.

Anonymous said...

DV. I'm sorry. But I am not interested in your pissing contest with Michael Fisher. Quite boring actually. I wish he would go away. Tell me about DX!!!!

dx said...


......aint no swine flu virus in this here prime vitamin D estate brah!!!

there's an abundance of antidote for ya, and it's FREE!!!

so you're welcome to soak it up...as much as you can stand...

no plantation memes here!!

the good nurse said...

Nice video...beautiful hue man.

Michael Fisher said...

And, not to overdo it, but one last word to dx and "DV".

You guys should check out my last sermon. After that sermon I caused three lame people to walk again, caused two blind people to regain their sight, and stopped the nose bleeds of nine folks, and with one woman her inflamed appendix fell out. No "modern medicine", "surgery" or "National Health Care" can do what a good sincere prayer to God can do.

Oh, and of course, I turned a kid into a peace pigeon.

Anonymous said...

who is dx?

Anonymous said...

Ah Dx,

43 deaths of which 22 were in D.R. I've been to DR and Haiti...lots of sunshine down there my friend. Lots.

dx said...




Denmark Vesey said...

Nah Anonymous. Mike Fisher is cool. He can take what he dishes out and it's usually me who starts it. So don't blame him.

Yeah, he's a hater. But he aint no punk.

Sorry if our jabs at each other interfere with the ladies interest in Brother DX.

Which brings us back to the essence of the Denmark Vesey / "Mike Fisher" disagreement.

The Global System of Black Supremacy vs The Global System of White Supremacy.

Which is an argument which manifests itself in many ways. Sunlight vs. Vaccines. Vitamin D vs Chemotherapy. African men levitating vs. White men walking on the moon.

Whichever "conspiracy" a man chooses to believe tells you much about him.

I like to tease Negros DETERMINED to credit all things powerful and real to white men, especially when they pretend their fawning veneration of cracka pseudoscience is somehow rooted in "logic".

There is no more evidence the US Government landed a man on the moon than there is evidence Kon Womyn saw a man turn into an owl.

I juxtapose their pitbull like defense of the white meme with their aggressive disregard for the meme presented by the sista.

Despite all the "Gwobal Systum uh Whyte Supwemacy" talk ... these same muhfuggas WANT to be slaves.

They want to be mental slaves. Which is why they exalt all things white while denigrating all things black.

All I know is ... sistas feel bra DX.

I have yet to hear one check for Mike Fisher.

Global System of Black Supremacy.

Whatever makes women respond is the truth.

Everything else is just talk.

What Up Sista Nurse!?

Anonymous said...


Thought you were the one who is supposed to be post-racial, but you are the one getting his panties twisted about "crackas".

Your statements are just damn offensive. Don't you dare attribute all of your wrong headed thinking to "black folks", just because you are backward.

"Which is why they exalt all things white while denigrating all things black."

The only slave here is you. You are a slave to ignorance and your own paranoia. Just because YOU don't understand science and medicine, doesn't mean there aren't those who do understand. You want to keep black folks ignorant, superstitious and paranoid...huddling together, wide eyed in some corner fifedom where you can be a "bigman" leading them over a cliff. What's wrong? You can't be a big man in the real world? Don't have the brain cells to compete? You have to attempt to denigrate and deny what you aren't intelligent enough to wrap your mind around? What the hell's wrong with you? Glorifying guns and thugs over people who work hard to understand the world around them. Or do you think the pyramids were designed by magic rather than the mathematicians, engineers, and scientists of their time?

Crack a book instead of talking about "crackas".

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"All I know is ... sistas feel bra DX.

I have yet to hear one check for Mike Fisher."

That's cause they can't appreciate an incredible looking guy like me.

As you can see, my my girl can, though. And what a hue she has...

Pristine, like the driven snow with a cute little reddish nose. No "sista" can compete.

Denmark Vesey said...

Ahhh ... The Sucka MD.

You back for more huh?

OK. Damn. Just as soon as I spank one of you monkeys another one pops up.

LOL. Let's see. Where do we start?


OK. Look.

I submit my prescription of sunshine and Vitamin D as a defense against influenza is far more scientific ...

than that monkey virus you just had squirted up your nose as a defense against influenza.

MD or no MD... you aint healthy as me.

I look better than you. I'm faster than you. I'm stronger than you. I'm smarter than you. I would beat your ass.

Then go get a shot of wheat grass.

I utilize the "cracka" colloquialism because it helps to explain you establishment Negros who are so easily fooled by the Plantation because of your subconscious impulse to trust all things white.

It is an impulse born in a deep seeded inferiority complex and multigenerational miseducation that taught you to believe 'Massa' was the custodian of logic, reason and the scientific method.

Which is why you do stupid things today like eat genetically modified food and squirt monkey virus juice up your noses...

While having the gall to laugh at black men and women who know there is nothing more scientific than sunlight.

Doc ... CHEMOTHERAPY is not scientific.

VACCINES are not scientific.

GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD is not a product of the scientific method.

That is shit is all business, politics and eugenics.

You "MD's" are just cogs in the middle tasked to endorse that shit for Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas trained to do what you fools say.

dx said...


your faces and smiles are as wide and deep as the sea

God is your creator, made for me

how aimless life would be

and bare

without the empress' alchemy

thankx for the shout outs!!!!

the good nurse said...

Wow. Is that really u MF? Really? Hmmm, a white guy to secretly desires to line up with the image of our creator...behind closed doors yearning for a woman like me? U should have left your image up for our imagination. Seriously.

U are most welcome DX....

Bro DV,
Stop taunting these fellas....they are not equipped. Not because they are less intelligent, but because they continue to think with their head knowledge and not their heart(soul) knowledge. U have to have a desire to learn in order to be taught.

Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

mwwwwwwwahhhhhh!!! @dx!!!! his accent is too sexy. I've been listening to him all night! DV how old is this man?

Undercover Black Man said...

I like to tease Negros DETERMINED to credit all things powerful and real to white men...

Yeah, well, DV... the world is what it is.

From the looks of this video, it seems to me that, if not for the white man, most Zimbabweans wouldn't know the value of hand-washing with soap and water.

Foreigners are going into Zimbabwe, DV... to teach grown people... how to wash their hands.

Meanwhile, whitey sends machines into space and communicates with them.

Talia said...


DX is a cutey!! What's his status?

Inquiring minds wants to know

Denmark Vesey said...

Hey Talia. LOL. I'm going to have to let my man speak for himself.

But for the record ... what's your status?

Talia said...

I'm single, free and disengaged.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

good nurse...

"behind closed doors yearning for a woman like me?"

Nope, my dear. I like light-skinned thin women like Ayo who is the "Baddest Black Woman On The Planet". And that ain't you.

Michael Fisher said...

good nurse...

"Hmmm, a white guy..."

What makes you think that I'm white? Just because I'm light-skinned and have good hair? Even though it's gray?

stylisticMF said...

I'm flattered! When I come to St. Thomas, I'll look you up (blushing).

To reiterate the sentiments of the ladies, you are beautiful.

KonWomyn said...

What's gd bra? Looks like fun times & yep DX is one FINE brutha! Nah, I haven't yet been to the coast in Mozambique, but we're planning to go this New Year's for a friend's surprise b'day.

Dunno abt that pic Mike - is that really you? Jst a few weeks ago you said you were abt the same complexion as DV's daughter, but this dude is several shades lighter and could easily 'pass' in your GSWS. I wonder where he ranks on Fish's scale of Black/Brown complexioned people. Y'said the li'l princess wasn't Black, so is this dude Black?

And for a man who rolls with models and peops in the hiphop industry - this pic is suspect. I'd expect a doper website and someone a li'l less Partridge family looking. It's funny, but put your real picture up Fish, this ain't you.

Zim is like your default position for all ills, huh? - typical. You ever been? So the UN spends money telling people in the market to use soap, but they still think injecting tomatoes with animal hormones is the cleanest thing ever. Rite, yea ok. Lol.

Anyway people in the market actually do wash their hands and fruit n veg. Usually there is a bucket of water where they wash the fruit before they display it and at some point during the day. If you buy a mango from 'em y'can ask for them to wash it before you eat - this is how we do and have always done.

Makes me wonder tho' if they ever wash the fruit and veg in the markets here? Mmm I seen some pretty grubby hands handling the produce in them Lon markets.


KonWomyn said...

Forget all that, I clicked on your other links too. That was all for the giggles, ok. Funny tho'. But funnier is that you operate under an alias with so many bogus links but you call out DV 24/7...hypocrite, much?

Undercover Black Man said...
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Undercover Black Man said...

Nothing personal regarding Zim, KW. I just stumbled on the video.

Turns out the UN's Global Handwashing Day was a couple of weeks ago. So it wasn't just about Zimbabwe.

Kenya has high rates of diarrheal diseases. Ghana too. Matter fact: "In Ghana, before their handwashing with soap campaigns, only three per cent [of people] washed their hands after defecation..."

Gross, right? Yo, DV... what good is all them organically grown veggies... if they come with a dose of doo doo?

And how does your memetic swagger deal with such uncomfortable realities as the fact that washing hands with muhfuggin' soap isn't a cultural norm across Africa?

Maybe they know something we don't know about the dangers of "processed" soap... right, Denmark?

I mean, nothing beats water, right? Water and sunshine -- humans done lived on water and sunshine for eons. They didn't need no Irish Spring or Dial Liquid Soap.

"Many believe washing hands with water alone is sufficient. In Kenya, only 25 per cent of primary care givers for children wash hands with soap... before handling food, after using the toilet or after cleaning a soiled child."

Don't imitate the white man! Just cuz whitey say "Wash your hands after you poop"... don't make it right!! Don't listen to dat evil UN, my peoples! Them global elites cannot be trusted!!! Damn eugenicist plotters...

Hell, I bet the Rockefeller are behind "Global Handwashing Day"...

Thordaddy said...

Mike Fisher...
U act azz if Hip hop ain't ripe fo' duh pluckin'
Fools be talkin' 'bout 
Booty-clappin', bling and ($:$/&!!!
Yuzza radical autonomist...
Manipulator of reality
Clown DV
Cuz his twist on hip hip
mo' funky Than Mike FeeFeez!!!
Nigel, please!!!
You actin' crazy as ever
Like you been stabbed
AGAIN, in the liver
Liver of uh fantasy
A black man who ain't black...
The white man's courtesy!!!
And now u don't 
Just like u sum straight supremacy
U feaning fo' affection
I tell ya yo' infection
Lack of real direction
Absence of correction
Inna belief 
That God a false evolutionary conception...
That's yo' contention
Falsify evolution
By creation uva opposition 
Cuz yo' paradigm
Calls fo' self-abolition!!!

Michael Fisher said...

Farts, I'd like to see you call me "Nigel" to my face, internet hero.

Michael Fisher said...

^Not to put a dent in your point, David, but the British and the Americans ain't exactly hand-washing heroes either. But then again none of that makes any difference, since the Germ Theory of Disease is poppy cock and "DV" certainly doesn't wash his hands in order to avert ingesting all these no-disease-causing-little buggers.

Anonymous said...

U feaning fo' affection
I tell ya yo' infection
Lack of real direction
Absence of correction
Inna belief
That God a false evolutionary conception...

actually that shit is dope!

Constructive Feedback said...

You da man DV!

That was a pretty cool video.

What do you use for your video editing and background music?

the good nurse said...

Ok, perhaps u are of African decent. I am only going by the links you provided along with the statement u made.
The pic of me is authentic. Perhaps urs is not.

Nevertheless, you like who u like. I have nothing against fair skinned sistas. We are all beautiful. And for the record, I am fine. and don't need u to qualify that.

Have a Black day.

VanLuvsChoc said...

I've been watching this man all morning! Now I'm late to work. xoxoxo from Seattle!

Anonymous said...

"Ahhh ... The Sucka MD."

You have YET to lay a glove on me. EVER. Check the record fool.

By the way just because YOU say something don't make it true. Back up your words...what's that? You can't. Thought so.

And I think you need to check yourself before you start talking about getting physical...or physical attributes.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fisher said...

good nurse...

"I have nothing against fair skinned sistas. We are all beautiful...."

When it comes to women I'm a connoisseur. My tastes are refined.

I'm checking for complexity, depth and bouquet, it's apparent that I don't select my women by the pound.

Thus, good nurse. You may think you are beautiful, but Ayo is the most beautiful woman on the planet.

You can't compete.

Right, "DV"?

As to my ethnicity, I am "the blackest man on the planet".

Denmark Vesey said...

"As to my ethnicity, I am "the blackest man on the planet"." MF



Don't it feel good bra?

Don't it.

Told you.

Fuuuug all that "White Supremacy Shit".

Anonymous said...

sexy sexy sexy

Denmark Vesey said...

What up CF?!

Thanks man. Nah, that's just a little summin' I put together on my iPhone while sittin' on the plane.

chosen said...

Awesome video, DV! I was in Guadeloupe this past summer, the landscape looks exactly the same (but they ain't have brothas like DX in Guadeloupe :)

decolonizing minds ain't an easy task, keep it up!


Anonymous said...

like i said...I do not require your approval to qualify me Mike.

Michael Fisher said...

good nurse...

"like i said...I do not require your approval to qualify me Mike."

Did you follow the link I provided three times in my last comment?

Thordaddy said...

Yo Mikey...
Which face would dat be???
The black one or duh blank one
Neither very scary
One kinda uh Stanley
Otha kinda uh fairy...
Train as tho my life depended on it
Tangle wiff me
Might put uh end ta ya!!!
Or maybe I show ya sum mercy
Dood as lost as you
Be beggin' fo' his life sayin', merci!!!
Yur welcome, mon ami...
Ain't yur friend
But yur fiend...
What u do dawg
If I call ya uh Nigel???
Get ur panties in uh bunch
And scurry 'way like Fievel???

KonWomyn said...


Nuttin' personal sure, but I'm just used to Zim, Somalia or the Congo being the Western headline for calamity.

Anyway y'said,
"And how does your memetic swagger deal with such uncomfortable realities as the fact that washing hands with muhfuggin' soap isn't a cultural norm across Africa?"

Cultural norm??? C'mon how can you say that when even dear Whitey's history books clearly make the links between poverty, disease and modernity or the upsurge in disease due to modernity. And Whitey's medical journals about pathogenic theory of medicine give evidence on how diseases form and spread. As for Whitey's cleanliness, well MF nicely dispelled that myth.

Michael Fisher said...

^Farts, all that bullshit you're rhyming is nonsensical because you'd never call me "Nigel" or anything else out of my name to my face in the first place. Bye now.

Thordaddy said...

Man Mikey
U kinda uh fishey
Autonomous, anonomous
Uh lil' squishy 
Two-faced mean ya faceless
No belief in God
Mean ya graceless
Tasteless is tha state ya in
When I rattle yur teeth and tangle yur tongue
Got u fartin' at duh mouth
Playin' po' lil' victim
Twist yur two face up
Witha rhyme and my dictum...

Undercover Black Man said...

^ This cat wants an ass-whippin' in real life, Fish.

Everybody needs to chill-da-funk-out with the personal rhetoric.

dx said...

@ the sistas....


Michael Fisher said...


"This cat wants an ass-whippin' in real life, Fish.

Everybody needs to chill-da-funk-out with the personal rhetoric."

Well, David, in contrast to you and Exodus both of you guys who know, the guy has no idea what I look like or how I'm built. So it's easy for him to indulge in heroic fantasies.

Thordaddy said...

U couldn't whoop cream
If ya did
Adda cherry
Put on lil' fat boy's ice cream...
I scream
Cuz u uh eye sore!!!
Keep it unda cover brother
Cuz u got blubber fo' ya core...
Yur brain don't see tha need ta counter
Gotcha playin' Mike's girl
Y yur bo'friend flounder...
Y ya chime in???
When ya know I can pound ya???
Pound for pound
I uh pitbull and uh blood hound...
Uzza uh geometrical phenom
More rounder than round!!!
Is that sound???
To be so smart and unhealthy 
Makes uh cracka wonda'
Wutta blackman unda'
Sum kinda spell
Runnin' diversion fo' uh dood who sell
Out lika buster
Whatcha goin' do
Play tag team...
Be hot dog ta Mike's lack uh muster???