Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Get Healthy. Fire Your Doctor.

Medical doctors are taught in controlled medical schools that underlying metabolic disorders are mostly imaginary fake illnesses dreamed up by chronic complainers and hypochondriacs, that real doctors should ignore, minimize and discredit these fakers and that only quack holistic medical doctors, holistic chiropractors and naturopaths treat these fake diseases with quack remedies.

Stuart Berger, M.D. in What Your Doctor Didn't Learn in Medical School (1988), states "our symptom chasing, drug oriented orthodox medical doctors make you sick, frustrated, depressed and disabled, unnecessarily, by ignoring and mistreating underlying metabolic disorders." Consequently millions of Americans' lives are wasted and even lost, as a result of what Establishment doctors don't know (and I would add) and pretend not to know.

Modern medicine is not scientific. It is politically motivated medical genocide and quackery because international gangsters, who own and control the drug industry, also control all medical and scientific research in the United States and worldwide to suppress all scientific discoveries of natural therapies to treat cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, AIDS and other health problems.


Submariner said...

Denmark Vesey, The Brownest Man on the Internet.

CNu said...

Sub, is that a statement of fact or an allusion to dooky-esque information propagation tendencies?

Anonymous said...

I'm actually thankful that I'm getting more busy at work--which leaves me less time to groan at the posts on this site. It's not even worth commenting anymore, same low information soapbox stuff, with the usual conspiracy theory co-signers. But, please continue. Anyone stupid enough to follow your advice or believe one syllable of your rhymes probably deserves whatever consequences befall them.

Sub, keep up the good fight, I guess you'll be Q1 on the Denmark Vesey call schedule from now on. Enjoy.

CNu, it's been fun again hanging with you on this site.