Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutatesLONDON (AP) — Polio, a dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria despite efforts to stamp it out. And health officials say in some cases, it's caused by the vaccine used to fight it.

In July, the World Health Organization issued a warning that this
vaccine-spread virus might extend beyond Africa. So far, 124 Nigerian children have been paralyzed this year — about twice those afflicted in 2008.

The polio problem is just the latest challenge to global health authorities trying to convince wary citizens that vaccines can save them from dreaded disease.

For years, myths have abounded about vaccines — that they were the Western world's plan to sterilize Africans or give them AIDS. The sad polio reality fuels misguided fears and underscores the challenges authorities face using a flawed vaccine.

Nigeria and most other poor nations use an oral polio vaccine because it's cheaper, easier, and protects entire communities.
(You can see in the kids face the inherent knowledge that dripping monkey virus juice into their mouths is some wicked evil stupid shit)
Where is the link to the source? And thanks in advance for posting it.
Continued Setbacks for Polio Vaccine
Nature.com (subscription) - 5 hours ago
Sad news today about vaccine-triggered polio outbreaks in Nigeria. The AP reports that this year, 124 children have been paralyzed by polio caused by ...
Polio vaccine blamed for outbreaks in Nigeria
msnbc.com - 10 hours ago
LONDON - Polio is spreading in Nigeria and health officials say in some cases it's caused by the vaccine used to fight the paralyzing disease. ...
Polio surge in Nigeria after vaccine virus mutates
The Associated Press - Maria Cheng - 14 hours ago
LONDON — Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, ...
Polio vaccine leads to disease's resurgence in Nigeria
SmartBrief - 9 hours ago
The polio virus found in the vaccine used widely in Nigeria has mutated, prompting a new outbreak that has doubled the number of child paralysis cases ...
Lagos and the fight against Polio
BusinessDay - Alexander Chiejina - Aug 13, 2009
Polio is a disease that is not only devastating but destructive. It not only kills the body but also affect the self-esteem of sufferers of the disease. ...
Why not post the links? Thanks for citing your sources though; I appreciate it.
I'm sorry M. The piece is AP. It's all over the place.
Here's 1 of 224:
Hey DV
Where'd you get the lead pic of this story? Was this your handiwork coz its not on the USA today site.
Hey KW.
Nah. I didn't take that shot.
But it's an image of Nigerian polio victims.
Were it on the USA today site, what difference would it make?
How would it impact your thoughts regarding the nature of vaccines, considering this very public acknowledgment of what has been said all along - injections of viruses (vaccines) into the body very often cause the very disease it is supposed to prevent?
^ So is that a photo of Nigerians with polio caused by a vaccine... or a photo of Nigerians with polio caused by lack of a vaccine?
I don't know UBM.
I googled "Nigeria Polio victim".
The image came up.
LOL. But what difference does it make?
1) How do we know ALL of the polio victims are not the result of these dangerous vaccines?
2) How do we know which Nigerians got the polio virus from poor sanitation and how many got it from the $5 Billion WHO 24/7 365 Campaign to Inoculate as many Africans as possible?
3) The WHO was forced to admit the virus causes polio. This Time. How can we be sure this isn't the first time the World Health Organization and (these private NGO's innoculating / sterilizing / infecting Africans with AIDS) - were aware that the virus was causing polio?
Polio is polio. Whether you get it from shitty water, or monkey virus juice euphemistically labeled "vaccines".
FACT: The oral polio vaccine very often causes polio. I've illustrated that observable truth many times.
However you have been conditioned to accept "truth" and "reality" only from Massa via his controlled media.
OK. Now you hear it from Massa.
So ...
How about: "Damn DV. I'm not ready to completely walk away from vaccines and Plantation medicine all together. But I must admit you right about this one. Vaccines and the Western Germ Theory of disease seems to have some serious flaws".
You busy Googlin' your ass off looking for a mistake in the footnotes.
Come on Bra. Man up.
Did those Nigerian polio cases you mentioned occur in children who had been immunized?
Or in children who had not been immunized?
The Nigerian polio cases mentioned in this piece, and in thousands of news sources around the world, occur BECAUSE of the immunization.
(Do you get that UB? Because I can't tell if you are acknowledging that point or not)
A Small
Of The Polio Virus.
It Is A Virus Cultivated
From The Diseased Kidneys of Monkeys.
When injected into a person, particularly children with underdeveloped immune systems, it often causes polio.
It is a dangerous procedure, wholly UNSCIENTIFIC, untested and unproven.
The "miracle" of Jonas Salk is mainly a PR stunt.
The oral polio vaccine very often infects the host with the very disease it is supposed to prevent. Sometimes in infects them with something worse than what it was supposed to prevent (AIDS)
Hey DV
Ok so now I know you didn't take the shot then I'd have to ask:
1. How far is this intentionally/unintentionally playing into the discourses about Africa as the victim?
2. Is it sensational even though its used unmask the failings of the oral vaccine and show how capitalism dictates responses to disease?
3. Would a picture of one of the smaller pics of the kids being innoculated not been as effective as that is the subject matter?
"1. How far is this intentionally/unintentionally playing into the discourses about Africa as the victim? " KW
If someone injects you with a cocktail of chemicals, calling it a "vaccination", and those chemicals give a dreaded disease - you ARE a victim.
"2. Is it sensational even though its used unmask the failings of the oral vaccine and show how capitalism dictates responses to disease?" KW
It's disturbing to people who wish to believe the Plantation is ultimately a benevolent ol' massa who wouldn't harm his subjects.
If you are aware of the dangers of vaccines, and continue to get them, from that point forward - it is on you.
Knowledge and understanding demand responsibility for oneself.
Plantation Negros don't really want to be free.
That is why they are instinctively resistant to messages like the dangers of vaccines.
It is also why I focus on messages like the inherent dangers of vaccines.
"3. Would a picture of one of the smaller pics of the kids being innoculated not been as effective as that is the subject matter?"
Inoculation is not the subject matter.
Disease CAUSED by the inoculation is the subject matter.
The images of the Nigerian polio victims are necessary to connect the reality of the the "vaccine" and the disease.
I find it puzzling why most of this thread has been spent vetting DV, instead of contemplating the profound implications of a proven case of vaccines causing disease.)
I'm sure under Obama's Federalized healthcare, all vaccines like these will be MANDATORY.
I find it puzzling why most of this thread has been spent vetting DV, instead of contemplating the profound implications of a proven case of vaccines causing disease
because of the way you serially undermine your integrity and credibility with your irresponsible anti-abortion flailings?
So because someone is antiabortion they have no credibility? What an assanine statement.
We should be asking ourselves about the implications of this story and put it into current swine flu vaccine context. Connect the dots...Disagreement with worldview is no reason to discount any facts they may bring to the table.
"I find it puzzling why most of this thread has been spent vetting DV, instead of contemplating the profound implications of a proven case of vaccines causing disease."
Because its instinct for me to to challenge any representation of Africa that I find troubling and this one is. The image lends itself to many discourses and despite your responses I'm not convinced otherwise.
As for your argument - yea I'm with you. Its shameful that WHO touted this as the cure when it was abt profitable business for the cheapest cure along with all the other arguments that a live vaccine was the 'best cure'. But health officials have known since 2000 that live polio cure was risky and polio mutated in several countries incl Madagascar, Egypt, Dominican Rep, the Philipinnes & Haiti.
There's also an article by someone named Helen Pearson that I can't access but she did a study on using live vaccines in Nigeria & she said they'd mutate.
This is an excerpt from a larger article on polio and cancer in the US & Italy:
"The Oral Sabin Polio vaccine is cultured in monkey kidney tissue. Vaccine makers insist every batch of Polio vaccine is screened for contaminants such as SV40. But a lawyer involved in a recent Polio case just published a report claiming the contamination continues. “Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin Polio vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue has been directly responsible for the major increase in Leukemia in this country,” states Dr. Frederick Klenner Polio Researcher, USA. This disease hardly occurs in the West anymore. However, it seems the days of Polio are still with us. Not in the form of acute viral outbreaks of fever and paralysis, but in the unexplored statistics on the long-term effects from the viral contaminated Polio vaccines given to countless children and adults three decades ago. What other undetectable monkey viruses have been transmitted in the vaccine batches lately? These unanswered questions continue to resurface in today’s research and still riddle retired scientist Ben Sweet. As a senior research scientist for a major pharmaceutical company from 1959 to 1964, Dr. Sweet was one of those responsible for the research, development and field-testing of the killed Polio virus vaccine. As many as twenty six of the Simian contaminants were readily detected but still other viruses, like SV40 slipped past rigorous quality control testing procedures available at that time."
Thanks for your objectivity and links Konwomyn.
When injected into a person, particularly children with underdeveloped immune systems, it often causes polio.
Often? Often??
Wrong again, DV.
"In 2008, 62 children were paralyzed out of the 42 million children that were vaccinated."
"Wrong again, DV." UBM
"Wrong again, DV."
That don't even sound right. You don't even believe that UB.
Yet again ... The Blackest Man Almighty DV is righturr thanamuhfuggah.
UB, Kon Womyn, Mahndisa, please consider a couple of quick points before we proceed:
"Polio has NOT been eradicated by vaccination, it is lurking behind a REDIFINITION and new diagnostic names like viral or aseptic meningitis.
According to one of the 1997 issues of the MMWR, there are some 30,000 to 50,000 cases of viral meningitis per year in the United States alone.
That's where all those 30,000 - 50,000 cases of polio disappeared after the introduction of mass vaccination" - Viera Scheibner
"Statistics on polio were manipulated. One such way was to redefine the disease, renaming it "viral or aseptic meningitis" or "cocksackie virus".
In one US county, for example, in July 1955 there were 273 cases of polio reported for 50 cases of asceptic meningitis, compared to 5 cases of polio in 1966 and 256 cases of aseptic meningitis.
These new diagnostic guideline's were issued by the CDC. If you object to polio vaccination, and you get polio--it is usually called "polio." If you have been vaccinated and you get "polio", it is called meningitis."
"A former public health officer, Dr Ratner, reported that just before the introduction of the first polio vaccine the National Foundation For Infant Paralysis was paying physicians $25 for each reported diagnosis.
"A patient would walk into a doctors office with a limp from an accident. He'd say he had a fever a few days ago...and guess what the diagnosis would be?"
It was well known Paralytic polio cured itself 50% of the time within 60 days. After the Salk vaccine was introduced, the definition of polio was changed by the CDC.
Now, in order to have paralytic polio, you had to have it longer than 60 days."
You mean Viera Scheibner, winner of the annual "Bent Spoon Award" from the Australian Skeptics?
"The unanimous choice of the judges was Dr. Viera Scheibner for her high profile anti-immunization campaign which, by promoting New Age and conspiracy mythology and by owing little to scientific methodologies or research, poses a serious threat to the health of Australian children."
A college education would've done you a heap of good, Denmark.
Thanks Mahndisa!
LOL! Scheibner might hve a bad rep but what abt the credibility of Salk as the Father of Polio?
"the Salk vaccine was proving ineffective. Children vaccinated with it were still coming down in hundreds with polio. The Journal of the American Medical Association would carry an article admitting, `It is now generally recognised that much of the Salk vaccine used in the US has been worthless.’ (2)
By 1959, preparations had begun to replace it with its main rival, the Sabin oral vaccine."
UB. My man. Your sincerity is suspect.
Your little attack the messenger routine was weak.
What was "polio in 1955" ... was diagnosed "spinal meningitis" in 1957.
"The Journal of the American Medical Association would carry an article admitting, `It is now generally recognised that much of the Salk vaccine used in the US has been worthless.’"
LOL. That's funny Kon Womyn. Even the JAMA admits the Salk vaccine was snake oil. Which begs the question...
Kon Womyn, why do you think Establishment Negros demonstrate such undying faith in a collapsing Plantation Myth like "The Infallibility of Vaccines"?
Why the Plantation Negro / Cracka need to see Salk as some kind of Randian Superman saving diseased children with magical potions?
Why the visceral hostility to mounting evidence our medical system is as flawed as is our financial system?
Defending mass vaccinations and the medical establishment is like defending sub prime loans and bailed out banks.
The shit don't add up.
UB! Polio didn't "disappear" after the vaccine. They just started calling it meningitis.
Since Scheibner wasn't kosher enough, let Dr. Bernard Greenberg tell you: "Dr. Bernard Greenberg, a biostatistics expert, was chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s. He testified at a panel discussion that was used as evidence for the congressional hearings on polio vaccine in 1962. During these hearings he elaborated on the problems associated with polio statistics and disputed claims for the vaccine's effectiveness. He attributed the dramatic decline in polio cases to a change in reporting practices by physicians. Less cases were identified as polio after the vaccination for very specific reasons.
"Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization and was being community-minded in reporting a communicable disease. The criterion of diagnosis at that time in most health departments followed the World Health Organization definition: "Spinal paralytic poliomyelitis: signs and symptoms of nonparalytic poliomyelitis with the addition of partial or complete paralysis of one or more muscle groups, detected on two examinations at least 24 hours apart." Note that "two examinations at least 24 hours apart" was all that was required. Laboratory confirmation and presence of residual paralysis was not required. "
So because someone is antiabortion they have no credibility? What an assanine statement.
Don't get it twisted.
I'm not arguing against DV's anti-vaccination stance.
Nor for that matter, have I ever argued against his anti-vaccination stance.
My statement was a very specific response to brah man's expression of "puzzlement" concerning folks hesitancy to grant him the benefit of the doubt.
It's interesting that the American public is pretty much in agreement on "crocked politicians", but somehow scientists got the "Edward Bernays" PR pop lock'n in their favor. You don't hear the phrase "crooked scientists." I believe this can subconsciously imply a measure of "infallibility" if not that, 'blind trust' at the least.
Their image is marketed that they are so objective in their analysis, that they are above mortal vices such as racism, fear of unemployment, arrogance, greed, etc.
The Science Delusion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59qpfSPI9mM
Get 'em Gee!
Man where you been?
I've been tellin' them nerds this shit for years now.
Write the word "science" on a turd of shit and Plantation Negros will swear it is scripture.
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