Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Damn. LOL. You Know CNu. Funny Thing Is. Larouche Cats Are The Blackest Crew On The Planet. Most Intelligent Courageous Voices Out There.


CNu said...

Thanks for connecting up this dot magne. I hadn't paid Red Ice any heed for a couple years now, but I wasn't aware that they're also a LaRooshian front.

Y'all muhphuggaz are like STD's - everywhere, international, world-wide...,

Howiecopywriter said...

How great, to see LaRouche organizers at the Copenhagen summit on Global warming. Of course it is a move for dictatorship.

Denmark Vesey said...

What's happenin' Howie G. Welcome to the spot.

Yes you are right. It is a move for a global dictatorship.

An unelected global government is by definition a dictatorship. Even if it was formed to ... "save the planet".

1) Why do you suppose the peasants are so reluctant to acknowledge that obvious truth?

2) Why do you suppose the peasants have been conditioned to short circuit at the mention of LaRouche?