Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 27, 2009

The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

There are still large numbers of people amongst the general public, in academia, and especially those who work for the corporate media, who are still in denial about the on-the-record stated agenda for global population reduction, as well as the consequences of this program that we already see unfolding.

Paul Joseph Watson has compiled a compendium of evidence to prove that the elite have been obsessed with eugenics and its modern day incarnation, population control, for well over 100 years and that goal of global population reduction is still in full force to this day. See Prison for more evidence.

As was reported only last month by the London Times, a “secret billionaire club” meeting in early May which took place in New York and was attended by David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Bill Gates and others was focused around “how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population”.

secret billionaire club

We questioned establishment media spin which portrayed the attendees as kind-hearted and concerned philanthropists by pointing out that Ted Turner has publicly advocated shocking population reduction programs that would cull the human population by a staggering 95%. He has also called for a Communist-style one child policy to be mandated by governments in the west. In China, the one child policy is enforced by means of taxes on each subsequent child, allied to an intimidation program which includes secret police and “family planning” authorities kidnapping pregnant women from their homes and performing forced abortions.

Of course, Turner completely fails to follow his own rules on how everyone else should live their lives, having five children and owning no less than 2 million acres of land.

In the third world, Turner has contributed literally billions to population reduction, namely through United Nations programs, leading the way for the likes of Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffet (Gates’ father has long been a leading board member of Planned Parenthood and a top eugenicist).


CNu said...

So what DV?

Been like this for 1000's and 1000's and 1000's of years.

But Hyper the Top needs us and has to save us...

Yes the top needs assets and saves assets...But once the bottom is used up...They are not assets anymore...They are liabilities and either self liquidate or are wiped off the face of the ledger...

Can't feed 6 Billion boot lickers anymore...well...liquidate them until you get to the point that you can.

The above is real economics...Not the wishful thinking fantasy economics you all are devoted to and promote.

Aside from handwringing statements of the obvious, what exactly do YOU propose to DO about it?

CNu said...

Absolute capitalism = taking more than is given.

or chopping down trees faster than they regrow...

Taking more than you give = attaching interest to money.

All inevitablely doomed to reach maximum potential and become unsustainable.

The 6000 or so year old absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...the city state or what you all generally call civilization...unfortunately requires constant growth.

Because it's absolute capitalistic...LIKE YOU ALL ARE.

Fractional reserve banking is not a cause of absolute's an effect.

The cause of absolute capitalism is a choice by all of you.

As long as you all choose to operate as mindless bacteria* (animals have no choice...They are all ignorant and follow the path of least resistance by default...You all have to choose to be the disgrace you currently are...and you did) consuming more than you give until there is nothing left to consume...You all get to enjoy the consequences...

Massive die off.

*(Animals have no choice...They are all ignorant and follow the path of least resistance by default...You all have to choose to be the disgrace you currently are...and you did)

You babbling fools will contine to spend your lives searching for a superior moral justification for selfishness...

There is none...take more than you give/chop trees down faster than they regrow aka usury...until there is nothing left to take/you run out of trees...

Gameoverville...period and of story.

Just like all the babbling fools that existed before you all...over the past 6000+ years.

Really there were morons just like you that existed while you were newborns...All you did was grow up into their replacements...

All the newborns you see now?

Just the next crop of future oblivious head scratching morons that will be using the Internet or its replacement as a magic 8 ball...

Rome is built on top of Rome...Just needed to wait for the trees to grow back...Duh.

What happened to Rome? Look around...It basically covers the surface of the Earth now...

No new world to discover and pillage across the Atlantic to power the next iteration unfortunately.

6 billion reduced to 1 = 6 times more resources.

Just prune you all back...simple.

CNu said...

The picture in the U.S. is particularly bleak;

In 2007, we used approximately 7 billion tons of natural resources3-10—energy resources and non-energy mineral resources—to produce $13.81 trillion worth of goods and services3-11 in America. Of these resources, at least 90% were nonrenewable natural resources, the ongoing use of which is unsustainable.

Specifically, in 2007:

• 93% of our primary energy was produced from nonrenewable (unsustainable) natural resources; only 7% was produced by renewable (sustainable) energy sources;3-12

• 90% of our electricity was generated by nonrenewable (unsustainable) natural resources; only 10% was generated by renewable (sustainable) energy sources;3-13

• 87% of the non-energy minerals used as raw material inputs to the US economy were newly extracted (unsustainable); only 13% were either recycled (8%)3-14 or renewable (5%)3-15[sustainable].

Given that supplies associated with at least 90% of the natural resources utilized in the US during 2007 were unsustainable, it is estimated that 90%, or $12.43 trillion, of the total value of the goods and services derived from those resources was unsustainable as well.3-16