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“People are in the streets, some are dead, they have snipers, and behind this is the CIA, the imperial hand of European countries and the United States,” he said, “from my point of view that is what is happening in Iran.”
Venezuela's Chavez says Obama has "stench" of Bush
Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:44pm EST
Venezuela (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Saturday Barack Obama had the "stench" of his predecessor as U.S. president and was at risk of being killed if he tries to change the American "empire."
I am just saying...
Venezuela's Chavez Calls Obama 'Ignorant'
Mar 22, 2009 10:00 pm US/Eastern
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday calledPresident Barack Obama "ignorant," saying he has a lot to learn about Latin America.
The socialist leader said he had been ready to name a new ambassador in Washington when Obama took office, but put that on hold after the new U.S. president accused him of "exporting terrorism" and being an obstacle to progress in the region.
"At least one could say, 'poor ignorant person,'" Chavez said on his weekly television and radio program, adding that Obama "should read a little bit so that he learns about ... the reality of Latin America."
Well I look at that more as infighting.. seeing that Chavez is technically a Black man.
DV I think your reaching using Chavez to promote your conspiracy theory.. #105. Considering his election track record.. And verbal assault on your prophet!
Casper ...
What do you mean man?
What exactly IS my "Conspiracy Theory"?
and ...
What is the "Official Theory?"
Well considering you titled the post:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez 'Acknowledges The Obvious'
What is obvious??
CIA/US involvement (conspiracy)
Euro involvement (conspiracy)
Which conspiracy is obvious to you DV??
Casper. I'm asking you:
What ISN'T a Conspiracy Theory regarding this ... MTV "Color Revolution" situation in Iran?
If a 5th grader asked you what is happening in Iran.
What would Casper tell him?
Are you backtracking??
Which conspiracy is obvious to you DV??
Heard the Iranian leadership blame Great Britain for fomenting this imbroglio. If they are just deflecting attention away from internal cleavages then that is what they must do. But if they truly believe this then they will have a civil war next year and new government within five years.
To be viable and legitimate, the state must reflect the power structure in the particular society. If clerics control the state but don't have political legitimacy then they are vulnerable from within.
You go Hugo!
Unleash the truth on these suckas!
Aight. Fuck it Casper.
Who's on first?
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