Friday, February 06, 2009



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Undercover Black Man said...

Who should run the world, DV? Broke, ignorant muhfuggahs?

CNu said...

moral, humane, scientist types should run the world.., rather than these pathological narcissist freaks.

Denmark Vesey said...

Who should run the world, DV?

The Blackest Man On The Planet

Undercover Black Man said...

moral, humane, scientist types should run the world...

Why would they want to?

Denmark Vesey said...

Why would they want to?

ooohhhhh ...

nice grasshopper.

CNu said...

Why would they want to?

Because a humane scientist type would not want to see hundreds of millions or even billions die - as they are about to do.

The last one who gave it a shot in the U.S. was J. Robert Oppenheimer and everybody saw what it got him.

Once you go to war with totalitarian elites, (has it never puzzled or amazed you that nuclear arsenals are always and everywhere under civilian control?) then the stakes are absolute.

Most hardcore scientists with the renaissance flair to be interested - took the lesson there and then.

Vladimir Putin is as close as it gets to a scientist ruler. I forget exactly what his PhD was awarded for, I believe it was energy economics - it's a terribly difficult path to take - to be both scientist and ruthless pragmatic thug where necessary.

Obama believes that he can pull an FDR and strike a compromise between totalitarian U.S. elites and the folks who're about to catch it in ways that haven't been seen since WW-II.

FDR was able to engineer exactly such a compromise on behalf of the people, but he had to have the backing of Gen. Smedley Butler to make that happen when the elites made their coup attempt against him in 1936.

If it was simple, we wouldn't all be in the predicament that we're in...,

I rather certain that no U.S. military commander has Obama's back like that here and now.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, but Obama does have a Marine commandant in the figure of Jim Jones as his National Security Adviser. And his Energy Secretary is actually a scientist rather than a former executive of an energy corporation. Moreover, he enjoys the support of entrepenurial scientists from the west coast and international financiers centered in New York.

Anonymous said...