Friday, February 06, 2009

Propaganda Deconstruction 001

Fact: HIV / AIDS is primarily a homosexual disease. Meaning men get it from other men via homosexual sex. Women tend to get it from having sex with men already infected. (Intravenous drug users are another story)

Fact: Smoking causes a variety of cancers including lung cancer. Not smoking greatly reduces your chances of getting lung cancer.

When we committed to saving peoples lives, we educated them to the dangers of smoking and encouraged them to quit. We didn't hand out cigarette filters in schools and teach kids "Safe Smoking".

Why do we not fight AIDS by encouraging people not to engage in dangerous homosexual sex? Why do we teach kids to practice "Safe Sex" instead of teaching them to avoid homosexual sex because it can kill them?

The message is not "Fight Lung Cancer". The message is "Stop Smoking!".
Why is it
"Fight Aids!"
instead of
"Fight Anal Sex"

How many millions of lives could have been saved, if back in the 1980's the Gay Lobby did not succeed in disassociating HIV infection from homosexual behavior?


Anonymous said...

Unless I'm mistaken, it's impossible for two HIV/ AIDS free men engaged in sex to transmit the virus to one another. So if these two men were in a monogamous relationship engaging in anal sex wouldn't that be defined as practicing safe sex?

A better understanding of where/ how the HIV/ AIDS virus came to be would give us a better understanding of what it means to practice "safe" sex.

Anonymous said...

how many gay men are in monogomous relationships? that's a joke.

that dude said...

Since it's a sexually transmitted disease, why don't we discourage sex altogether?