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While some insist we suffer at the hands of an omnipotent "Global System of White Supremacy", a black man by the name of Barack "Hussein" Obama is about to bop into the White House. Is Barack the inevitable fruit of integration and amalgamation or The New and Improved Malcolm X - just as radical but much more powerful and effective?
Barack Obama represents not only an evolved Malcolm X - he represents an evolved expression of black power. Potent. Relevant. Effective.
If you can't beat them ... make them join you.
The Revolution is Being Televised.
Yeah mufucka ... it's a typo. Get over it.
Nope, Obama is MLK v2.0. Same Jewish handpuppet.
Wright is MX v2.0. Real field negro and dire threat to Jewish propagandists.
Don't dare get 'em twisted!
Nahhhhhhh Byrd.
You wrong Bra.
Don't let the "My Four Lil Chilrun'" MLK fool ya.
Brother Martin was nobody's puppet. Yeah he played the game. Yeah he surfed the wave of Jewish largesse. But MLK answered to a higher power than Mr. Levy. As evidenced by his position on Vietnam and what they did to him in Memphis.
If Malcolm had to do it all over again - He'd be Barack Hussein Obama.
If he was talking that same shit he was talking in the 60's - He'd be Michael Fisher.
As evidenced by his position on Vietnam and what they did to him in Memphis
And what happened when he stopped serving neo-Pharisee Levison then?
They never play that anti-war, pro-working-class footage today...and he ended up dead shortly thereafter. They make you, they'll break you...
Same thing happened to Jesus. He got killed because he spoke out against the Jewish Pharisees.
The same vein that has got the Western world in a strangehold today.
And Jesus vehemently denounced.
But Obama embraces like his mama's teat.
You see, they ain't on the same page. Not at all. Obama is consorting with the same memetic/genetic lineage that Jesus loudly denounced as the spawn of Satan.
"They make you, they'll break you..." Byrd
Stop. Think.
Was MLK "broken"?
Was Jesus "killed"?
MLK and Jesus are more alive than most mufuckas walking around eating processed food today.
MLK pimped the Pharisees. How you think a 24 year old Morehouse grad traveled around the nation and financed the civil rights movement.
Whether he was "coopted" or was "coopting" is a matter of opinion.
Aint no Federal Holiday for nobody named Lieberman.
Aint no Federal Holiday for nobody named Lieberman
Good Point!
He's the fruit of integration. He's a biracial man with the same identity issues as every other biracial american in the country. These identity issues led to the need to feel accepted, to fit somewhere in a polarized society, and to find comfort within self. All this led to Black Theology and his Southside Chicago wife.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I see where you're going in terms of Barack's audience vs Malcolm's but the political forum has limitations Malcolm was not governed by. Placing similar messages in a political framework rather than a humanitarian one will go much further among a white america that holds the state in such high regard.
You surprise me KP.
I suspected you were more politically sophisticated than that.
Come on man. You've got to bring socio-political analysis to the table at least as aggressive and insightful as your basketball analysis.
You can't reduce Barack Obama to being merely a "biracial American", as if that alone defines him. That's .... too Mike Fisheresque.
You are depending on old cliches. Is America polarized along simple color lines? Does Tony Parker have any more of an identity crisis than Condoleeza Rice or Kim Kardashian?
Come on bra. This aint 1978. Race dynamics have evolved in the post Jordan post Hip Hop era.
There are a million "biracial Amerians". There is one Barack Obama. What makes him special is not his parentage. It's something spiritual.
I'm tripping on the reluctance of you smart cats to incorporate that into your analysis.
Hey Denmark,
I was looking through your archives and a few months ago you were saying Barack was a zionist tool. What gives?
Hey The State of,
I was wrong.
I didn't reduce Obama. Does Black define him any more than bi-racial? Is one more accurate than the other?
Whether its 68, 88 or 08 biracial kids have & will grapple w/identity issues. Not as intense as the preceding decades but they undoubtedly will. And obviously the black/white mix in this country has particular significance. I don't know how that reality is cliche.
My point was meant to compare identities, forums and audiences.
Help me understand why you believe he is Malcolm revisited.
I submit that it is not the biracial with the identity issues. It's the .. forgive me ... "non-biracial" ... who seem to struggle the most with racial identity. I won't say no names (Mike n Exodus).
I say struggle because they let it consume them, dominate their experience, define them and limit them, ultimately making racism a self-denying prophecy.
Barack is not Malcolm revisited. Barack is Malcolm evolved.
Barack is the post Hajj Malcolm + Christianity, Harvard & Hip Hop.
Barack is Magic Johnson to Malcolm's Oscar Robinson. Barack is Michael Jordan to Malcolm's Dr. J.
Additional weapons. Triple threat.
Malcolm (Also biracial for all intents and purposes) tailored himself to the issues of the day - war between the human races.
Barack has prepared himself to fight a war of races united against the enemies of humanity.
If Malcolm had to do it all over again - He'd be Barack Hussein Obama.
And if MLK had to do it all over again - seeing the results of his Pharisee-puppeteered works and ultimate demise at the hands up his azz...he might come back as David Duke.
Hell, maybe he did. :D
Yea, he was killed a broken man. They had so much dirt on him, they pwned his ass like a slave. There was only one escape at that point...and he was more useful dead to the Pharisees than alive - when they could loop his puppeteered speeches but silence any later uncontrolled drivel.
And yup, Jesus was physically killed.
Aint no Federal Holiday for nobody named Lieberman.
Of course not. Jews always camo behind layers to avoid any possible blowback. See most Hollywood actors like Issur "Kirk Douglas" Danielovitch. That is a tactic ordained by the Talmud. Murder is unpunishable if done indirectly. That's why they got the Romans to actually kill Jesus.
Same game, nothing changes, folks...
It's only now that I realize just what Jesus was up against. He was on a suicide mission to free the world from the grip of this virulent genetic/memetic strain. Same neocons/Zionists/Jews/Pharisees/etc we're fighting today. And most every true humanitarian who dares fight them head-on ends up 6' under. See JFK.
f Malcolm had to do it all over again - He'd be Barack Hussein Obama.
Your on point there
We disagree on the bi-racial piece.
Why separate Malcolm from Islam in order for him to "evolve"? Is the need for Christianity about his would be audience?
"It's the .. forgive me ... "non-biracial" ... who seem to struggle the most with racial identity. I won't say no names (Mike n Exodus)."
LOL ... Jus fuggin' wit you Mike.
Glad you got a sense of humor.
"Glad you got a sense of humor."
If I didn't I wouldn't read your stuff, DV. ;)
Why separate Malcolm from Islam in order for him to "evolve"? Is the need for Christianity about his would be audience?
Good point. No intent to imply Islam is less evolved than Christianity. Only contrasting the men and their respective times.
The African-American church has evolved. The Reverend Jeremiah Wrights fill a service once only filled by the Honorable Elijah Mohammads'.
America is a Christian nation. A Christian revolutionary has more opportunities than an outside agitator.
Barack Obama represents not only an evolved Malcolm X - he represents an evolved expression of black power.
Potent. Relevant. Effective.
If you can't beat them ... make them join you.
Glad you got a sense of humor."
"If I didn't I wouldn't read your stuff, DV. ;)" MF
Ahhhhhhhh .... come on Bra Mike.
You'd be bored to death without your boy DV. Quit frontin'.
DMX on Obama:
Are you following the presidential race?
Not at all.
You’re not? You know there’s a Black guy running, Barack Obama and then there’s Hillary Clinton.
His name is Barack?!
Barack Obama, yeah.
What the fuck is a Barack?! Barack Obama. Where he from, Africa?
Yeah, his dad is from Kenya.
Barack Obama?
What the fuck?! That ain’t no fuckin’ name, yo. That ain’t that nigga’s name. You can’t be serious. Barack Obama. Get the fuck outta here.
You’re telling me you haven’t heard about him before.
I ain’t really paying much attention.
I mean, it’s pretty big if a Black…
Wow, Barack! The nigga’s name is Barack. Barack? Nigga named Barack Obama. What the fuck, man?! Is he serious? That ain’t his fuckin’ name. Ima tell this nigga when I see him, “Stop that bullshit. Stop that bullshit” [laughs] “That ain’t your fuckin’ name.” Your momma ain’t name you no damn Barack.
So you’re not following the race. You can’t vote right?
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