Plantation Negros never understood the power of gun mythology. The best rappers in the world wrapped themselves in the imagery of the pistol, the revolver, rifles, shotguns, carbines, automatics, handguns, semiautomatics, machine guns, Uzis, gats, and heaters.
Intelligence is pattern recognition. Fight fire with fire.
Hip Hop has done more for black people in 10 years than 60 years of the liberal led Civil Rights Movement.
You are correct DV... Hip Hop has done more harm!
A new study finds that references to illegal drug use in rap music jumped sixfold in the two decades since 1979, the year Sugar Hill Gang's "Rapper's Delight" hit the charts and introduced to a mainstream audience a music genre born from inner-city America.
Authored by Denise Herd, associate professor in the division of Community Health and Human Development at the University of California, Berkeley's School of Public Health.
DV, it's not the guns it's who they shoot with them. Review all of those movies you cited up there. What kind of people get to do the shooting and who usually gets shot?
Good question Mike.
White boys shooting Arabs mostly, other whites and the occasional Negro too (Dirty Harry)
I think, less importantly than who was getting shot, it was who was in possession of the gun (phallic symbol).
While Establishment Negros ... and excuse me my man ... Negros who subscribe to the theory of White Supremacy ... complained or waited their turn to play the power role in popular mythology - cats from Queens and Compton ... made their own movies ... so to speak.
In 15 short years they have made themselves the protagonist as opposed to the impotent (corporate) side kick.
The next wave of Hip Hop cats will undoubtedly hijack the Superhero roles now reserved for the likes of Toby McGuire.
I think it's interesting that the brothers free of the encumbrances of main-stream "education" don't consider certain worlds off limits to them.
While our Yale, and Morehouse grads seem resigned to permanent victim status.
Them "Hip Hop Gangsta" heroes of yours. Who do they generally shot?
Michael Fisher said...
"Them "Hip Hop Gangsta" heroes of yours. Who do they generally sho[o]t?" MF
Oh they shoot "bitch niggas", snitches, people trying to rob them, territorial competitors, and the occasional crooked cop for the most part.
However Nas paints pictures of 'kidnapping federal judges until they free some of the brothas' and DMX in Crimestory waxes poetic about attacking a police precinct with C4 strapped to his body.
Now ... I'm sure the Casper's of the world will reduce all of that to "dey jus killin' blak peepus!"... because he is afraid to acknowledge the complexity and imagination of men he has been conditioned to fear and hate.
Well, as you said the Gangsta rappers generally talk about shooting black men in particular. The fact that the define these black men as "bitch Niggas" is only the necessary part of the process.
DV. I went to and graduated from Yale. Do you really believe that I am a punk/coward?
"Well, as you said the Gangsta rappers generally talk about shooting black men in particular." MF
No, Mike. Come on now. Was Homer talking about killing white men in the Illiad?
Was Erich Maria Remarque talking about killing "white men" in All Quiet on The Western Front?
Then why is 50 Cent simply talking about killing "black men" in My Gun Go Off?
You are employing racism on your own brothers that you blame Skip, Byrdeye and Classical of employing simply because they happen to have skin considered white by convention.
"The fact that the[y] define these black men as "bitch Niggas" is only the necessary part of the process.
Mike ... Mike ... Mike .... if the only tool in your box is a hammer, you see every problem as a nail.
"DV. I went to and graduated from Yale. Do you really believe that I am a punk/coward?" MF
However, I do think the experience has made you susceptible to an inferiority complex.
Just as a young white man would suffer had he graduated from Martin Luther King Jr. HS and Morehouse College.
"However, I do think the experience has made you susceptible to an inferiority complex."
Actually, I would not say so. When I got to Yale I found that I was likely smarter than 98% of everybody in attendance, especially the legacy students, al la Bush. That didn't exactly induce an inferiority complex in me.
"You are employing racism on your own brothers that you blame Skip, Byrdeye and Classical of employing simply because they happen to have skin considered white by convention."
DV, you done just got through linking to my convo with that truly Plantation Negroish "gray conservative" (who, as you likely noticed, bailed outta the discussion) and you also saw me state that "white race" and "black race" in the final analysis has nothing to do with skin color.
So why you attributing this shit to me?
I bet you neither Skippy, birdeye, or C1 can give you a definition of a "white person" or the "white race" on a biological basis. That's because it can not be done.
Here's an imperfect analogy to what "white supremacy" is about, DV:
It's like a guy who has a basketball and suggests a game to ten guys standing around. He's got a bunch of white jerseys with him and points to this guy, another guy another guy another guy and another guy and says "Here put these on, you're on my white-Jersey-wearing team now". The other five guys don't get a white Jersey, but now they, since they don't wear white Jerseys, are easily identifiable as the "other" team.
Now, if there's only one basketball and if the guy who passed the white jerseys out manages to retain overall control over the basketball, that is, he at any time can pick it up and go home with it, then he can determine whether the game is gonna be played or not.
White Supremacy is about setting up a color scheme and then assigning people to that color based on the assigner's convenience and whim.
"Ok, you, you go over to the white team. Ok, you go over to he white one, too, etc." In that process everyone else gets relegated to the "non-white" or "black" team.
And the only way someone can do that on a planetary scale is via violence and deception. Keep the "non-whites" as confused as possible. That's why, when you ask "white" people logical questions, they never, and I mean NEVER, give you a straight answer.
Beyond that, they are always busy making sure they don't have to give up that white Jersey. Because white supremacy means someone has to be supreme. That is there's always a power struggle going on. And since they define power in terms of white/non-white, every white Jersey wearing person is in danger of getting their white jersey yanked off by one or a group of more powerful white Jersey wearing person(s).
So they start arguing:
"You shouldn't be able to wear a white Jersey, you're wearing a Yarmulka!", "You shouldn't be able to wear a white Jersey, you're hair is too kinky!", "If anything you should only be able to wear an off-white Jersey, you're eyes are not the right color!". Etc. That's why I say it's best to let these mofo's argue and kill each other.
So, remember. Deception and violence, violence and deception.
Keeping non-white-Jersey-wearing folks as confused as possible.
I went to and graduated from Yale. Do you really believe that I am a punk
Yale has Hebrew on its shield and a Jewish president* since 1993. It's been a great neocon training center for luminaries like Dubya, complete with NW0 sleeper cells like the Skull & Bones...
So no, you are definitely NOT a punk. You have obviously been too well-indoctrinated in classic, state-sanctioned Cainist memes to be an anti-Establishment indypendent.
* Levin is a personal friend of Dubya...yet was chosen for an "independent" board to investigate the false WMD charges in Iraq. LMAO.
because he is afraid to acknowledge the complexity and imagination of men he has been conditioned to fear and hate.
I fear the conditioned brothers like you who have co-signed corporations(Universal) to sell garbage to my people. That's what I fear for the record.
Yet, Casper
You will first in line each week to see Ironman, and Spiderman, and James Bond, and Mission Impossible and Bourne Supremacy and 24 and anything with a white boy holding a gun.
That's fine.
But the moment a young black man is the protagonist who shoots the bad guy and gets the girl:
"Oooohhhh Maasssa! Ooooohhh Masssa!! Dat Nigga Got A Gun! Who He Dink He Iz?! Black Man Aint Pose Ta Have No Gun Less He Holdinm' It Fo A White Man!!! Get em' Massa! Send him to jail Massa!"
"Why he wanna be da star? Why Fiddy Wanna Appear Powerful!! Why Fiddy Dink He Can Play Da Game Da Same Way Dem Whyte Boyz Play Da Game?!
Didn't He Se Dat Study ... Whicha Said Rap Music Is Da Cause A VyLence!!?"
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