- Michael Fisher said...
Either you wanna have free will, DV, or you wanna stay ignorant of the difference between good and evil.
- In any case, the whole matter is moot, because given that the God of the Torah/Bible/Koran is omniscient, everything is preordained anyhow.
- That is, it was God who caused man to eat the forbidden fruit. Thus Lucifer was just God's agent.
- Which means who is responsible for the original sin of disobeying God, DV?
Either you wanna have free will, DV, or you wanna stay ignorant of the difference between good and evil.
In any case, the whole matter is moot, because given that the God of the Torah/Bible/Koran is omniscient, everything is preordained anyhow.
That is, it was God who caused man to eat the forbidden fruit. Thus Lucifer was just God's agent.
Which means who is responsible for the original sin of disobeying God, DV?
gwb is mccains rev wright
Torrance Stephens bka All-Mi-T said... "gwb is mccains rev wright"
LOL! You aint lyin'!
"Which means who is responsible for the original sin of disobeying God, DV" MF
Metaphorically, God.
"Metaphorically, God."
"metaphorical: expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another"
You're expressing God in term normally denoting another? What other?
Give me break ha ha.
This is the source of religion as we know it. This is an excerpt from the Sumer creation myth.
''In a creation epic written in the early second millennium B.C.
mankind is created this way:
"Blood I will mass and cause bones
to be. I will establish a savage; "man" shall be his name. Verily,
savage man I will create. He shall be charged with the service of
the Gods that they might be at ease! The ways of the Gods I will
artfully alter. Though alike revered, into two (groups) they shall be
Mankind was created in this myth from the blood of a rebel god that the
other gods killed to free themselves.
Then this story proceeds...
After Ea had created mankind and imposed upon it the service
of the Gods; these newly created humans said this, "now, O Lord,
Thou who hast caused our deliverance, what shall be our homage
to thee?
Let us build a shrine whose name shall be called 'Lo, a
chamber for our nightly rest'; Let us repose in it! Let us build a
throne, a recess for his abode! "Like that of lofty Babylon, whose
buildings you have requested they set up in it an abode for Marduk,
Enlil and Ea.
These Gods said, "Let our sovereignty be surpassing;
having no rival.
May we shepherd the black-headed ones, our
creatures, to the end of days, without forgetting, let them acclaim
our ways.
We order the black-headed to revere us. May the subjects
ever bear in mind their God, and may they at His word pay heed to
the Goddess; may food offerings be borne for their Gods and
Goddesses. Without fail let them support their Gods! Their lands let
them improve, build their shrines. Let the black-headed wait on
their Gods."
This is the origin of what passes for the most
part of western religious tradition, those traditions originating in Sumeria.
Earlier in the myth is the phrase; "O Lord, spare the life of him who
trusts thee, but pour out the life of the God who seized evil."
This tale from the Old Babylonian period was the most
significant expression of religious literature of Mesopotamia…
The above is the origin of our so called conventional approach of political and belief system control that we use now to administer society.
This method of trickery and control is the stock and trade of the Political Price system method. It has been applied ruthlessly for a long time. Originally it was meant as an inside joke among the people that invented it and was to be used merely as a method to control people.
For many it has taken on a life of its own though now. Human gullibility and suggestibility have made that happen. This also has been inculcated to the purpose of maintaining Price System Political control.
Part Two... the Jewish spin on the above... which is interesting and creative in a morbid deceitful way. ... this version by hyper tiger... which is correct even though they do not understand the current context.
''''All money is decreed money...fiat...
The top says this is money...Or else...period end of story....
You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...
Where do I get this GOLD coin?
You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...
What if I refuse?
Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...
There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...
22 And The LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.
Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?
It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
The city state...Or Civilization...'''''''
So Price system victims... thems the fact.... Really the history of money should be posted here.. because that is what god is all about in the given context.
How to control the slaves.
DV, this recent review of Shock Doctrine in the London Review of Books does a good job of capturing the spirit of this post as conveyed by the images you selected. Today's posts play on the juxtiposition of good governance vs. elite rule gone wild.
No such thing as good governance in the Political Price system of today... any connection between that and the current construct disappeared between 1938 and 1948. It has been purely Corporate Fascism since then.
The American Political Price System TNAT info.
F.D.R. warned of this and it came to pass.
Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex in the original speech which he edited down for what ever reason.
Eisenhower was attempting to warn people about himself and the people around him on both so called sides.
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