Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What Is Having A "First Black" President Really Worth?

AMY GOODMAN: Former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Glen Ford, your response?

Naturally, I’m not impressed by Colin Powell’s endorsement, but I’m glad you played it, because we’re in this era of firsts, and the ultimate first, a first—possibly a first black president. But we already had two firsts. Colin Powell was one of them, and Condoleezza Rice, his successor as secretary of state. How did that redound to the benefit of black people for the United States to have a black—put a black face on imperialism, on aggressive war, on violations of international law? How does that make black people look better in the world? Is that the kind of burden that black people want to carry around? Certainly, there will be no exemption for African Americans internationally after these kinds of experiences.

And Barack Obama shows quite definitively that he, being the political twin of Hillary Clinton, will also put forward that same aggressive, bellicose face to the world. How else to explain his call for 100,000 additional US Marines and soldiers? For what purpose? Even as he speaks vaguely about withdrawing from Iraq, as vaguely as Hillary Clinton does, he wants 100,000 more soldiers and Marines. What will he do with them? Clearly, he is talking about expanding, continuing US efforts to dominate militarily.
brotherkomrade said...
HA HA, My Brother DV puts it in the f*cking hole again! I've been saying this to all my fams and they just wanna say I'm a race traitor. If the O-man did win, and Al-Queda were rumored to be hanging out in Nigeria making WMD-toys for the American tots, BLACK Nigerian babes would have Obama's face in their minds as bombs crashed all around them.

Now who is the biggest race-traitor?


brotherkomrade said...

HA HA, My Brother DV puts it in the f*cking hole again! I've been saying this to all my fams and they just wanna say I'm a race traitor. If the O-man did win, and Al-Queda were rumored to be hanging out in Nigeria making WMD-toys for the American tots, BLACK Nigerian babes would have Obama's face in their minds as bombs crashed all around them.

Now who is the biggest race-traitor?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes, the 'black faces in imperial places' scenario...I don't like the thought of that at all. I've felt safe from so-called international terror when I've lived in black american cities and I've always thought I'd be able to exercise my black priviledge LOL and talk my way out of say, a hi-jacking scenario...but if a black president starts playing footsies with Israel, ignoring humanity and instigating resource battles at home and abroad to amplify our obese and dying empire than all my black priviledge is gone. Poof! Just like that damnet. LOL

Then a new generation of black folks will inherit this cognitive dissonance and well, I guess we'll all be equal-ly fucked.

Anonymous said...

MJB based on that frightening scenario I may have to withdraw my endorsement of Obama. I only endorsed Michelle for first lady anyway, but now that seems a tad more risky than I had previously considered.

Anonymous said...

I think Michelle is fab!!...but there is just too much at stake.

Until we get to this point....
...I'm not even going to vote. I cannot validate this ridiculous hustle. I'm with Skip, there is no power in it, that's why it's all over CNN.

They are covering this presidential race as if it was really a sporting event. It's actually laughable.

Does anybody remember a headline or prominent quote from a media outlet abroad (I believe it was a paper from somewhere in the EU) and they referred to Condi derogatorily and a made a point to inject color? Oh I wish I could remember what they called her or said about her.

Another angle...I wonder how the other heads of state would regard a 'black' prez?

J.C. said...

Hillary is smarter and meaner and more clever than Obama. He is a real voodoo guy with his religious crap.

Is he really an Half-frican American?

Does it matter. Hillary would not be the first Black president or Half-fri=can-American. Any body care?
I guess she is a women, but that does not matter for much either. The Clintons are political cutthroats, and may be will treat us Americans a little better than someone like Ron Paul who will probably start shooting people.

Anonymous said...

Change is not going to come from Obama or Ron Paul. Change is going to come from the movements of the masses of people that propel them.

Anonymous said...

"BLACK Nigerian babes would have Obama's face in their minds as bombs crashed all around them."


Anonymous said...

What Is Having A "First Black" President Really Worth?

That and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee, but not at Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

That's hangin' a lot on brotha Obama. I don't see Obama bombing Africa. I really don't. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm willing to take that chance, especially given the realistic alternatives.

Anonymous said...

If not anything else it symbolizes the evolution of mankind during our lifetime's maybe ?

J.C. said...

Just curious D.V.
Why do you support Ron Paul ?

He is more or less a John Bircher and an avowed racial hater.

Is it because he digs money ?
Kind like your pimped out rap people?

At least the hip hop people are funny.
Paul is a dangerous lunatic.

Denmark Vesey said...

The State Of . . . said...

That's hangin' a lot on brotha Obama. I don't see Obama bombing Africa. I really don't. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm willing to take that chance, especially given the realistic alternatives."

"realistic alternatives" ...

Plantation approved candidates.

Notice how effectively the corporate media has been able to sell the idea that Ron Paul "can't" win.

Anyone who is TRULY anti-War, and anti-Federal Reserve and anti-Abortion and pro-Freedom ... suddenly ... is not a "realistic alternative."

J.C. said...

Pro Freedom ?
Ha ha.
He is supported by the John Birch Society.

He wrote bigoted and racial bullshit crap for a decade.

Freedom ? He is a Price System Flunky.
Babylon plantation where you work brother.

Anonymous said...


I agree with you. I wish Ron Paul did have a realistic chance of winning. I really do.