The hyper-active gay-rights establishment in California has finally succeeded in getting the Governor Schwarzenegger to sign the California Student Civil Rights Act. State Senator Sheila Kuehl’s new bill adds sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of groups protected from educational discrimination. Teachers and school districts have been prohibited from “giving instruction… [and] sponsoring any activity that reflects adversely upon persons because of their race, sex, color, creed, handicap, national origin or ancestry” and more recently, sexual orientation and gender identity have been added to the list.
Three things are troubling about this new law. First, we don’t know exactly what qualifies as instruction that “reflects adversely upon persons because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.” Such a law could feasibly prohibit lessons or stories that treat the terms “mother” and “father” as normative; the terms “husband” and “wife” could be forcibly abandoned in favor of the generic, gender neutral “partner.”
Additionally, the law prohibits school districts from “sponsoring any activity that reflects adversely upon persons because of their gender identity.” A number of consequences could be entailed by this; it could mean that having a homecoming queen is prohibited. It could also mean that locker rooms and bathrooms have to be opened to students on the basis of the gender they perceive themselves to be. In truth we don’t know for sure how this legislation will be interpreted, and not knowing what a law will actually do is always a good reason not to pass it.
The State Of . . . said...
A few weeks ago, Wifey and I took a tour of the hospital we are scheduled to have the baby at. About 10 other pregnant couples were there, 2 of which were lesbian couples with a mad-dogging, butch "father." Of course, the nurse leading us on the tour had to go out of her way not to say "father" or "husband," but, rather, "partner."
Saturday, December 15, 2007
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Reason 10,001 to homeschool. Enough allowing children to be guinea pigs in these labs called public schools.
children have been guinea pigs in these labs since the beginning. this whole journey of living on earth is one big lab experiment.
now some of us are just trying to seperate out what is morally acceptable to us vs. what is not.
if you can't see god in it all, you can't see god at all.
darkness, light
joy, pain
yin, yang
"now some of us are just trying to seperate out what is morally acceptable to us vs. what is not."
Ummm ... didn't quite understand your post. However, this sentence jumped out at me.
Who are "some of us" that are trying to separate out what is morally acceptable?
Parents or homosexual lobbyists force-feeding laws down our throats that will prohibit our children from reading books that reference "mother", "father", "wife" and "husband"?
I didn't understand your comment either. Can you elaborate Jasai?
A few weeks ago, Wifey and I took a tour of the hospital we are scheduled to have the baby at. About 10 other pregnant couples were there, 2 of which were lesbian couples with a mad-dogging, butch "father." Of course, the nurse leading us on the tour had to go out of her way not to say "father" or "husband," but, rather, "partner."
Well this will make DV's head explode I know for sure!
Rapper rallies gay hip-hop artists
I can only imagine white folk in the 60's were expressing some comparable fears as contained in this post and blog before and after the passage of the civil rights act of 1964.
1) I am not aware of black Americans in the 60's, lobbying the government to have the concept of "white people" removed from school books.
2) Do you not find the efforts of the homosexual lobby to have the words "mother" and "father" removed from school books in THE LEAST BIT extreme?
3) Do you understand the DIFFERENCE between the will of "gay people" ... and the political mechanizations of the "Gay Lobby" - which has an agenda beyond the "rights" of homosexuals?
1) I am not aware of black Americans in the 60's, lobbying the government to have the concept of "white people" removed from school books.
You missed the point black folk fought for the govt. to include & respect them in the tax paying educational, etc. process to the dislike of many white folk. Comparable to your dislike of gay rights.
2) Do you not find the efforts of the homosexual lobby to have the words "mother" and "father" removed from school books in THE LEAST BIT extreme?
That's not what the act states. Where has the hay lobby explicitly stated that goal?
3) Do you understand the DIFFERENCE between the will of "gay people" ... and the political mechanizations of the "Gay Lobby" - which has an agenda beyond the "rights" of homosexuals?
Even if you firmly believe this how would it be any different than any other special interest/lobby group? Why do you not provide equal debate time for the 100 other leading lobbying/special interest groups on this blog if your not a homophobe??
Oh Casper, stop with this homophobe nonsense.... must everyone tow the Gay Lobby line?? Can Gay people make babies? Why do they want to have their cake and eat it!
Soon, nothing in America will be sacred!
I just feel sorry for the children of today, confused about God given roles.
must everyone tow the Gay Lobby line?? Can Gay people make babies?
Can all women of God have/make babies?! Hell No! So what those woman are less of a person??? Stop with the B.S. You have zero need to feel sorry for children. If you believe in God and how almighty God is don't you beleve if God did not want Gays , Hetero women unable to reproduce or wanted people with blue skin or green skin with 4 legs that God would've made it happen!? Who are you to play God?
"if God did not want Gays" [to have children] Casper
If God did want HOMOSEXUAL men to have babies - he wouldn't have given them 4 balls between them.
You must forgive Casper. He is deeply affected by gay propaganda which paints these social engineers as "victims".
Casper has been trained that anyone who labels themselves a "victim" is always right and anyone who opposes their agenda is 'hates them' or in this case they have made up a special word - a "homophobe".
Casper is incapable of separating the mechanizations of the Gay Lobby (About 40 or 50 PR specialists, writers, and fund raisers) from the will of people who happen to have homosexual sex (20 or 30 million Americans).
If God did want HOMOSEXUAL men to have babies - he wouldn't have given them 4 balls between them.
DV no need to apologize for me not being a bigot disguised as a christian. Secondly, does every lemon tree produce lemons. Does every quasi hetero woman produce eggs. Does every sperm you shoot out of the tip of your forehead produce a fetus. I know you are smarter than that! I ask you once again why are you so afraid of gay people who care about their rights and not the wannabee gansta rappers on the street corners? Why are you so afraid of the gay lobby and not your president who is pushing for more troop deaths in Iran next to protect Israel & oil? Who cares if a man or a woman decide not to have kids. Great the world is overpopulated as is.
"why are you so afraid of gay people who care about their rights and not the wannabee gansta rappers on the street corners?" Casper
... uhh
... because rappers are not passing laws that may prohibit the use of the words "MOTHER" and "FATHER" in school books for children.
Casper, why do you hate heterosexual parents concerned about radical homosexuals attempting to reinvent the concept of family to fit their perverse view?
... because rappers are not passing laws that may prohibit the use of the words "MOTHER" and "FATHER" in school books for children.
Yes I know... cause they use "mother fucker" instead. And teach our kids all kinds of language that you don't seem to mind... bitch, ho, nigger, coochie, pussy, head, dick, trick, ass, etc.. Those words are OK to teach I guess to our kids. The hypocrisy never stops. Listen take the David Duke sheet off your head and just admit you hate gay people. Your not running for office. It's OK.
Casper, why do you hate heterosexual parents concerned about radical homosexuals attempting to reinvent the concept of family to fit their perverse view?
Your like Bush running around scaring the masses over some shit that doesn't matter while EXXON, AIPAC and WALMART got you and your neighbors by the balls. It takes you the first 4 months of each year to pay the govt. so they can go out and burn it on stupid shit while you worry about two words in a book controlled by that same system. That's like the DEA going after the Snoop for weed..smalltime just like the Gay Lobby. But you know this.. you just hate gays to much to proportionatly go after the Real Lords.
Earth ... to ... Casper ...
The Gay Lobby wrote, sponsored and hustled a bill through the CA legislature that may ban the word MOTHER and the word FATHER and the word HUSBAND and the word WIFE from schoolbooks.
Who the $#&* is the aggressor here?
They are the aggressors. The lobbyists are force-feeding our children their world-view.
No one is attacking them. They are attacking families.
You get that part yet?
Or are you too far gone to see that?
Heterosexual parents of heterosexual children are under assault.
No one cares what homosexuals do to each other. That's there business. But this business of the Gay Lobby of manipulating school books to promote homosexuality as normal - to kids - is revolting.
Casper, why do you and the Gay Lobby hate heterosexual parents and heterosexual kids so much?
Are you Heterophobic Casper?
The Gay Lobby wrote...
What exactly does it say... Not what you are preaching. Secondly, is George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld or Wolf gay? No they produce babies just like you ... So what does that suggest. That hetero's are more likely to create lies to go to war and kill 100's of thousands of people. Just admit it. Your a phobe! Trying to justify your hatred with nonsense.
Casper, a very small percentage of heterosexual women cannot have children. Usually due to a medical problem...... 100% of homosexuals cannot have children!
Why doesn't the Gay Lobby poke it's nose into issues that concern its constituency? Not children which are the product of heterosexual people!
You are the biggest Phobe here,attacking family values, trying to supplement them with homo values. Father of all Heterophobes!
Usually due to a medical problem...... 100% of homosexuals cannot have children!
Medical problem suggests medicine in some form created the issue. No I am saying that some hetero women naturally can't reproduce due to nature. Most gay people can have children. And some do the natural way. Some hetero women who can have babies choose not to. So what does that make them. Gay????
Why doesn't the Gay Lobby poke it's nose into issues that concern its constituency? Not children which are the product of heterosexual people!
Wait a minute... So gay people don't go to school ??? News to me.
You are the biggest Phobe here,attacking family values, trying to supplement them with homo values. Father of all Heterophobes!
Well based upon your crack pot analysis I am attacking myself I guess. As I was told from my Pastor a REAL Christian respects all of God's people. Just like a white man can't understand your struggles maybe you don't understand theirs with the bigot thoughts.
'Parents or homosexual lobbyists force-feeding laws down our throats that will prohibit our children from reading books that reference "mother", "father", "wife" and "husband"?'
Yet you have nooooo problem with harry potter books and fairy tales with two fathers being removed from schools.
i'm so sick of all the gay bashing, homophobic bullshit which is really a non-issue, but hey! as long as it distracts the public from what's really important, it's just great for the zionist puppet masters, so cheers!
Way to make someone different than you the 'nigger' of the century. Don't want to give em no rights cus you're fraid it means less consideration for you?
btw, re the other thread, mlk said 'antizionism is antisemetism,' and that he was 'fuckin for jesus,' while being married. He was just a man, dv; did great things but was still just a mortal man. i posit you may well be, too.
"Yet you have nooooo problem with harry potter books and fairy tales with two fathers being removed from schools."
uhhh ... right. exactly.
I would much rather see books about witches, sorcery and homosexuals removed from schools - than the words "mother" and "father".
Shoot Me.
The gay lobby attacks the family, and conformists parrot their propaganda like they were on drugs.
Homophobic? Please. That's retarded.
I'm not afraid of homosexuals, I just don't want the gay lobby attacking the concept of heterosexual families by outlawing "moms" and "Dads".
Conspiracy Nut ... I read your MLK reference. It was mumbled. Not up to your usual standards. Let's assume you've been drinking.
um, no, i wasn't drinking; these are well documented utterances of the rev. dr. king; don't get me wrong, he's one of my admirables -- but i bear in mind he was still only human.
You entirely missed my point, DV :( . if you try to stop the guarantee of free speech to one, you aim to stop it for yourself. So far, the US has no law against being stupid, for example, we haven't passed a law like the EU making holocaust denial a crime; but if i try to silence the kkk or stormfront, then i am calling for sanctions that restrict my own speech.
Double standards are double standards. You want to yank books about harry potter from the school shelves, then turnabout's fair play. And no, it's not conformist. In my area, the conformist attitude would be, 'PRAISE JEEEEZUS, BOMB BROWN PEOPLE AND DOWN WITH FAGS!' i grew out of it when i discovered *gasp* that the same people i liked before i knew they were homosexual were still good people after i found out they are homosexual. i was young, early twenties. Heh. It's so funny, i never read anywhere jesus said, 'Love your neighbor, but only if you approve of him;' i always just read, 'love your neighbor.' Well, who is my neighbor? i guess i've read the parable of the good samaritan enough to figure that one out, by now. ;)
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