Yahoo! This is your celebration
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on! (Let's celebrate)
There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times, and your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you
Did you enjoy the Holiday Celebration?Me.
It was cool. Different from when I was a kid. We used to call it the "Christmas Program".Teacher:
Oh We can't do that. Two years ago [whisper], one of the Jewish fathers sat in the audience and counted the numbers of times "baby Jesus" and "Christ" was mentioned. He complained, and we decided to just avoid any Christmas carols this year.Me:
Yeah. But damn. Kool and The Gang for First Graders is now a Christmas song?Teacher:
It's a Winter Celebration Song.Me:
But I heard more than a few Hanukkah Songs. "I Have a Little Dreidel" Chanuka this, and Chanuka that. How you going to replace "Silent Night" with Kool and The Gang?Teacher:
I know. I know. But what do we do?
"How you going to replace "Silent Night" with Kool and The Gang?"
Yet again, LMAO!
American barely has any serious "Christians." Nobody cares, except for the slight offense they feel when the excising of Jesus is a little too in-your-face. Over time, the faux "offense" will fade away.
I dunno. I think we in California don't see the people who are genuinely offended because our state is overrun with God-hating liberals. There is still the rest of the country that cares.
if you can't see god in it all (even in what's left out) then you cant see god at all.
at my daughter's school they did so many damn songs between religious christmas and secular christmas and kwaanza and Hanukkah that i thought i would scream "enough all damn ready!"
but i am glad that everyone gets to share their cultural experience. the notion that christianity's celebration would be dominant or the only show is narrow and not representative of the larger population of families and belief systems, whatever they might be.
hell they could probably stand to add a few more songs for those who weren't represented at all.
That sounds good Jasai.
It would be interesting to hear you say that to the Jewish father counting and writing down the number of times children sing the word "Jesus".
In a truly pluralistic society, all major religions would be officially recognized.
This is especially true of Christianity, the traditional religion and heritage of over 80% of Americans.
Why shouldn't Christmas be a National Holiday?
"Diversity" is a code word that promises gullible Americans the multi-cultural Gap ad they've been conditioned to aspire.
Instead of "representing all religions", the Diversity Lie blurs, blends and melts each of the religions into one bland meaningless shallow Secular Sacrifice at the cash
"Diversity" is a Secular Trojan Horse.
Jews are less than 1.5% of the US population. Yet, under the guise of "Diversity... children in California are learning about Menorahs for Chanakah, while singing Kool and The Gang for Christmas.
The net result is a nation of spiritually bankrupt secular conformists.
Whose new Secular Religion only requires that they shop.
Religion is a secular trojan horse.
"You can attain a very high peak if you are one dimensional, but you will be only a peak. I would like you to become the whole Himalayas, not just a peak but peaks upon peaks."
and i could say that to a jewish father but the difference between me and you is that i would never feel the need to.
enough of playing to the most base nature of people; their fears, frustrations, their own interior violence being manifested in living color.
we should try responding only to the highest light. and maybe we will see the fruit of that oft repeated phrase, "what we focus on expands."
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