Monday, December 24, 2007

Big Brother Out Of Control - Track Your Spouse's Location In Real Time Via Cell Phone

GSM mobile phone tracking system via the GPS-TRACK satellite network


paul said...

Does a lack of privacy keep you honest?

Denmark Vesey said...

Integrity keeps you honest.

the good nurse said...

I am not married or otherwise involved and I would not be interested in using this device to track my mate, but I do use it for my 16yr old son....who is still developing his integrity.

Anonymous said...

Big brother is not out control. It's not logical to blame the technology for what I would agree would be a misuse of it.

I, like the good nurse, fully intend to lojac my daughter to the highest extent possible, because we do live in a world full of crazies, and if one of them gets to my kid, I want to be able to get there quick and contribute something positive to Darwin's theory of evolution. Man would have to be suicidal to mess with my seed, and that's a gene pool I'll be happy to discontinue.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Wow and wow.

If Big brother is not out of control at this point, I don't know what else it would take.

Does a deep voice need to speak to you from your tv screen before alarm bells start going off?

Anonymous said...

"Does a deep voice need to speak to you from your tv screen before alarm bells start going off?"

because it could.


Anonymous said...

Right. Because Big Brother does FORCE us to have televisions, and cable, and cell phones, right? No.

90% of Big Brother's tools require some form of our cooperation. Plus GPS only works when the phone is powered on. I think it's a good tool. I was lost in Atlanta once in an area (Dunwoody) where all of the street signs had apparently been taken down, and the operator was able to help me out using the satellite tool.

Anonymous said...

Actually, if you type "GPS Tracker" in, you will find a list of gps trackers that can fit nicely under a car don't need to track their cell phone which is not as accurate as these devices.

I tell people all the not use company cell phones. They have a database of GPS locations to determine if their employees visit a strip club for example or if two of their employees are located at a hotel just by tracking their phones.

BTW, while i don't totally approve of the picture, I understand...

Anonymous said...

That picture is hilarious.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

90% of Big Brother's tools require some form of our cooperation.

Yes, indeed, it does Kalena.

See Exhibit A - Exodus' empassioned statement of the beneficence of Big Brother's tools.

Anonymous said...

lol. Has anyone actually plugged a # into this? GG, DV.

Denmark Vesey said...


Nut - You are the only one who noticed.


Whose number did you put in?

Anonymous said...

I put my own number in. LOL!

Anonymous said...

mine. ;p