Monday, November 12, 2007

Some Good Ol' Fashioned Brotherly Advice

brotherkomrade said...
This comment is NOT aimed at Sister West (may she rest in peace).

But I want everyone who visits this site to look at the pic of the Sisters of The Nation on the lower right hand side.

Look at the one in the front. She is beautiful. Now look at yourselves, I don't care how old you are or what color, but be happy with who you are and if you could loose weight (like me) try to walk, eat right, do crunches. I just started last week and my two daughters support me by crunching with their daddy (they don't need to do it, but they help me.) Let's stop letting magazines, TV shows, and celebrities tell us how we should look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

agreed. Fame is the worst drug known to man.
