Tuesday, November 13, 2007


J.C. said...

Those whose minds become fixed on complicated theories and admiration of their own ideas lose the ability to deal with reality.

Love the Iraqi art to the side here. It looks like a part of the Istar gate. This was an entrance to Babylon.
If its what I am thinking, that piece is in the British Museum.

Anonymous said...

Always loved that quote from A.E.
It always reminds me that when people consider and talk about intelligence and quickly dismiss others as 'dumb' within this false educational construct they're really so far away from the whole of it.

Denmark Vesey said...

Skip, you are right. MJB, you are astute.

Anonymous said...

hmm...but there are two sides skip...

J.C. said...

Viva la two sides.
That creates balance.
That is how the one is made.
Ha ha.

brotherkomrade said...


Just came across your blog for the first time from AoBS blog.

I'm adding you to my blogroll.

It's good to see that there is more to the black blogosphere than necons and church people who wring their hands over Hip-Hop and Race people. I too see the White 'Supremacy' as white inferiority and the global systems to be that of more than race - but a system of economic oppression where countries are targeted with civil war and strife so that multinationals can suck the natural resources over the bones of the dead.

Anyway, have a nice day.

Denmark Vesey said...

Welcome Brother Komarade!

You are right on the money. The myth of a "Global System of White Supremacy" is a self-defeating boobey trap. Like quicksand it further ensnares those that struggle aggainst it.

The Global power monopoly is much more subtle, nuanced and evil than a broad categorical generalization like "race".

Anonymous said...

Word up, BrotherKomrade

Anonymous said...

"The Global power monopoly is much more subtle, nuanced and evil than a broad categorical generalization like "race"."

Very true it is very much more, and at the same time very much less. Figure that one out grasshopper.