Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Instant Replay? Fool Me Once? Hitler A Month Club.


Anonymous said...

I don't think your guests are suggesting he is Hitler but simply that he is not Christ.

You know, Christ? that guy whose got the love thing for all people going on.

And really, not even King so much.

Denmark Vesey said...

Well Jasai,

I'll bet you the man is more Christ, than he is Hitler.

However, We don't see his face super-imposed over the body of Jesus do we?

So, you tell me Dear Jasai, why the subterfuge?

Funny that you hold me to a higher standard for applauding a man then you appear to hold the MSM for calling a man Hitler.

You still mad about Jena?

Anonymous said...

Funny that you hold me to a higher standard for applauding a man then you appear to hold the MSM for calling a man Hitler.

each one teach one.(or is that "reach" one?)

mo matter. you get it.

Anonymous said...

Is Bush Christ? To many, he is the real Hitler.

J.C. said...

Actually both Hitler and Bush share a lot in common. Hitler was smarter than Bush though. Both were twisted egoistic maniacs. Most Politicians are.

Christ was just a loser in general.
He was young and stupid, or he would of gotten out of Dodge, and not got himself strung up.
All Christians are really Jews. They just don`t know it. Muslims also are merely derivative belief system flunky`s as well.
They all came from spin offs of the creation myths that were popular a couple thousand years previously.
- Christ never intended a new religion with his name on it.
That supernatural bullshit aspect of the whole thing was introduced by a scam artist known as Paul.

As long as political and religious belief system flunky`s rule, we are on a collision course, and when we hit... Kaboommmm. . . it ain`t gonna be pretty.
Then things get interesting.
Countdown to chaos.