Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Darfur Hoax Continues To Unfold

Reverse Darfur

[A] problem with allowing a few Sudanese into Israel suggests thousands of others to flee in the same direction. That many Blacks we don’t want; morality to aliens is good only so long as it doesn’t affect our lifestyle.

A smarter move would be to welcome any number of Sudanese refugees and dump them into the Palestinian-held areas of Samaria. Given some goats and weapons to defend them, the Blacks will habitually move to fight the Arabs.

As a general rule, Jews need not be ashamed to refuse charity to aliens who demand it.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

These people are evil beyond words. They are playing sides off against each other in Darfur. Now they're saying, let's do the same in Palestine?


J.C. said...

"As a general rule, Jews need not be ashamed to refuse charity to aliens who demand it."

That be space aliens ?

Anonymous said...

Are we surprised? The writing has been on the wall for those who want to read it.
She is in fact a shameless woman.