Craig. Who, governs? Spirits? Ghosts? Governance is the willful exercise of power. By someone over someone. People. Who are those people? You either have White Supremacy as a tool of class maintenance or class as a tool of the maintenance of white supremacy.
- Take a pick. Make your argument.
- Craig. Who, governs? Spirits? Ghosts?
Michael, who exactly teaches spiders to spin webs, bees to construct hives, and beavers to build damns?
How is it that you're so sure that you're calling shots in your own head magne? Last I took census, there were at least two "entities" consistently vying for control in my own head melon. One what does all the talking, and the other one what does all the listening. Guess what, that's a baseline that applies to you, me, and everybody else participating on this thread - not because it's an inevitability, but because that's the normative baseline for ordinary awareness that is hegemonically inculcated in our exoteric anglospheric culture. Now, my socratic afro-saxon brother, by sheer dent of your interrogatory style, I know vastly more about the specific nature of your ordinary waking state than you have ever intentionally disclosed.
So let's be honest with ourselves about how that bicameral talker/ listener structure works, shall we;
Deception is common in nature: animals evolved to look like plants, birds pretend injury to lure predators away from nests, and lizards inflate themselves pretending to be more dangerous than they really are, but humans
are by far the most accomplished liars in the animal kingdom. Two separate personalities live inside each of us: a “Mr. Hyde” who quietly makes all the decisions and a little voice in our heads I will call “Dr. Jekyll,” who
makes all the excuses. Mr. Hyde is only interested in sex, money and social power, while Dr. Jekyll is only interested in how Hyde’s decisions appear to the neighbors.
Mr. Hyde’s decisions are not based on calculation; they are based on subconscious image comparison, and Hyde will select the choice that “feels best.” About ½ second after Mr. Hyde makes a decision, he invents a socially acceptable excuse for Dr. Jekyll, and then Jekyll tells the neighbors. Unfortunately, Dr. Jekyll has no way of knowing whether Hyde is telling the truth or lying. This makes it impossible for anyone to know for certain what Mr. Hyde is up to
Oh come on man, this guy can`t be all that bright if M.Fisher is a contributor there.
I assume they are buddies right ?
Besides mostly those lines sound like convoluted sociological bullshit.
Witch doctor stuff. Whoops get that chip off my shoulder stuff. Wow.
Its class/caste not race ya idiot.
I find myself agreeing with Skip on the convoluted bit. However I do agree with his statements.
Simple, every day english would have been easier to read and just as effective.
The Assault is Michael's blog. He was kind enough to invite me to be a contributor.
I wouldn't have found out about DV had it not been for M. Fisher. From where I sit, this type of indirected digital aggregation is ALL good.
Cause you know what they say Skip when three or more of US get together and begin seriously talking among ourselves...,
CNulan offers a lot to think about. Is the argument that perhaps it is a classist system, but race is used on an industrial/systemic level as an instrument of control/distortion?
Is the argument that perhaps it is a classist system, but race is used on an industrial/systemic level as an instrument of control/distortion?
I'm no more a fan of that class/caste terminology than I am of the "white supremacy dynamic". All are aspects (partial perceptions if you will) of an underlying system of governance and control.
Are you perchance familiar with Paco Nathan's very interesting forays into the history of corporations and their metabolic functions?
Nathan's treatment leads to some of the same peculiar speculative reaches that Richard Dawkins does..., i.e., it calls into question the person-centric view of human history and human behaviour.
Kick ass CNu. Kick ass.
I hadn't heard of Nathan before, but I've read a number of pieces that question the right of corporations to exist, let alone to have "rights" as if they are human beings.
When you compare Nathan's analysis to Dawkins, is the idea that history should be looked at from an organizational perspective, instead of people perspective? I want to understand the distinction, because organizations are mere collections of people - so are corporations.
If I remember correctly, the first corporation came into being in England in the 1600's. I wouldn't be surprised if it coincided with the Bank of England's takeover of the British economy.
"it calls into question the person-centric view of human history and human behaviour."
Craig. Who, governs?
Spirits? Ghosts?
Governance is the willful exercise of power. By someone over someone.
Who are those people?
You either have White Supremacy as a tool of class maintenance or class as a tool of the maintenance of white supremacy.
Take a pick. Make your argument.
If I remember correctly, the first corporation came into being in England in the 1600's. I wouldn't be surprised if it coincided with the Bank of England's takeover of the British economy.
no need to remember..., Nathan details the formal origins in that first link. it's a light and easy read, please take the time.
When you compare Nathan's analysis to Dawkins, is the idea that history should be looked at from an organizational perspective, instead of people perspective?
Much of what Nathan has to say, and more importantly the direction in which he's pointing, can be gleaned from those links. Not so much with Dawkins, who expounded his theory over the course of three texts. Are you thoroughly familiar with Dawkins and his concept of the selfish-gene?
I want to understand the distinction, because organizations are mere collections of people - so are corporations.
The corporation is not as subject to human control as most people believe it is, rather, it is an autonomous technical structure that behaves by a system of logic uniquely well suited to its primary function: to give birth and impetus to profitable new technological forms, and to spread the memetic imprint of these forms around the globe.
a large corporation may be seen as a man-made life form, a beast with a will of its own: it ingests natural materials (including people) in one end, and excretes un-natural products and waste (including worn-out people) out the other. It has no innate morals to keep it from seducing our politicians, subverting our democratic processes or lying in order to achieve its own selfish objectives. Moreover, is only nominally controlled by laws, because the people who make our laws are in turn controlled by these same corporations. Today in America, we live under the de facto plutocracy of corporations. (one-dollar, one-vote)
One thing I would ask you to consider above all else in consideration of this subject matter. please don't take for granted that the normative human mentality of today is the same as the normative human mentality prevailing in John Dee's England when the Corporate Organism was first evoked.
Shit, just think in terms of how mundane tobacco, sugar, and caffeine are to you today, and how phenomenally and world alteringly bombazz they were
Work with me people, take none of your standing presumptions for granted....,
"it calls into question the person-centric view of human history and human behaviour."
Craig. Who, governs?
Spirits? Ghosts?
Michael, who exactly teaches spiders to spin webs, bees to construct hives, and beavers to build damns?
How is it that you're so sure that you're calling shots in your own head magne? Last I took census, there were at least two "entities" consistently vying for control in my own head melon. One what does all the talking, and the other one what does all the listening. Guess what, that's a baseline that applies to you, me, and everybody else participating on this thread - not because it's an inevitability, but because that's the normative baseline for ordinary awareness that is hegemonically inculcated in our exoteric anglospheric culture. Now, my socratic afro-saxon brother, by sheer dent of your interrogatory style, I know vastly more about the specific nature of your ordinary waking state than you have ever intentionally disclosed.
So let's be honest with ourselves about how that bicameral talker/ listener structure works, shall we;
Deception is common in nature: animals evolved to look like plants, birds pretend injury to lure predators away from nests, and lizards inflate themselves pretending to be more dangerous than they really are, but humans
are by far the most accomplished liars in the animal kingdom. Two separate personalities live inside each of us: a “Mr. Hyde” who quietly makes all the decisions and a little voice in our heads I will call “Dr. Jekyll,” who
makes all the excuses. Mr. Hyde is only interested in sex, money and social power, while Dr. Jekyll is only interested in how Hyde’s decisions appear to the neighbors.
Mr. Hyde’s decisions are not based on calculation; they are based on subconscious image comparison, and Hyde will select the choice that “feels best.” About ½ second after Mr. Hyde makes a decision, he invents a socially
acceptable excuse for Dr. Jekyll, and then Jekyll tells the neighbors. Unfortunately, Dr. Jekyll has no way of knowing whether Hyde is telling the truth or lying. This makes it impossible for anyone to know for certain what Mr. Hyde is up to.
Oh Christ, Cnulun, what rock did you crawl out from under?
You sound like a young dog looks when it is chasing around in circles after its own tale.
"The injection of monetary concepts into all discussions of natural wealth and income, wholly confuses the people as to the actual issues at stake. Furthermore, it serves as a handy screen behind which, with a little word juggling, the business/political operators of this Price System can continue their profitable activities without being too greatly embarrassed by outside interference. --- Howard Scott.
Work with you Cnulan when you are promoting worth less bullshit for knowledge ?
"The corporation is not as subject to human control as most people believe it is, rather, it is an autonomous technical structure that behaves by a system of logic uniquely well suited to its primary function: to give birth and impetus to profitable new technological forms, and to spread the memetic imprint of these forms around the globe."
Yah right man, and I have some swampland in Florida, that just needs a little draining, and it will be ready for building.
You are part of the problem.
You are not creative.
You are spouting garbage.
You are not saying any thing new.
You are a victim.
Hello sucker ~!~
What COLOR does Mr. Jekyll classify himself as? And Mr. Hyde?
Michael, in your haste to apply the MF-WSD reductio ad absurdam, you forgot to consider or answer the very simple question I posed upthread;
who exactly teaches spiders to spin webs, bees to construct hives, and beavers to build damns?
If you have no idea, then simply say so. In so doing, you will have answered the shot-calling question for human beings, as well. at least so far as you know....,
You sound like a young dog looks when it is chasing around in circles after its own tale.
Skip, you sound like a rabid dog that needs to be shot in the head....,
Before I pull the hammer back though, let me get a couple points straight. You're the only pure technocrat in North America? You're so pure in fact, that Technocracy has disavowed any association with you? How's that doctrinal purity thing working for you son?
I don't disagree with many of the tenets of technocracy. I would much prefer an emergy system. However, unlike you, I grasp the fact that humans are not rationally governed, and, I don't naively dismiss the insidious sophistication of the long established systems of governance and social motivation.
Like the ethnies as species cognitive error - exploited to pernicious good effect by those who use racism as a governance tool, there is a far deeper psychological understanding in play. An understanding of human psychology that is so deep in fact, it has until recently beggared contemporary imagining and defied systematic analysis.
Only now, and only through the auspices of careful group study has it become possible to discern the workings of $$$ as a governance technique, yet that technique was implemented thousands of years ago. Similarly with racism, and the propaganda of racial pseudo- science that never seems to get a rest thanks to the deep pockets of folks like these.
Though implemented centuries ago, these too are governance techniques whose subtlety and sophistication belies the technical means at their authors' disposal. Truly inspired perfidy, one might say....,
Gotta tie these things off at digestible intervals in hopes of making a little thematic sense.
How did I come scrambling down this rabbit-hole again DV? Oh yeah, you kicked it off with a post on the addictive qualities of sugar.
Playing off that riff, I thought it might be interesting to chime in with the relatively obscure - though fairly self-evident role of "addictions" - as interesting behavioural factors underscoring themes in human history. At that point, sugar takes on the role of a drug.
"Drugs" (neurotransmitters, hormones, etc) is how our genes/environment "cause" our behavior. We are genetically -biased to do things that "feel good" (having an orgasm, acquiring things, making money) and we avoid behavior that makes us "feel bad" (social rejection, having our things stolen, putting our hand on a hot stove, etc).
One of the primary "feel good" drugs is dopamine.
"In previous research that had focused solely on drug abusers, Volkow and other researchers found that many addicts had a deficiency in a particular type of receptor for dopamine, one of the brain's feel-good chemicals. Most drugs of abuse reward their takers—and reinforce the habit—by flooding the brain with more dopamine than normal. So, the researchers theorized that some drug users become addicts as a way of making up for a shortage of dopamine receptors."
"This is consistent with the idea that cravings of all kinds—whether for food, drugs, or designer shoes—have common mechanisms,"
Up thread, I was also compelled to address the effect of money and how the monetary control system is not simply an intellectual or ideological construct, rather that its efficacy as a governance tool is also rooted in its drug-like and addicting qualities.
Begs the question whether the "ethnies as species" cognitive error (racism) is also at its basis - simply another addicting behavior?
I haven't developed this proof yet, though I have some nMRI data highly suggestive in that direction.
Oh yeah, I've been thinking about this topic for a minute or two, because it has vastly greater explanatory power than the comparatively fragmentary WSD or the even more fragmentary stuff that Skippy is so excitedly yet painfully naively on about...,
nice added irony too when considered in the context of some of those "dopest joints on the planet" digital brain candies you set out in the vestibule for visitors right....,
Ok, you dope, the only thing you have proven is that you are an idiot.
I have never been kicked out of any thing.
You apparently know how to push a wikipedia button, and think that a blog called wikipedia is real information.
You are dumber than I thought.
"Skip, you sound like a rabid dog that needs to be shot in the head....,
Before I pull the hammer back though, let me get a couple points straight. You're the only pure technocrat in North America? You're so pure in fact, that Technocracy has disavowed any association with you? How's that doctrinal purity thing working for you son?"
Ok, Cnulun.
You are a Guru.
You need to get over.
You have a bloated ego.
You will dig around the internet for false info. to get over in a personal attack based on some one elses nonsense personal attack.
I got your number.
You are a pseudo intellectual.
The woods are full of them.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
And don`t threaten to shoot people on the internet.
Law enforcement might find out.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
And don`t threaten to shoot people on the internet.
Law enforcement might find out.
Knock yourself out wanksta - all-of-em who matter already know me well and we communicate on the regular...,
Sweet man. You are a troll and a hacker ?
Well done.
Now if you can get your act together, you can take it on the road.
Cno oh no.
Like attracts like, and You seem more Fisher like with every post.
Blow your dollar store horn.
This is what you're saying: People don't have free will.
Prove it.
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