Thursday, August 16, 2007

Intellectually Lazy BS Statement of The Week

"EVERY white person knows that White Supremacy as a System of Control over non-white, and particularly black people is in existence. " Michael Fisher


Michael Fisher said...

In case you are not self-employed or run your own business - what color is your boss? Or that of his boss, and/o that of his boss?

What color is the guy/gal who controls the bank you bank at?

The hospital you go to?

The car you drive, was it made by a company owned by black people like you?

The toilet you shit in?

Who controls the water supply into your house?

The school you send Young Lion to? I hope at least that is a quality school run and owned bu your own?

Who made your underwear?

Your socks?

Grows your food?

Who owns these institutions?

Who manufactured the guns you like to shoot with?


Denmark Vesey said...

"In case you are not self-employed or run your own business - what color is your boss? Or that of his boss, and/o that of his boss?" MF

I’ve never had a “boss”. Even when I worked for other people.

" color is the guy/gal who controls the bank you bank at?" MF

It’s kind of a pinkish color with brown freckles.

"The hospital you go to?" MF

Not been in 20 years. I eat well.

"The car you drive, was it made by a company owned by black people like you?"


"The toilet you shit in?" MF

I haven’t shit in 20 years. I eat well.

"Who controls the water supply into your house?" MF

The Empirial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

"The school you send Young Lion to? I hope at least that is a quality school run and owned bu your own?" MF

Yup. It is run by my own. Other American citizens and taxpayers.

"Who made your underwear?"

Chinese Peasants

"Your socks?" MF

Chinese Peasants

"Grows your food?" MF

Mexican Peasants

"Who owns these institutions?" MF

Other institutions.

"Who manufactured the guns you like to shoot with?" MF

White Peasants.



Michael Fisher said...


"I haven’t shit in 20 years."

That explains it.

Anonymous said...

MF.. that is funny! lol

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...


"I haven’t shit in 20 years."

That explains it.

That's funny Mike.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I came in on the middle of something. In what context were these questions posed?

Denmark Vesey said...

Mike lists these things as proof positive of his theory / religion that insists we worship / fear the false idol of "WHITE SUPREMACY".

Mike implies that the coincidence of white skin among people involved in industry, government and finance amounts to advantage for whites and a disadvantage for non-whites.

"what color is the man who controls the water to your house"

The whole thing is laughable anachronistic and way below what I expected from Brother Fisher.

Anonymous said...

I see.

I would add then that in addition to the non-black individuals that made my car, work at the water plant and sewed the tag into my panties....

non-blacks also clean my home, polish my toenails and press my suits.


Anonymous said...

Oh the power they have....

Denmark Vesey said...

non-blacks also clean my home, polish my toenails and press my suits.


Exactly, sista. Exactly.

Whether the guys who "run one's bank" and "brings water to one's house" and "manufactures one's firearms" and "sews one's draws" are one's EMPLOYEES or one's WHITE SUPREMACISTS depends on whether one sees oneself as a master or a slave.

What People Choose To Think Tells Much About Them.

That's why I coin the term Plantation Negro.

They want a white boogeyman massa even if they have invent one.

Michael Fisher said...


Have you ever been mistreated based on your color?

Denmark Vesey said...

Michael Fisher said...


Have you ever been mistreated based on your color?"


If anything, I've received preferential treatment because of my color.

Black is beautiful. Why mistreat beauty?

Black is an asset. Have you ever been mistreated because of your money?

Cop pull me over. I look him in his eye. The moment he realizes he is dealing royalty, he plays his position and everything is cool.

Mike, have you ever been mistreated, and blamed it on the coincidence of your blackness, when in reality it had nothing to do with your skin color but your personality and character?

Michael Fisher said...



Well, that's just great. Really.

How did you do it?

Denmark Vesey said...


Michael Fisher said...
Well, that's just great. Really.
How did you do it?" MF

1,000 years of selective breeding.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


"1,000 years of selective breeding."

They had your family on a Virginia slave breeding farm for 1000 years?


Well, in any case, that would be how they did your ancestors. ;)



In all seriousness, I am not joking. How did and do YOU do it?

Denmark Vesey said...

"In all seriousness, I am not joking. How did and do YOU do it?" MF


I am not joking either. I really mean, 1,000 years of selective breeding.

I am genetically predisposed not to allow anyone to "mistreat" me.

Now, I'm sure I've encountered the occasional non-black who had a problem with black people. I was taught not to empower their problem by labeling it "racism".

I was taught to recognize fear, jealousy and penis envy for what it is and not to get sucked into the trap of legitimizing the projections of cowards.

I also taught to be mindful of the fact that fear and hatred of black people was not limited to whites. Black people can be just as nasty and petty and jealous towards blacks as can non-blacks.

I submit the vitriolic commentary of the Rap Haters as an example.

I don't see the world as a war between black and white.

I see the world as a war between good and evil, courage and fear, nobility and bitchiness.

Slavery is mental, Mike. And so is Freedom.

Michael Fisher said...


"I really mean, 1,000 years of selective breeding."


Interesting. So, let's say every 30 years your family produced children.

In 1000 years that would be 33 generations.

Let's start counting...

There's DV

That's 1 in generation 33
Then there are DV's Parents
That's 2 in generation 32
Then DV's Grandparents
That's 4 in generation 31
Then DV's Greatgrandparents.
That's 8 in generatin 30
Then DV's Great Great grand parents.
That's 16 in generation 29
Then DV's great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandparents.
That would be 4 billion 294 million 967 thousand and 296 in the first generation.

4,294,967,296. That's quite a few ancestors (during the first generation of DVs a thousand years ago alone) you got there, DV.

Given that the entire human population is estimated to have been around 310 million a thousand years ago, that is quite a feat of selective breeding.

Not to mention that if you count all the ancestors you ever had up to one thousand years ago, that would give you a figure of 8.5 BILLION.

As I said. Quite selective that breeding of yours.

I wonder if it were a wee bit possible if you and Skip Sievert were related under those circumstances.

Cause Skip had, lo and behold, exactly the same amount of ancestors.

Michael Fisher said...

Which reminds me. Since you and your ancestors are/were all genetically disposed not to let themselves mistreated, none of your ancestors were slaves?

Unless, of course, you don't consider slavery mistreatment

Denmark Vesey said...


Ancestor slaves?

Nah. Neva.

Temporarily Political Prisoners.

One is not a slave until one starts to think of oneself as a slave (or a victim of 'White Supremacy')

Mike, please, indulge us. How does your strange genetic math and little Socratic exercise lend any credence to your assertion that there exists a vast phenomena that could be described as "White Supremacy"?

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

"How does your strange genetic math and little Socratic exercise lend any credence to your assertion that there exists a vast phenomena that could be described as "White Supremacy"?"

I didn't. I just thought that your breeding exposition was interesting and pointed out it's uniqueness. What is so strange about simple math?

However, if you and your ancestors are/were all genetically disposed not to let themselves mistreated, how is it that they were temporarily mistreated as Political Prisoners? Or was that not a form of mistreatment? And were they mistreated as political prisoners based on their politics or based on their color?

Denmark Vesey said...

Fair enough questions Mike.

Were they MIStreated? No.

They were treated appropriately. Forgive me for borrowing from Darwin, but that is what happens to people who lose wars, fail to organize and fail to resist threat.

You get what you deserve. You get what you accept.

Were they enslaved / held captive BECAUSE they were black?

No. They were enslaved / held captive BECAUSE they it was militarily possible and financially profitable to do so.

90% of European whites spent nearly a thousand years of feudalism toiling as INDENTURED SERVANTS, bound to the land. Which is a cute word for SLAVE.

Were they "indentured" BECAUSE they were white?

Black people have a history that is 10,000 years old. 400 years of "slavery" is just a blip in time.

Mike, stop throwing gasoline on the fire of the White Supremacy myth, by stop talking it up.

You feel me?

Michael Fisher said...


"They were treated appropriately."

I see. So because it was "militarily possible and financially profitable to do so". the mistreatment of black women, for example, as slaves and objects of rape was appropriate


And the black babies who where born into this bondage were they appropriately treated as well then?

Denmark Vesey said...


And the black babies who where born into this bondage were they appropriately treated as well then?"

Yes Socrates,

They were "treated" about as appropriately as people born into bondage are treated.

They were treated like slaves.

Would it have been more appropriate for them to have been treated as house guests?

The problem was not their "treatment while in bondage". The problem was the fact of their bondage.

That's something the Civil Rights Negros of your generation have yet to understand.

Their idea of empowerment is a world where "white people treat them better".

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...


If I may summarize then.

Your family has been selectively bred over a period of thousand years the effect of which was for you or your ancestors never to have been mistreated, in fact, you have been given preferential treatment because of your selective breeding.

Those of your ancestors who found themselves enslaved by the accident of birth were not mistreated, but treated appropriately, as they were slaves and not house guests.

In addition, you have not had a bowel movement in twenty years.

Denmark Vesey said...


It's a great formula to avoid becoming a slave.

For $595, I will teach it to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Mike I can't beleive you entertained such non-sense... LOL

Michael Fisher said...

Casp. You keep entertaining his Gangsta nonsense. Let me have fun, too. ;)

Denmark Vesey said...



Un huh.

Denmark Vesey said...

Casper said...

Mike I can't beleive you entertained such non-sense... LOL


It's no coincidence the two rap haters are also the most insistent that "White Supremacy as a System of Control over black people" MUST exist...

Plantation Negros gotta have a Massa.

Anonymous said...

"Plantation Negros gotta have a Massa"

Do you mean a massa like Jimmy Iovine or Doug Morris??