Friday, August 17, 2007

What, Exactly, Is Gucci Selling Here?

Carl Jung said that when we deny the existence of God, we create false Gods instead. Love and sex have become a pseudo religion that gives us ecstatic experience (orgasm) and personal fulfillment. This "religion" is used to distract and control us.


Anonymous said...

A so called fake lifestyle!

J.C. said...

A languid version of droopy oral sex like symbolism ?

Denmark Vesey said...

Good one Skip.

But peep the trance like religious subtext.

J.C. said...

Yes, but all religion is pseudo, while the ecstatic experience has reality. It is fun. Much more fun than listening to a drone preach about guilt and sin, and roasting in hell.
The original 'religion' revolved around dancing, singing and screwing.
It had to be modified when people decided to live in cities because of the control aspect. Guilt was used to turn people against themselves, and sublimate anger.
It worked like a charm.

The female in an ecstatic rage is the one and true religion, that men worship at, even though most will not admit it.
The women mostly know it though.

No doubt the concept of god came from female sexuality, which is down right, a blinding awesome force of nature.
Like a sudden storm blowing up.

Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.