Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Curtis Martin Playlist

I think this is an excellent dramatization of "The Christian Walk".


J.C. said...

Looks like creepy brainwash zombie stuff to me.

Michael Fisher said...
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Michael Fisher said...

Screw this fake stuff. If you wanna see some real pantomime check out Marcel Marceau

Denmark Vesey said...

Ya'll cats thimble deep.


Fish, you not even in the arena.

You slippin' man.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this...I am dealing with that right now and felt it deeply...

Denmark Vesey said...

I knew you would Sister Soteria.

Your mind is open.

Unlike brothers Skip and Fish, you are not a devotee to a competing belief system like the religion of 'Technocracy' or the religion of 'White Supremacy'.

J.C. said...

Technocracy is the opposite of religion.
For the 10th time.
Science is not religion.

Religion deals in abstract concepts, usually used by the power possessors to control people.

Science uses facts.

A world of difference.

Technocracy does not care what people 'believe' in, but religion, because it is based on bigotry always, is 'invested' in belief, and controlling belief within a societal context.

Freedom from and of belief is an integral part of Technocracy.

It is totally non-partisan.

It is designed to eliminate special interest groups of politics and belief.

Denmark Vesey said...


You are wrong. Your Technocracy gurus have sold you a juvenile explanation of religion.

Religion requires no more "belief" than does yoga.

You don't believe it - you practice it.

J.C. said...

You practice it if you believe the premise... then the rest is easy.

There are no Technocracy gurus.

It is not a personality cult at all.

Total freedom of religion is a promise in Technocracy. Religion as a special interest group, ( which it is ) can not be forced on others though, or be used to give special benefits to some.
That is role of special interest, whether political or religious.
That is why Technocracy chose science instead of politics, religion, art/poetry/philosophy/sociology to use as the administrator of itself.