Snoop Dogg: Rappers' Hos Are Different
By Staff
Apr 12, 2007
Rapper Snoop Dogg has dismissed comparisons between sexist hip hop lyrics and the recent racist remarks made by American radio Dj Don Imus.
Imus was suspended by CBS Radio and Msnbc on Monday (09Apr07) after he referred to the Rutgers University women's basketball team as 'nappy-headed hoes' - a racially charged sexist term.
Snoop frequently refers to women as "b**ches" and "hos" in his music, but insists Imus' use of the term was unacceptable and the 66-year-old Dj should be taken off the air.
The Doggystyle star says, "It's a completely different scenario, "(Rappers) are not talking about no collegiate basketball girls who have made it to the next level in education and sports.
"We're talking about hoes that's in the 'hood that ain't doing s**t, that's trying to get a n**ga for his money. These are two separate things.
"First of all, we ain't no old-ass white men that sit up on Msnbc going hard on black girls.
"We are rappers that have these songs coming from our minds and our souls that are relevant to what we feel. I will not let them muthaf**kas say we are in the same league as him.
"Kick him off the air forever."
bullshit. fuck snoop.
He and his colleagues got young girls thinking it's cool to grow up and become bitches and hoes...or no, maybe just dance and dress like them.
You really think "SNOOP DOGGY DOG" got women thinking that?
That's a lot to put on 32 year old pot head.
Our culture makes heroes out of bimbos like Brittany Spears and Madonna, young girls all around the world start wearing jeans with the crack of their asses showing, tongue kissing each other and giving blow jobs to whomever has the biggest rims.
Rappers chronicle the madness in their rhymes and get blamed for creating it.
That shit don't add up.
Dude, DV.
You've lost ALL credibility. And I mean "all."
Big J
I'm a fan of Snoop et al. Though you are right DV, they did not create the madness (i.e., video hoes, materialism, sex and violence), it is undeniable that the music they peddle does nothing to combat these ills. On that basis, what Snoop said is bullshit.
I also dont buy the idea that his music only calls bitches and hoes bitches and hoes.
Take the line "Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks." (Even though this was a Dre song.) He didnt say "Hoes and tricks is bitches" - which to me would kinda support the idea that he wasnt talking about all women, just the hoes and the tricks. Instead, he talked about what "bitches" are. The word "bitch" refers to ALL women generally.
Thank You Robyn for having the heart and intellectual integrity to avoid the "IT'S ALL RAPS FAULT" bandwagon.
As far as the term "Bitch" ...
When I hear the word - 50% of the images that come to my mind are men.
DV continues with his bs. . .
Big J
Snoop Dogg has proven himself to be Hypocrite extraordinnaire. The fact that he even has to go through this phony, faux intellectual attempt to distinguish his vulgarity from Imus' shows what a piece of shit he is. "Well, we're rappers and it comes from our heart, and we're not White guys with hard ons and the women we call bitches and hos really are bitches and hos because they are trying to take our money, therefore, it's okay for us to freely use the terms bitches and hos".
GTFOOH!!! If Imus should be kicked off the air, so should Snoop.
Off topic Side note.
DV, you have a pic of the book Shibumi by Trevanian to the right. I read that book. Its significant for me b/c it was the summer reading assignment in my 11th grade honors english class. Me, being lazy, didnt read it then, thinking that I would just switch to a "regular" english class (where there was no summer reading) when school started. I was wrong, the teacher in the honors class knew I was being lazy and wouldnt let me out of her class. She made me struggle along with assignments even though I hadnt read the text. I hated that teacher, but, of course, ended up loving her by the end of the year.
I finally read that book a decade later in 2005 while on the plane from LAX to CDG (Charles De Gaul (sp?). I spent significant time that trip in the basque region in the south of france and northern spain. Hell if that whole damn book wasnt set in nearly all of the places my family visited.
That was off topic, but its my commericial for reading and education for the day. :-)
You can divide the world between the people who have read Shibumi and those who haven't.
You need to write that teacher, email her or send a smoke signal to say thanks.
I wish one of my teachers had "made me" read Trevanian in high school.
I was a 30 year old grown man who happened to find an old paperback with the cover torn off behind a book shelf.
You kicked it in the Basque region, huh? I knew there was something about you that was special.
But you still going to get a spankin'.
DV continues with his bs. . .
Big J
Come on J. You tryin' too hard.
If not bitches and ho's, what do YOU call bitches and ho's?
Tomorrow you will jump back on Hip Hop's dick like you doin' the Hot Fuk.
DV. Let me ask you this. Have you ever been involved with the music industry? Have you ever produced or promoted Hip Hop, worked with guys like Snoop or Puffy or Russell? Do you know who makes the decisions to put this stuff out here? Do you know how it is marketed, and why?
I suspect not.
Do some real research. Ask folks like Chuck D. Hell, ask me.
I've been a very major player in the Hip Hop game almost since day one. We NEVER intended for this stuff to get where it ended up.
Fact is, DV, as one of my black entertainment attorney colleagues told me once again yesterday. We black folks are nothing but sharecroppers in this music thing.
If we really had the power, we'd put out and distribute incredible beats with incredible lyrics.
Fight The Power and stop acting an ass.
Mike you house niggas were sharecroppers before rap, and you are sharecroppers now. You are sharecroppers in the legal profession. You are sharecroppers in medicine. You are sharecroppers on Wall St. You are sharecroppers in R&B and in Jazz.
Talk to Chuck D? I have. Made money in music industry? Yup. Worked with Puffy? As a matter of fact, yes.
The fact is you “educated negro” products of integrated schools were negotiating 2% royalty deals before former drug dealers like Cash Money, Master P and Death Row went from selling tapes from the trunks of their cars to negotiating distribution deals that allowed them greater control of their masters and publishing rights.
10 years ago 5 of the largest black owned businesses in America were car dealerships. Now I see young brothers purchasing Smart Water and the New Jersey nets.
So take that little bitchy jealous ass corporate Negro plantation mentality to the next black Ski Summit and preach to those handkerchief head “entertainment attorney colleagues” of yours about being “sharecroppers”.
Speak for yourself. Now run along before your Jewish boss catches you on the internet.
LOL. Jewish boss?
A Jew wouldn't hire me if his life depended on it. And I'm not even anti-semitic.
DV, you obviously have no idea who I am. Which means you haven't been in the music business. At least not in any significant capacity.
Let me put it this way. If you worked with Puffy you might have gotten paid by Puffy. Me, I paid Puffy. Meaning, Puffy worked for me. And not too long ago.
The same applies to most of the rest all of these Hip Hop Gansta assholes.
So if you know Chuck, ask him.
I just got sick of being the only one of two or three autonomous black guys in the business surrounded by nothing but sharecropper/artist Uncle Toms in "radical" face.
Now, I'm not giving out my creds for you. It's for the folks that need to know that you are full of it and that someone who is real is yanking your chain.
You think Jay-Z is autonomous? You got another thing coming.
DV. If you're willing to sell out black folk - sell dope, denigrate our image, disrespect our women, and confuse our children, it's easy to become a "black" gazillionaire. Mark my word. E-A-S-Y! These white folks will throw so much money at you, you might become the new Bob Johnson.
The one requirement the white boys and girls have is that their "black" shills are not particularly intelligent. Which explains the success of your heroes.
By the way. Don't underestimate those integrated Ivy League schools and the brothers and sisters coming out of them. White folks don't figure out how to rule this country by operating their think tank operations out of Morehouse.
So, DV, stop fronting and, like I said, lose the moniker. Make it BR: Bayard Rustin.
Not to get in the middle of all the fun, but it surprises me DV that you complain about fanatical secularism all the time, but defend many of its high priests. It doesn't make Snoop Dogg any less a high priest of feminazi secular liberalism (or whatever the terms are) just because he raps.
"DV. If you're willing to sell out black folk - sell dope, denigrate our image, disrespect our women, and confuse our children, it's easy to become a "black" gazillionaire. Mark my word. E-A-S-Y! These white folks will throw so much money at you, you might become the new Bob Johnson. "
Damn, who is Michael Fisher?
"Damn, who is Michael Fisher?"
One of the spooks who sat by the door, baby.
Michael Fisher said...
“A Jew wouldn't hire me if his life depended on it. And I'm not even anti-semitic.”
Not anti-Semitic? … then why wouldn’t a Jew hire you if his life depended on it?
Oh, I see. LOL. Your punk ass is quick to disparage the Hip Hop monster but cover your ass when it comes to its Jewish distributors.
“And I'm not even anti-semitic.”
“And I'm not even anti-semitic.”
Made sure you cleared that shit up huh, Mike? LOL.
“DV, you obviously have no idea who I am.”
You are right. I don't. I've always been more interested in artists and revolutionaries than functionaries and glorified clerks.
Actually, it doesn’t really matter who you are Mike. There are a million intellectually lazy Don Quiotes like you attacking the windmill of Hip Hop with broad categorical castigations.
You need a Boogey Man. Attacking cornrowed tattooed rappers (From A Distance) is easy. Any punk can point his milquetoast finger in that direction and get a round of applause from the sheep.
Nah man. I aint Lyor Cohen or Burt Padell. Don’t claim to be. Don’t want to be. Glad I’m not. Puffy worked for you? Good for you. I don’t see what that has to do with the ignorant notion that Hip Hop is responsible for the dismal state of our culture, as opposed to a reflection of it.
“So if you know Chuck, ask him.”
Ask Chuck what? Ask him how well Civil Rights Negros are doing in other industries? Ask him about the quality TV Shows and Films the “I Hate Hip Hop” crowd is NOT producing? Ask him about the “I Hate Hip Hop Negros” whose biggest victory in years has been getting Don Imus fired?
Ask him about the “I Hate Hip Hop” black Wall Street executives who have yet to fund the types of films and music they CLAIM they want produced and distributed?
If not Hip Hop - what?
If not rappers - who?
The pseudo-educated black bourgeois consumer class? Nahh ... Them politically unsophisticated niggas are still voting for Democrats, Mike.
As a matter of fact – What in the hell have the “I HATE HIP HOP NEGROS” accomplished in the past 30 years? What businesses have they started? What industries are they dominating? How many other blacks do they employ? What alternatives have they offered young blacks that has emboldened them to condemn an entire art form as the CAUSE of societal blight?
Other than write little Stanley Crouch essays laying blame at the feet of black males while bending over backwards not to indict Jews, what have they accomplished, Mike?
“You think Jay-Z is autonomous? You got another thing coming.”
Not at all Mike. I don’t think Jay-Z is autonomous. I simply think he is closer to autonomy than of his house negro critics taking pot shots from the sidelines.
I’d take 1 Jay-Z over 50 Harold Ford Jr.’s.
“White folks don't figure out how to rule this country by operating their think tank operations out of Morehouse.”
Again, speak for yourself. White folks rule Negros like you Mike. They rule your minds. Which brings us to the essence of our difference:
Deep down inside House Negros buy into the myth of white supremacy. Hip Hop blacks don’t. Whether your plantation is corporate or mental, you are still slaves.
Despite the lip service, it’s always white schools, white corporations, white plantations and often white women.
You will do anything to please Massa – even if it means picking up the baton and hating the same black men he hates.
“We sick boss?”
Score one for DV.
Damn man, I just got through kickin' Mike Fisher's ass. You gotta give your boy a minute.
Aight. Let me see ...
Dina asks an excellent question.
First of all, I am not defending all that Snoop embodies. I am attacking the hypocrisy that suggests what Snoop expresses is "causation" for the dysfunction in our culture.
Are ugly terms used to describe some women in the popular arts? Absolutely.
Does the behavior of some women deserve to be described with ugly terms? Absolutely. As do some men.
I mock the parents who buy jeans for their teen-age daughters, that reveal the cracks of their ass, and then throw their hands in the air when young men respond to their overtly sexual personas with overtly sexual lyrics.
I mock the so called "sexual liberation" that promoted whorish behavior and now attempts to blame it on one of the many art forms that chronicle it and capitalizes on it.
Is Snoop a “radical secularist”? Yeah. But with the twinkle of God in his eye.
LOL. Bayard.
First of, colored child (if indeed you are colored, you sound like a deranged white boy, or - could it be? - white girl) since you're hiding behind an anonymous moniker, you're in no position to kick anyone's ass, 'specially mine.
Moreover, you didn't "kick ass", you ranted.
So, Hip Hop blacks don't what? Don't buy into the myth of white supremacy?
Stick with the facts, kid.
Have you ever read one of their record contracts? or deluxe production deal contracts? Do you know who their agents are? Their accountants? Their lawyers? Most importantly, who controls their distribution?
Now, for arguments sake, let's say you are right (which you are not).
The bitch-ass black sell-outs who stole our ancestors from the interior of Africa where no white man, and only an occasional Arab dared to venture, those bastards, didn't they get fabulously wealthy of the trade of our people?
Didn't they denigrate, prostitute, and shame our people?
Plus, you gotta be off of the street and a drug dealer to be authentic? That just shows you ain't real.
Let me give you a little lesson on that stuff. I'm from 116 & 8th, Harlem, 1970's. Most of the dumb mf's who grew up with me and sold dope are dead. I never sold an ounce.
I went to school, while these other cats went to their graves.
I built a house and a business for my family while they were molding in their graves.
I paid Puff $4,250,000.-- for six weeks of work, Busta 2 1/2 mil for four weeks of work, Ice T and Body Count each bought a mini-mansion in LA after I paid them for eight weeks of work. I paid Kurtis Blow's mortgage on a regular. Tupac paid me the money he owed me WHILE he was in prison in NY.
And that's just a small sampling...
Can you hang, white girl?
If this is House Niggadoom, sheet, I'll take that over your "authentic" street life any time.
Now, the ONLY autonomous black artist out there is... Prince. And he did THAT by hiring a brother who went to school. Londell McMillan.
These two brothers have more independent power and money than all of the Snoops, 50s, Hova's and Diddys in the world.
Both of them studied and perfected their respective crafts.
Bayard, you'se a fool.
What's worse, IF you are black, you are a traitor to our people.
Nice titties, by the way
"Do you know who their agents are? Their accountants? Their lawyers? Most importantly, who controls their distribution?"
No. (Actually yeah. But who cares)
I don't know the agents, lawyers or accountants of the artists I buy paintings from either.
I told you functionaries, middlemen, clerks and bean counters do not interest me.
Who was Picasso's lawyer? Mile's accountant? What were the details of Frant Fanon's publishing deals? Who gives a fuck?
Look Thurgood "Nicky Barnes" Marshall, you continue to belabor the point that Hip Hop artists don't have complete autonomy.
Tupac owed you money? Congratulations. He still touched more lives and inspired more people than you will in 100 years of brokering deals for men you hate.
I'd rather be a dead Tupac than a living player hating Michael Fisher.
You sound like a good businessman Mike. And you got good taste in titties. I should have hired you back in the day instead of Kendall Minter. But you’ve got to do something about the jealousy and hatred that is eating you up on the inside. Why would a man resent the artists he made so much money off of? Are you a frustrated artist Mike? Do you long for the attention and adulation your clients received. You think lawyers should be on the covers of magazines? Did LL pull your woman?
Your disproportionate arguments and laughable attempt to connect Hip Hop to the 17th Century central African slave trade is comical.
If you want to talk about denigrating, prostituting and shaming our people look at your house nigga cousins in the White House – Congo Lisa Rice and Colin Powell.
3,000 dead Americans
600,000 dead Iraqi People
0 WMD’s
That’s a lot of dead brown people Mike. And these coons (with Ivy League degrees) have allowed themselves to being suckered into playing point man on one of the greatest blunders in American history.
Yet you mad at Nelly.
Tookie and his Crip bunch, Snoop and his gang, Death Row and these asshole Bloods killed more black people than Bush, Powell or Condi Rice did in Iraq or their predecessors did in Vietnam. That's a fact.
Sheeet. They killed more black people than the KKK lynched throughout it's entire history. That's another fact. They are traitors to our people.
I'm not concerned with the Iraqi Arabs right now. They've shown that they can take care of themselves. I'm concerned with my own people.
Lastly, so, dropping Kendall's name makes you a music Mack?
When are you gonna come out from hiding behind that moniker? What the hell are YOU afraid of? You a white girl, after all?
Wass up "Playa"?
what a wuss...
Oh, by the way. Who said corporate Negroes got true power? Not I. Thus I'm not gonna name one. Butt, (oops, make that, "however", don't wanna get you - ahem, emotional). However, my dear, thank God your heroes have even less.
And no, LL didn't pull my woman. His road manager, Tony Rome, did. Quite a feat for a short brotha like that. More power to him. LOL.
"And no, LL didn't pull my woman. His road manager, Tony Rome, did."
Ahhh ... the truth rears it's ugly head.
"She’s sick of that song on how it’s so long
Thought he worked his until I handled my biz
There I is - major pain like Damon Wayans
Low down dirty even like his brother Keenan
Schemin’ - don’t bring your girl ‘round me
True player for real, ask Puff Daddy"
That explains the disproportionate hate of Hip Hop.
Yeah, I'm a white girl alright. But you don't want to bring your woman round me neither homey.
Tookie? What hip hop album did he drop? Missed that one.
Mike you stretchin'. You've gone from the 17th Century Central African Slave Trade to killing more blacks than Vietnam.
You are attaching more to the One's and Two's than it deserves.
Music Mack? You showin' your age Thurgood.
Now go run somewhere and put on the Chi-Lites.
denmark... !
so much schoolyard blustering. this is your house. simpy say "no thank you" and shut the door.
Anonymous said...
denmark... !
so much schoolyard blustering. this is your house. simpy say "no thank you" and shut the door.
I feel you Anonymous. That's a good point.
However, Michael Fisher is a valuable cat who brings a great perspective to the blog. I value his input and hope some value comes from our facade of war.
My apologies if we've gone too far and offended your sensibilities.
Come on. You never heard of woofin'?
Life ain't just about politics.
If it was so bad would I link DV's blog on my site?
Now don't get me wrong Bayard. You still ain't sh**. LOL.
Have a good weekend. My man.
Oh, actually saw Kendall yesterday. I'll see him again next week. Any greetings you want me to convey? You can catch me at:
don't you just love a warm fuzzy ending?
You have a good weekend too Brother Fisher.
The last time I saw Kendall was at the Pegasus in Kingston. Or maybe it was his spot in Stone Mountain. I'll holla when I see him.
I hadnt read all the comments to the end. Nice yall!
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