Did anyone see Florida win the NCAA Championship on Monday?
Did you notice how ghetto the congratulatory interview was after the game? Besides the "student athlete" holding his baby (even the baby's hat was on backwards), the rest of the team spoke like 365 Mafia and Lil John accepting a Source Award: "THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYIN'! IT'S ON BABY! BACK TO BACK! MY NIGGAS N GAINESVILLE KNOW WHA' MEAN!"
DV, you know I watched :-)
I thought Joakim kept it the realest: "We gon do it big, yall know what I mean!" LOL
Even during the 3-pt shootout and other events, the guys and girls would "snap your fingers...do your step..." I thought it was great. They were in ATL so it was all in context!! LOL
It is what it is. I hate speculating on these young brothas because they are just that, young. They're getting an education (or will at least get that paper) and will have to grow up real soon. It's all fun right now.
Nah, don't get me wrong erica aka Karmel ;-}
I feel those cats.
I'm just mocking the pretense that the National Collegiate Athletic Association Championship - has anything to do with college.
This stuff is minor league professional basketball accept the players don't get any of the billion$ generated by the Budweiser and MacDonald commercials they sell.
Part of their ability to do that is by maintaining the illusion that these cats are "college" students.
The fact is these boys, paper or no paper, are less educated than 50 Cent.
100% agreed. The NCAA is a plantation system.
These young men don't even go to class. A huge generalization, but most likely true. Schools like Ohio, Michigan, Notre Dame, Indiana, Florida, LSU…are athlete mills: turning out men of exceptional athletic ability, but no book or real-world knowledge, OR money-earning potential (if they don’t get picked up professionally, and really, how many is that?)
Less educated than 50 Cent? Are you still on his jock, man?
These gentlemen have spent between 2 and 4 years in college. Just because they are black and don't speak the Queen's English after 2 hours of basket ball, they are stupid now?
Big J
Big "I hate Hip Hop" J said...
These gentlemen have spent between 2 and 4 years in college. Just because they are black and don't speak the Queen's English after 2 hours of basket ball, they are stupid now?
No. Just because they are "enrolled" (pimped to play basketball for free) in college for 2 years does not mean they are in the least bit "educated".
Have you seen an interview with 50 Cent? He is more articulate than 70% of the people I encounter in the real world and makes more sense than 90% of these supposedly EdUMacAted Post Civil Rights Negros I read on these blogs.
At least he has an excuse. The boy survived the streets of Jamaica Queens and now owns Smart Water.
Joakim Noah's mother was Miss Sweden and his father won the French Open. He did not come off 1/10 as articulate as Fiddy or even TI.
I think the point is that even though these young men are being pimped-- and I don't think that fact is being disputed-- they still have an obligation to themselves to take from it what is supposed to give them a foothold on the rest of life…the glory will only last 5 minutes, and then what? I mean, at least get enough out of it so you can teach somewhere, dang. You gotta play the game because they brought your Black ass there for no other reason than to play and win, but maybe the concept of the student-athlete wouldn’t be such an oxymoron if they didn’t consistently live up to that image (or down to, depending on how you look at it).
I spoke better than these cats in 5th grade.
Calling them "college students" or educated requires a suspension of reason.
If you don't speak well on inter-national television in front of 550 million people - you aint gonna neva speak well.
Educated my ass. I can't believe Big J attempted to defend these cats as he continues to hate on articulate Hip Hop moguls.
DV... Your on point with this one. College football and basketball specifically for Division 1 schools specifically are minor league systems for the star athelete(s) specifically. The reality is that is a smaller percentage then the overall college athlete in all sports. However; no one interviews the 11th man on Florida's bench or the college tennis player on National TV.
At the end of the day, "articulate" means boo-boo. I know folk who can't speak worth a damn, and they got that paper.
If these dudes don't have the sense to pimp the system that's pimpin them, then yes, they're stupid!
I have no problem with your point Ericka aka Karmel.
However, while "articulate" means "boo boo" - let's be real. "Inarticulate" means "boo boo, crap and shit".
Why push college on a generation of kids and burden them with lifetime loans if they have no real interest in education?
Let's all stop pretending college is for everyone.
Agreed DV. College isn't for everyone. And no kid should be pushed into it. 100%.
But since these student-athletes that we're talking about are, essentially, contractually obligated to play, should they not be equally concerned and pressed to graduate and earn a degree that will solidify some sort of future for themselves?
I think we're on the same page...
The group of young men in that photo will all make their living playing pro ball. They will with their first year earnings make more than 99% of their classmates may make in 10 years. Thus their focus is not history class but the S Class... Human nature ;)
Have you seen Noah's jump shot?? Yuck!!! LOL
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