The myth of the "suburban middle class kid" has not existed in about 25 years.
There is really just one big sprawling ghetto separated by shopping malls and freeways.
Other than the size of the SUV or whether drugs are sold on corners or out of the back of garages - there is very little distinction between the classes in America any longer.
American kids, black and white watch the same TV, wear the same the clothes, eat the same processed foods, play the same video games, watch the same violent hypersexualized movies, listen to the same music, and don't read the same books.
The majority of their parents are divorced and on either illegal drugs or prescription drugs.
Big J,
In the course of a day, I can be in Watts in the morning and Bel Aire in the evening, and I'd say there is one hellavu gap between those two groups.
J, do you see one helluva difference between those two groups or between those two neighborhoods?
Which group would you say was happier? Which group would you say experiences more love? Which group would you say makes more love? Which group would you say has a more evolved interaction with God? Which group would you say has better relationships with their children? Which group do you think uses less prescription drugs? Which group smiles more?
To me, those are the actual determinants of class - not houses, FICA scores or financial solvency.
Agree with the part about their no longer being a middle class. I still see remnants of an upper and lower class, however, despite the fact that many people (class aside) are completely screwed up otherwise.
Had a moment of contentment with my lot on life this morning - this post made me think about it again. I consider mine a middle class existence despite what I wrote above.
So on the way to the office this morning, a driver next to me told me that I had a flat tire. I pull over, call a tow truck and wait.When the guy arrives, he changes the tire and advises me that at a minimum I'll need one new tire and that it may be a good idea to just go ahead and buy four.
The contentment came as I considered the entire circumstance.
1. Flat tire didnt jeopardize my job. No clock to punch. Called my secretary - "I got a flat tire, I'll be in when I get in."
2. The E still looked good, even sans one rim.
3. 4 new tires, alright. Wasnt in the plan, but no biggie, I got that.
Some people wouldnt be able to brush something off like this. Perhaps people who are no longer members of the middle class.
I dont know, I'm just thinking this morn.
In the course of a day, I can be in Watts in the morning and Bel Aire in the evening, and I'd say there is one hellavu gap between those two groups. It's filled in by people like me, you and Robyn. It's called the "Middle Class." We have revenue coming in, health care and personal security, which is more than 80% of the people on the planet have.
Granted, however, that the middle class is shrinking and the stuff about the drugs and food is on point.
Big J
Excellent story Robyn and it really drives home the point about the myth of class.
In this day and age, there are people who prepare and people who don't. People who don't prepare for things going wrong will be screwed, irrespective of how much money they make. I bet there are millionaires out there who know they'll lose their homes if the stock market nose dives tomorrow or if they lose their jobs.
Those who are prepared can weather storms, whether it be a flat tire or a loss of a job.
Great way to put it, DIna. Preparation is key. I have a friend who is self employed and earns WAY more money than me. He's always waitin on a check, albeit it a big check, b/c he fails to prepare.
I disagree.
If you've got money like we do, it's a lot easier to cover yourself when issues arise. It's like Ted Kennedy, drive a bitch off a bridge, throw money at it! Let that happen in the 'hood.
I'm not saying preparation isn't important though.
Big J
Sure, money helps us cover issues, but that means you actually save money. My sister is a doctor who probably makes more than I do and will be broke for the rest of her life. Perhaps she'll one day live in a nicer neighborhood than I, but she will always be one paycheck away from disaster with bad credit. Because she doesn't prepare. She spends like it's going out of style. She's got debt up the butt, but told me a few months ago that it was time to get a BMW because the Jetta is "beneath her" now that she is a doctor. And most Americans are just like her.
I don't think many people in the ghetto or in Bel Aire are smiling or happy. They are both lost.
Big J
not so brother J, not so.
I agree Jasai.
Care to expand?
Brother J
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