Monday, January 16, 2012

Does The 'Civil Rights' Myth Serve As A Tool To Make Black People Think of The Federal Government As A Savior?

that dude said...
You're actually hawking "small government"?

Small government is cities that can't afford to keep the lights on all night long.

Small government is less services for poor suckas who support their own destruction.

I don't see any rich people with less government support in small government. In fact, small government means there are no checks and balances to raptor capitalism.

And you're trying to spin as a "man up" moment?

1 comment:

krayzee said...

Cities can't keep the lights on when there are no good CAPITALISTIC BUSINESSES generating TAX REVENUE to FUND municipal services.

Governments are NOT for-profit businesses and can NOT create their own profit - only SPEND it.

Capitalism is part of the answer, the lack thereof which causes governments to go bankrupt.
