Thursday, December 29, 2011

An Introdocution To Backwards Plantation Negro Thinking 001 • DV University • Spring 2012

Anonymous said... 
Am I the only one here who realizes Ron Paul is a bigot? He raised a son who is a bigot!
Has this Ron Paul been vetted to our core beliefs of not being against us before we agree to like his policies.
This Ron Paul campaign on this website is shocking. Before you start telling other people whose better it's a good thing to ask yourself better for who? 
Denmark Vesey said ...
A bigot is as a bigot does.  Barack Obama is bombing and killing Africans with remote controlled drones as we speak.  His administration is supervising the toppling of legitimate governments.  He is invading and occupying black and brown nations all around the world.  He says he is helping them achieve Democracy.

Ron Paul says killing people who have not harmed us is wrong.  He fought against these expansionist wars for decades.  How in the furthest stretches of your imagination ... is  Ron Paul ... more of a "bigot" ...  than Barack Obama?

What worries me, is supposedly educated black people, who can be so easily manipulated politically ... by simply repeating that a particular candidate is a "racist".

Once negros hear that word ... they stop thinking.

That makes them easy to control.


Anonymous said...

No it's not like Blacks stop thinking but they sure as hell don't champion a bigot. When you have a choice between two devils you don't say this one is less evil so I'm siding with him.

Just because one devil agrees with your overall view does not stop him from being a devil. To come out and advocate this guy then say he's less of a Devil than Barack is just as ignorant.

We don't need to choose sides as all of this political soap opera matters not to the current state of Black folks. Whether this devil gets elected or another doesn't change one thing for the brothers on the ground. To focus and campaign and convince folks to take a second look at a devil is definitely fools gold.

The solution is to better oneself not to say this devil will be more lenient. That's definitely the mindstate of a slave to chose a more benevolent and kind master.

Anonymous said...

Also, the word racist doesn't make anyone easier to control it's just a word warning. Fire, Run, Watch Out, Evil, Angry, Untrustworthy are all warnings. When you are part of a group that has been taken advantage of by another group a short quick word is useful.

Barack Obama sending drones to kill Africans is not new and he isn't the first nor the last. So you think Ron Paul will be a man of his word if he's elected? You think somehow under his rule Blacks will have a better chance to what LIVE FREE!

In this country someone gave you a voice at choosing the lesser of two evils. The vote isn't one man one vote and you of all people should know you really have no say. So to create a stir saying how this bigot is better and Black people are being manipulated sure does look like a counter propaganda campaign for Black folks to go against their own views to side and identify with a man who openly is against them.

Manipulated politically is of no consequence to the average Black. We are only a certain percentage in this country and to concentrate on who gets there is at best like playing fantasy football. Instead we should be advocating a way for us to create a shield against those who choose to harm us not find out which devil we can live with.

Anonymous said...

Actually the particular issue the media once attempted to call Rand Paul out on as "racist," is no different from the position of activists like bro. Malcolm and Robert F. Williams.

Those misunderstandings stem from a reductionist school recital version of historical black leadership. It's the same as associating Obama with MLKing's legacy. That's not difficult to pull off considering kids pronouncing Malcolm X as Malcolm the 10th and perplexed why there's no school for a "MILK" Day.

I think it's fine that black people dislike Ron Paul for disturbing statements on race. I felt equally about Obama when he was senator ensuring that he would talk to Cuba about their political prisoners; but not only do we have the largest prison population on Earth but we still have activists rotting away over being found w/ Mao's 312 page Red Book & 38 caliber black steel.

What Ron Paul has said compared to what Obama has done is the likeness of, as 'pre-Are We There Yet' Ice Cube pointed out, gangster music talks about violence but US generals bomb civilians then receive a metal of honor for it.

I have thought about Ron Paul's adversity to the war on drugs as something that should be at least a half bleep on black folk's radar. That has decimated the black & Latino community and till this day even retired law enforcement openly admit how crack was purposely placed in these communities. Ron could parlay that argument to his benefit but I doubt his mind is wired in that way.

Anonymous said...

@Gee Chee - It's one thing to say Rand Paul said a comment similar to Malcolm X and a whole other to say 40 years later it's basically the same thing. You're taking it out of the context of time.

Supporting Ron Paul is similar to trying to find food in shit. Black folks know he's a bigot and yet we say but maybe we should overlook that so we can get rid of the fed, Stop helping Isreal, and the like! I must've missed the memo where any of that shit was a priority of the average Black Man in America.

Anonymous said...

"It's one thing to say Rand Paul said a comment similar to Malcolm X and a whole other to say 40 years later it's basically the same thing. You're taking it out of the context of time."- Anon

1) Out of context? Would you be so kind as to contextualize that for me?

"...Stop helping Isreal, and the like! I must've missed the memo where any of that shit was a priority of the average Black Man in America."

2) You did, Huey Newton delivered that "memo" in his "To Die For The People"...40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

To put it into context when Malcolm said his comment the Civil rights legislation was the issue of that time. For Rand Paul to say he wouldn't have passed it 40 years later is him letting his racist followers know I wouldn't have let those Blacks have their rights. So for him to bring it up now 40 years later without being prompted or anyone speaking on it speaks on his racist intent.

Again Huey Newton 40 years ago but what about now? Did Blacks move forward from the time of the 60's or is everyone stuck fighting yesterdays fight? So when someone screams Isreal all the Blacks should say ooh oh Huey Newton said the same thing.

Those cats are dead and the times they lived in are dead. Come a NEW with a solution for this time not rehashing old shit trying to make it fit. Black folks are not dealing with the same issues.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I wouldn't have let those Blacks have their rights" Anonymous


Listen to yourself.

'let those Blacks have their rights'.


How can anyone "let" you ... have a "right"?

if it's your right ... how can they "give" it to you?

Do you see the problem with the "Civil Rights Act"?

It was a sham.

A Farce.

It didn't "give" Black people "rights".

The Act made negros wards of the US Corporation.

They don't have rights ... now they have corporate privileges.



Think about that for a moment.



not rights ... privileges.

Like prisoners have in jail.

Going to the yard - a privilege.

Visitation - a privilege.

TV and Library time - privileges.

Negros "right to vote' - really just a privilege.

Granted by Congress.

Which is why it must be renewed every 25 years or some so.

With me?

The Civil Rights Movement held Black people back 50 years.

The government sold us a pipe dream.

Ron and Rand Paul are not "racists".

They just refuse to sell us an obviously bankrupt pipe dream.

It's called respecting your intelligence.

Constructive Feedback said...


Concerning your "lesser of two devils" theory:

When you look at Detroit, Chicago, Newark and other places where the Black Racial Services Machine has operated on this 'Less Of Two Evils' theory to PUSH OUT all of "THE DEVILS" they don't like are our people in better position now that THE LESS DEVIL rules the roost and we are now possessed by Street Pirates who terrorize our community?

[quote]vetted to our core beliefs of not being against us before we agree to like his policies.[/quote]

The BASTARDS that dominate the Black Community Discourse DO NOT HAVE EVIDENCE that they are interested in defending our CORE BELIEFS!!!!

Why don't you star out with:

1) Writing down WHAT our "Core Beliefs" are

2) Document a methodology on how to measure any one who claims that they have them

3) (most importantly) Define WHO will be operating the scale for measurement of #1 and #2 above

Like the book "The Animal Farm" the confidence on stage do not like writing things down and when they do they prefer "erasable ink" to permanent markers.

Anonymous said...

@DV - Damn bruh did you read what I wrote. I was quoting the Rand Paul not saying that's where I stand. I don't mind you running with it so let's keep going with what you said.

Rand & Ron are not trying to sell you Black Man a damn thing! You keep including yourself in their fights because you want to be intelligent and have intelligent discourse but you have no standing, no horse in the race and they don't even want you around. You realize that but yet you advocate it. That's what gets me calling it bullshit.

This mentality of being subservient goes back earlier to the picking or awarding of who the Blacks should follow. Now your WEB Dubois followers believe that talented tenth shit and they think since they are the Intelligensia of the race they should lead the rest of us not so sophisticated Blacks into the new world. You do the same right now advocating Ron Paul like we missed the fact that he's a bigot and tell us it's not important look at what he'll do for us. He's going to get rid of the Fed and stop helping Isreal.. cmon with that shit. The other Brother during that time was Booker T. Washington who advocated us having skills and building something of our own. Showing respect is not because people like you but because they are more amazed with what you do. Now I am on that road because participating in all this politics shit ain't helping no one and you know it.

If all the things Blacks have are privileges then we'd better get our foundation up. If what we stand on is a whole bunch of revocable rights then we'd better get our guns up. No matter how much you want to say the Paul Bigots have the right agenda it'll be stupid to tell the rest of us to look past that knowing they aren't our friends. Stop with they they are good whites routine brother you know who they are!

Anonymous said...

@CF - Street Pirates, street pirates for real? Brother they are Men just like you and they are just misguided. Stop trying to label Black people those tongue in cheek white boy propaganda names. You know what's going on and you know how we got here so stop as it doesn't help anything it just makes you look like you are scared of them. I know you aren't and just want this shit to end and I'm with you on that point. Let's work on the solutions instead of calling people names in public.

On the topic at hand of lesser of two devils. First I don't like to argue with Professional Blacks like yourself because your logic is too rigid in the sense that if it doesn't show up in a acceptable form you think it's shit. Second, you have no intention on solving the problem you just want to poke holes in another mans theory so you can seem superior. Third, you feel defenseless and naked to what's going on so you take a harsh stance like we should immunize people or lock them all under the jails aka you have taken a white scared of the boogeyman stance. Lastly, you troll around looking for arguments you can jump into because you find this fun to destroy what others offer and then retreat back under the bridge like the Billy Goat Gruff..

To answer you numbered questions..

1) Our core beliefs are truth, justice and the African-American way. In other words what will benefit ourselves and better our communities and lives. CF you just want me to list them so you can pick them apart. Go ahead with that dumbshit, high school debate watch me I'll get him, snickering under a handout of the american constitution ass thinking.

2) It's simple to measure effectiveness as GOD shows us everyday. Either things get better or they don't. You don't need a methodology to prove effectiveness. Your getting caught up with the messenger and not the message. The people who are up there are great orators but not great finishers and doers. Right now we have a lot of talkers and that's why you get so frustrated. It's alright brother we all do.

3) Each Black Man has the right to determine how he interprets this world and what his goals shall be. All you can do is give guidelines to if this then that will be produced. This messiah whose going to run it thinking copying the white check and balances system you base your argument on has done us harm in the past. It's best if we educated and inform our people and provide breadcrumbs so they can realize their own truth theirselves. It's harder to stop a way of thinking than one person thinking it.

Sorry I never read Animal Farm so I don't care about what that statement is supposed to imply. Maybe you should start forming your own ideaology and applying it quietly instead of challenging me using white man theory. You can't even think for yourself so you come at me with your brainwashed, see everyone else knows that's the way the world works; theories. Go back under the bridge and let a couple of goats go past and come up with your own way. Until then why would I allow myself to be subjected to a Man who calls his own people outside Street Pirates!

Work on yourself Brother because you are far from being in a position to tell any other Black Man what to do!

Here endeth the lesson....

Anonymous said...

"To put it into context when Malcolm said his comment the Civil rights legislation was the issue of that time. For Rand Paul to say he wouldn't have passed it 40 years later is him letting his racist followers know"

Anon, you didn't say anything. You basically told me Malcolm X spoke about Civil Rights a long long time ago.

No, Rand Paul didn't believe in forcing any private businesses into accepting black customers. Malcolm, shared those sentiments, so did Robert F. Williams, the NOI and before them Marcus Garvey obviously worked out a solution for that.

But moral judgment tells you, that you can't force anyone to extend their OWN property to you. And what was exciting about somebody spitt'n & piss'n in your food while you sit and eat it.

No, Robert Williams believed in integrating places where black tax dollars went not private businesses.

Well, Anon, if you believe in Civil Rights, that you should be offered the same services as white people that you EQUALLY pay taxes for, and do not believe in throwing away your tax dollars so white people benefit from your money while you are deprived...then how is it logical for you to throw your tax dollars away to another country?

That would be Israel if you weren't following.

Denmark Vesey said...

"But moral judgment tells you, that you can't force anyone to extend their OWN property to you. And what was exciting about somebody spitt'n & piss'n in your food while you sit and eat it. " Gee Chee

I love this brotha ^

Anonymous said...

@GeeChee - "Moral judgment tells you that you can't force anyone to extend their OWN property to you" But, you are engaging in business with the public and you are asking for the protections provided by the municipality for water, electricity and security in the form of police. So as a result of opening your doors to the public you are forced to abide by the rules. No one is coming into your kitchen because you aren't selling food to the public. Think again GeeCHee because your shit don't float.

Our taxes always have went to support these and other efforts. So you think you have enough say to pick and choose. What if all the white taxpayers had the say to say we don't want to help Haiti would you feel the same way then. Would you make a moral argument and stick to it saying it's their tax dollar while Haitian people die off because we had the right to not fund them by majority rule?

I did say something but I'm sure it was unsatisfactory since it doesn't translate well into your bullshit thinking. Again this is why you Professional Blacks get hoodwinked and start advocating bigots. You don't connect the dots you are so focused on your little dot of what you think is unfair you never make any real sense. Real sense meaning a workable plan not based on your petty emotions but what will work for the whole.

@DV - You can love a brotha who is wrong too. You are your own man so what you think is good is up to you. But, I know when brothas are reaching and this brotha has long arms.

Anonymous said...

What if all the white taxpayers had the say to say we don't want to help Haiti would you feel the same way then.


If I feel strongly about what happens in Haiti, I can spend MY OWN MONEY; I can help raise money. But I have no right to demand that the government steal money from someone else, by force, to "help" Haitians or anyone else.

The naivete of your question is illustrated by the realities of the so-called "help" that was sent to Haiti with our tax dollars. Like Monsanto's GMO seeds -

Oh, and all those Israeli medics that wanted to "help" collect any organs that Haitians didn't want anymore.

The U.S. Government does not "help" anyone. Government (from the words gubernare - to steer a ship; and mente - mind, i.e. mind control) steals from people in order to exist and then convinces those people that further theft is necessary in order for the mind controllers to continue to exist. Got the whole population thinking they need to be controlled. SLAVERY.


makheru bradley said...

God's Nobel Peace Prize Son-- making enemies and profits for the military-industrial complex, one killing at a time.

"Under Obama, an emerging global apparatus for drone killing"

[Other commanders in chief have presided over wars with far higher casualty counts. But no president has ever relied so extensively on the secret killing of individuals to advance the nation’s security goals.

Key members of Obama’s national security team came into office more inclined to endorse drone strikes than were their counterparts under Bush, current and former officials said.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, former CIA director and current Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, and counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan seemed always ready to step on the accelerator…]

A deadly couple indeed…

Anonymous said...

Anon, police services (especially in the 50's & 60's "Einstein") and getting city water today does not serve as a condition to prevent an establishment from enforcing something like selective dress codes. You can't say, "You have know right to deny me service because I'm wearing tennis shoes" on the bases that they're receiving running water and electricity."

"Our taxes always have went to support these and other efforts. So you think you have enough say to pick and choose." -Anon

Those Tom Joyner/Steve Harvey Negro hour jig shows really got you all 'bama over Obama.

So, BECAUSE we pay taxes...

it's OK to "pick and choose" for someone to serve you a big hot steaming cup of back-in-da-kitchen Hillbilly piss...

but when it comes to our tax dollars (not yours alone) funding a country with $3 trillion (possibly more by now) A YEAR...THEN it's about "who is yous to pick & choose?" Yeah I don't mind paying 3trill so long as I get a semen milk shake at Woolworths. your own logic...who are YOU to pick and choose?

Your type of justice seems to negotiate Israel's treatment of Ethiopian Jews pretty well (since Palestinian people are obviously non-existent in your judgment). I would think that someone who could care less about $3 Trillion a year going to support someone else while we're $15 trillion in debt, that at least your special bigot locating powers would kick in just a little. Instead they kick in only when you're concerned about Zed's Possum Shack denying you service.

Anonymous said...

@Dina - Again, this is why I don't enjoy talking to you professional Blacks. Since you want to prove your point of sticking to your principle you're saying you will take your money to help the Haitians. The good that will do when you give 20 dollars to the effort.

Sure there are things I don't like my taxes spent on but I am part of this overall country and community. Money is spent on a whole host of things that I take for granted.

I don't have too much more to say to you. We just disagree on whole host of things. Good Luck with your screaming in the dark and getting mad that they took your billions in tax dollars to help Isreal.

@GeeCHee - I'm not arguing over the 60's what the hell are you talking about. Selective dress codes is not racism as they are merely saying this is the minimum you have to wear to be appropriate. How the hell did you stretch your logic to tie racism to no shoes, no shirt no service. You need to go running in the morning and filter all the bullshit out of your head before you respond.

I don't listen to Joyner nor Harvey nor anyone other comedian who turned into race crusader. Eddie Murphy could get on the radio and I still know he's a joke.

You narrow minded idiot you think the civil rights was just to eat. There were hotels and a lot of other places involved. You can still get your hillbilly piss if you want. But, accomodations and using the bathroom were just as important

How can my logic justify Isreal treatment of Ethiopian Jews? How about you get your non tax dollars and help all the Ethiopian Jews get out of Isreal. Along with the rest of your powerless complainers. Organize and do something instead of getting on blogs and getting mad that I don't give two shits about tax dollars going to Isreal. Use your brain to do something instead of say something. I'm sure you're one of those guys who plays chess in the park who gets all the Suckers to think you smart because you talk about worldly things. But, in reality you're a frail blowhard who won't do shit about anything but inform the person you wish you were.

Grow up brother! Go help the people who live down the street from you. Drop the shovel where you are!

Again Good luck with your efforts!

Anonymous said...

Anon, I will type slowly for you.


...are "complaining" that your crusty arse should be anointed white folk's services on the grounds that they shouldn't be racist.

The position you are arguing only supports what older black people say in hindsight of the Civil Rights movement that integration destroyed black businesses.

Look at your rational..."we NEED white folk to provide hotel services, restaurant services and whatever other paternalistic services that you can think up and squeeze out your harmonica. You dropp'n water melon seeds all over your keypad.

With all the hat wringing you doing, no wonder "municipality for water" was one of your crucial points of reference.

The point about Israel & the Ethiopian Jews (I'm still typing slowly for you) is to call out your cries of bigotry and demonstrate how you have absolutely no intention in applying your race card across the board. Remember, you the one with the bigot barometer.

How ironic that you are on the same blog, same post, more than one post as a matter of fact, taking out time responding and telling someone to go out and change the world. What I'm suppose to lay out a list of credentials to some who's anonymous 2x's or in your case anonymous square. But sorry Anon, it's my "right" to post on DV's blog because he's receiving electric, water and police Negroes.

Of coarse you glide right pass the point about how you feel our tax dollars count when its about forcing white folk to extend the rights of their own property, but when our tax dollars continuously sustains an ENTIRE NATION it's cool as long as it doesn't throw off your Y-shaped twig bigot dowsing rod.