Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Battle Of The Plantation Negro Memes ... Is "Racism" A Subject Still Worthy Of Discourse?

Harry Belafonte said ...

“Because he happened to have had good fortune hit him, because he happened to have had a moment when he broke through – the moment someone blinked – does not make him the authority on the plight of people of color.”

“Herman Cain is just the latest incarnation of what is totally false to the needs of our community and the needs of our nation.”
Belafonte said. “I think he’s a bad apple, and people should look at his whole card. He’s not what he says he is.”

Cornell West said ... 
“Cain needs to get off the symbolic crack pipe and acknowledge that the evidence [of racism] is overwhelming.” 

Cain took to Fox Monday night and called the statements "offensive."

“Look, I left the Democrat plantation a long time ago,” Cain said in response to Belfonte’s comment. “And all that they try to do when someone like me – and I’m not the only black person out there that shares these conservative views – the only tactic that they have to try and intimidate me and shut me up is to call me names, and this sort of thing. It just simply won’t work.”

He dismissed West as someone who “has been in academia too long. He is out of touch with the real world."

Cain said.

1 comment:

HotmfWax said...


Stan the White man is here to help you brothers out:).

for those of you who need to hear it from a white guy.