Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why Do Plantation Negros Always Get Suckered Back To the 60's?

The political catastrophe that is black America has been stuck on stupid for 40 years largely because of the romanticized depiction of black empowerment struggle in the nsm (negro stream media).

Ready to march, protest, print up T shirts and chant into camera's at the drop of a hat ... contemporary Plantation Negro pundits are incapable of conceiving of political action outside the bookends of MLK and the Black Panther Party.  They are the political equivalent of fantasy football enthusiasts - satisfied by pretending.

For example, if the people who took to the streets to protest the ritual killing of Troy Davis had protested in front of Popeye's Chicken or Monsanto ... nearly a million more black lives would be saved and tens of millions empowered, economically, socially, politically and aesthetically. 

The Plantation wants Negros protesting executions and police beatings.  It brings attention to those things.  It empowers the Plantation.  It is a Flex of Muscle.  It makes the Plantation Negros feel weak and afraid.  Makes them suck their teeth ... and behave.

Choose your battles.  Hustle Hard.


Big Mark 243 said...

The power of what you call the NSM has long been a part of the white supremacy dynamic, as it chooses the approach from the victimized rather than as a threat.

Were 'we' (I reluctantly include myself because I don't get more 'active' than talking to the people in my immediate circle) to protest the corporations who are behind the power structure, then it would force either a confrontation that exposes the system for what it is, or it would truly effect change.

It isn't that the tactics used in the late 50's and 60's are ineffective BUT it is out of place as the sole means of change. The lack of flexibility when it comes to tactics is staggering... I wonder why Sun-Tzu is not required reading among the 'black leadership'... hell, study Hannibal if they want ... time for some new tactics and new approaches if change is REALLY what they are after...

DF said...

Well marching, chanting and printing up tshirts allows the cowards a chance too speak their mind too. It's a no money down angle to feel good that you did something which resulted in absolutely nothing.

I actually put my response on the previous post.

Anonymous said...

What a completely flawed, lazy argument. Your logic is elementary. Black people have a choice of what to feed their body. The knowledge about food is readily available. Eating high cholesterol foods does not compare to potentially being charged of a murder you didn't commit and sentenced to death in a judicial system (Ga Parole Board) that has proven to be unjust to people of color. If Troy Davis is innocent (which no ones know but him and "Red"), he didn't have a choice in what produced his death.

"protest, T-shirts" won't fix the problem but awareness is half the battle. Hopefully with more awareness and vigilance, people will start to hold their government accountable for perpetrating injustice. Even if you don't want to bring color into the equation, there are huge inconsistencies in the judicial system. No man of any color should ever be sentenced to death without clear, unquestioned proven guilt.

Anonymous said...

It is a negro trait to always point out the problem but never have solutions

Anonymous said...

is not protesting monsanto and popeyes a solution?

The Doc said...

DV, our people are kept so many steps behind the real fight we're like 3 dreams within a dream 'Inception' deep beyond what's really going on. The real fight is stopping eugenicists like Bill Gates from slow-killing our billion year old African bloodline under the guise of environmentalism and charity vaccines for the poor.

The real fight is stopping globalists from disguising the wholesale massacre of brown people as kinetic peace action. Qaddafi supported a central bank of Libya and a United States of Africa, that's why he had to go, not this bullshit about humanitarian action.

The real fight is getting negroes to realize our food is being engineered to kill us off and our economy is being sabotaged on purpose so when the FEMA trucks start rolling people are going to beg to get on them and be driven to their doom.

And I say this not to suggest that white people are somehow more advanced than blacks, but just that they've been allowed a much larger plantation to play in and as such their walls are a lot harder to clearly define than ours are.

You called it a long time ago; it's all one big Hegelian head fake. Controlled opposition. We're only allowed to express ourselves under the language of a decades old civil rights movement. Our concerns are restricted to voting rights, affirmative action and discrimination. That's why in that clip we were talking about awhile back MSNBC edited out a black gun owner standing up for his 2nd amendment rights. That's not even allowed within the black dialectic.

Anonymous said...

As our wise Sage Hot Wax said, it's all about ritual.

Brush up on your Pierre Sabak lessons and understand that this is about civil "rites", not rights.

The civil rites movement was about getting people to acknowledge and declare allegiance to a new priesthood that administers those rites. Each of these new civil rites issues is a chance to attract new adherents and solidify the faith of the existing.


makheru bradley said...

Here is a dude hiding behind an avatar, whose total activism consists of typing on a computer criticizing activists who were trying to save the life of a human being. Every life matters, even the life of Troy Davis.

The Plantation wants Negros protesting executions and police beatings. It brings attention to those things. It empowers the Plantation.—DV

This is one of the most asinine arguments ever conceived. The oligarchic psychopathocracy has invested billions of dollars to crush movements for justice; has arrested, and has killed people who struggle for justice and this dude is saying these movements empower the plantation. Their greatest fear is a mass-based movement for justice which is why they expend so much energy attempting to disrupt these movements before they gain momentum.

It is a fact that the people involved in the struggle against the Prison-Industrial Complex; against the death penalty, and for justice for political prisoners such as Leonard Peltier, Sundiata Acoli, Jamil Al-Amin, and Mumia Abu-Jamal are not preventing the development of a mass-movement against Monsanto. Most of these people would support such activity against Monsanto, because people involved in struggles for justice understand what Martin King said: “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Anyone who condemns people for engaging in one form of struggle while claiming to promote his or her own is either an agent of the oligarchic psychopathocracy or a narrow-minded failure.

If this dude were a serious health advocate he would have been promoting the Millions Against Monsanto movement, rather than criticizing people trying to save the life of Troy Davis.

What an absolute joke you are.

Anonymous said...

A serious health advocate leads by example, and inspires others to take responsibility for their own health.

The Millions Against Monsanto "movement" affirms the supremacy of the Plantation (which is exactly what it is meant to do) by asking the peasantry to sign a petition to their masters to put labels on genetically modified foods.


The Plantation, through whichever bare naked emperor is distracting the masses at the time, will put on a show of debate, but ultimately grant the wishes of the plebes, and pass a "law" requiring labeling of GMO foods.

The plebes will be pacified - believing that protests really work - there will still be GMO crops being planted and GMO products on the shelves. And people getting sick.

Literally, the Millions Against Monsanto movement is nothing more than an affirmation of the FDA's power over the food supply; a declaration of loyalty to the Plantation.


makheru bradley said...

Per your flawed analysis of history mass-based movements have never accomplished anything. They all benefit the "plantation."

People simply need to log on to the internet and follow the lead of a dude too scared to identify himself.