Friday, September 30, 2011

Mindless Plantation Negro Ignorance


Big Mark 243 said...

Why should I have his back..? He DOESN'T have mine.!! Not only that, I KNEW IT from the jump!!!

I told folks he is a 'Reagan Democrat' and that ISN'T what we needed right now... we could have used an FDR, a transformative figure who was willing to twist some arms to get the masses back to work...

The ONLY reason he will get my vote is that the alternatives are so ARE YOU EFFIN' KIDDING ME..? I BETTER go vote.!! If I don't then I will deserve the crap that I let happen by sitting idly by!!!

I want to have the right to bitch about whoever is in office... going to vote is one way I feel I get to do that with clean conscious...

cadeveo said...

How is participating in a rigged system give you MORE of a right to bitch about the chaos than someone who refuses to legitimize the illegitimate by voting for it?

If you're going to vote, you're better off making a protest vote for someone the PTB will tell you has no chance in hell to win but who represents your views at least somewhat. You're logic for why you are going to vote for someone who "doesn't represent you" who has been a shill and a puppet from the get-go, rather than a different shill--because those other shills sound CRAZIER is itself utterly crazy.

They are giving you two platters of steaming feces to choose from. Choosing one platter over the other is not noble, heroic or rational. Refusing to choose sh** is.

Anonymous said...

The only real comp BO has is Christy. The rest are indeed "ARE YOU EFFIN' KIDDING ME..?" to the point where its clear our process is nothing but a charade. If you can't vote for the agenda behind the curtain there's little point in voting unless you have some soft spot for the generation that fought for voting rights. If that's the case, the charade is even more reason not to vote because the process has been hijacked to the point that those lives were lost in vain well before you picked up a ballot.

It would take quite a bit for me NOT to vote for Ron Paul this go round... if I vote at all.


HotmfWax said...

March mugga fuggas! March! You lazy mo-fo"s :).

Take off your bedroom slippers.LOL :). Really?? :)

No really?? hahahahahaha.

mamasaid said...

Obama doesn't have to court Blacks. He already knows our 95% vote is in the bag due purely to racial loyalty just like the first time around..

HotmfWax said...

if we only knew?

Best tool "the man" ever invented for "ethnic" cleansing.

Gotta give it to them....not a peep from us:

mamasaid said...


Barry Sotero is better than Bush in the sense that he can carry out the same agenda without getting any heat for it due to his "Black liberal" immunity. Blacks and the liberal media both won't ever put him on blast like they would have a White neocon for doing the exact same things.

Different puppet. Same puppetmaster.

The Doc said...

Thank you, DV. I'm so tired of black foke recycling this same B.S. line-- "Oh, it's the Republicans; they won't let a black man do anything. They're trying to hold him back." Bullshit, mane.

Everyone has amnesia about how when Obama went in we gave him a full Democratic sweep of the whole fuckin' House and Senate. He could've passed anything he wanted and didn't do a thing.

Constructive Feedback said...

Brother DV:

The most common "Negro" rebuttal to your concern is "Look at the opposition!!!"

What they fail to understand is that they are now forced to focus on the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT as their primary means of "Community Development Consciousness And Uplift" BECAUSE after so much success that the favorable forces had in taking over their LOCAL leadership but failing to deliver - the NATIONALIZED FIGHT provides them with cover in avoiding the local house cleaning that is necessary for their grievances to be addressed.

The federal government is too powerful. While the majority of our civic services are provided by local governments the news media has us focused on the football game in Washington DC.

The answer to "There is no other choice" needs to be a recommitment to fixing our LOCAL schools so that our children can receive the education necessary for our communities to compete. Managing our communities so that they are SAFE and murder is kept in check RATHER THAN this foolishness in which the Death Penalty is the #1 target for Negro Leaders. They realize that they can control GOVERNMENT policy more than they can control Negro Behavior.

What we SHOULD HAVE LEARNED from Obama's first term is that the political marketing machine promises Negroes much, compels them to FIGHT A FIGHT THAT IS NOT THEIR OWN, and after their local interests are neglected there comes another election in which fear is used as the machine states "IF you don't vote for us the ENEMY will get into power".

The problem is that the modern Negro fails to see that THE ENEMY is also compelling him to vote. The enemy of Blacks is:
* Ignorance
* Hatred
* Those who see #1 and #2 and remain silent.

The Doc said...

Man, y'all still talkin' checkers. The people in Washington are playing... naw... not even chess, them muh'fuckas playin' baccarat. Y'all speaking two different languages.

Obama's bought and paid for just like Bush was, Perry is, Cain is, etc. And i'm not just talkin' oh, somebody wrote him a big ass check. I'm talkin' 'bout muh'fuckas who want to completely collapse civilization so they can pick through the ashes and take everything. If you refuse to see the man behind the curtain, you're going to fall for the okey doke every single time.

Ron Paul is the only serious candidate for president, period. I don't agree with the man 100% but simply put every other candidate is HIGHLY compromised by monied interests and people who have some real dark plans for our world. Until we address that, everything else is irrelevant.

makheru bradley said...

Barack Obama supports racists!

Thanks to Barack Obama Tawergha is now a sun down town.

[Beginning in about 1890 and continuing until 1968, white Americans established thousands of towns across the United States for whites only. A ‘sundown town’ is any organized jurisdiction that, for decades, was all-white on purpose. Many towns drove out their black populations, then posted sundown signs. Other towns passed ordinances barring African-Americans after dark or prohibiting them from owning or renting property.

"I believe at least 3,000 and perhaps as many as 15,000 independent towns went sundown in the United States, mostly between 1890 and about 1930." – James Loewen

[In Oct. 2001, James W. Loewen stopped at a convenience store in the small Illinois town of Anna -- a name that, as a store clerk confirmed, stands for "Ain't No Niggers Allowed."

On Nov. 8, 1909, nearly a century before Loewen stepped into the store, a mob of angry white citizens drove out Anna's 40 or so black families following the lynching in a nearby town of a black man accused of raping a white woman. Anna became all-white literally overnight.] – Washington Post

The same can be said in 2011 for the Black town of Tawergha, Libya

occupyisrael said...

I love how if Bush had ordered this strike, this sundown story would have made frontpage news to accuse him of being racist.

Where's Kanye West now?

Anonymous said...

I want to have the right to bitch about whoever is in office... going to vote is one way I feel I get to do that with clean conscious...

Man, someone needs to do something about education in this country.
So many so-called educated people make this same silly, infantile argument. "If you don't vote, you don't get to complain!"

What makes you think I want to complain?

Complaining, i.e. protesting, is undignified. It is childish. It is counterproductive. It is futile. Complaining is for people who do not want solutions. Complaining is for people who do not take personal responsibility for their circumstances. Complaining is for people who like to be victims.

Like good Plantation Negroes and Crackers, they equate the rite to complain with the performance of the secular ritual of voting for master. "Massa said I could complain as long as I vote."


Anonymous said...

Everyone has amnesia about how when Obama went in we gave him a full Democratic sweep of the whole fuckin' House and Senate. He could've passed anything he wanted and didn't do a thing.

To the contrary, Mr. Soetero did a lot. As soon as he sat down in the chair in the oval office, he lifted the ban on HIV positive people coming into this country; he immediately resumed funding of abortion clinics around the world; and, more recently, he repealed Don't Ask Don't Tell. Soetero has surrounded himself with Hard Core Israel Firsters since Day 1 and all the czars (kazars) he appointed are some of the nation's most notorious eugenicists. Furthering their agenda and in the face of faux political opposition, he put his name on the sick-care bill that was a huge coup to the eugenicists of the pharmaceutical/insurance industries.

The agenda he has been ordered to implement has become apparent for some time. He is the ultimate PsyOp Manchurian Candidate.
