Friday, August 26, 2011

More Intelligent & Relevant Political Discourse Coming From Within The Hip Hop Community Than From Within The Entire "Education System"

The Doc said...
Yo DV, did you catch Prodigy on Alex Jones' radio show a few weeks ago

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I got the feeling he held back a lot. He was telling Alex about how he learned a lot of what he knows from the muslim guys on his block, the... what was it... "50 page book" brothers Cnu was talking 'bout back in the gap. I think since a lot of it was based on a black nationalist philosophy he felt he had to choose his words very carefully for Jones' predominantly white audience. Not saying Jones' audience would be hostile, but y'know, stuff about black people building the pyramids, that sort of thing. Probably just a button he didn't want to press right then.

Not to mention he was very diplomatic in his criticisms of our clay-footed emperor, Obama. Because y'know, black people in general and our celebs in particular had better not say anything bad about him.

He needs to drop in to and have his mind broken out of that old paradigm. Still, it's a ballsy move on his part to even say as much as he did. It was a good interview.

Predictably, none of these so-called black blogs have uttered one peep about it. But just let prodigy get caught in an Escalade snorting coke off a hooker's tits while pistol whipping Busta Rhymes...

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