Saturday, July 23, 2011

Got Negros Thinking They Are Simply "African Americans" When They Are Really The Lost Tribe of Israel


cadeveo said...

I do't know... a dude going on for ten minutes on how the European Jews are imposters and the true Jews are Black because...Hitler said so, isn't gonna win too many to his theory. That's not the appeal to authority/expertise you wanna make and be taking seriously.

"Hey, everybody! Jesus was a blue-eyed, blonde-haired Nordic...cuz HITLER SAID SO!"...No, still sounds bat-shit. Not winning minds and hearts there.

I'm not questioning the general thrust of your indigenous people of the globe thing, but you really gotta do a hell of a lot better than a video of some dude using the say-so of the "great anthropologist" Adolf f***king Hitler to make your points.

Denmark Vesey said...

I feel you Cadev ...

You would be right.

If this was a popularity contest.

If this was a game of "winning" people over to a theory... it would be difficult to persuade people of a truth because "Hitler said it."

In fact ... if you wanted to prevent people from believing something ... you would be well served by teaching them 'Hitler said it'.

Truth or no truth ... they are going to reject it because they have been taught to reject particular people and to ignore ideas.

Challenge yourself to get beyond the messenger.

WHAT did he say?

WHY did he say it?

Is what he said FALSIFIABLE?

Then falsify it and fuck who said it.