Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Blammo said...

Robert Brock, 94 issue of Spotlight Magazine

"I am the president and founder of the Self Determination Committee, a Black Nationalist organization. Our purpose for the last 46 years has been to promote measures central to the wellbeing of Black people in the United States. Nonetheless, our program is of benefit to all Americans.

We advocate the following:
Self-determination. Blacks should and will have seperate identity and culture and, most importantly, control over their political, economic, and social destiny.

Promotion of possible return of Blacks to Africa and the establishment of homelands there, resolving ethnic problems in the Unites States because of failed and discredited stopgap measures such as forced integration and amalgamation, and manipulation of the Black man and his social and political structure by the Liberal left-wing and the Zionists.

As a law student in 1948 studying American Constitutional law, I discovered that while Blacks were so-called "citizens" of the United States, they were really still held in captivity as slaves."

MCP report on Robert Brock 1994 address to the National convention of the German Peoples Nationalist Union.

via The Ugly Truth

Richmond Muhammad said...

Was the picture from the million man march? I was 11 years when I went. Greatest moment of my life.

Denmark Vesey said...


Welcome back to the spot.

That's some interesting shit man.

I don't what to say.

Good stuff.

Are you Robert Brock?

Yeah. This post made me think.

Like this for example

"Self-determination. Blacks should and will have seperate identity and culture and, most importantly, control over their political, economic, and social destiny."

Ummm ...


Begs a couple of questions:

1) Who are the "Blacks"?
2) Will all Blacks have these things?
3) Do all Black people deserve these things?
4) Do the Plantation Negros who seem to cling to their servitude also deserve these things?
5) What about us Blacks who are here but didn't 'come from Africa'? Can we stay in the lands of our ancestors?

Denmark Vesey said...

Yes Brother Richmond Yes! Wasn't that a Great moment?

Must give the minister his props.

Blammo said...

Why, thank you DV. Ha, no, I'm not Robert L. Brock. I'd never heard of him. But the man was invited to Germany to talk about their common oppressor. Humanity's common oppressor. That's something.

Who are the "Blacks?" I'm in no position to provide a definitive answer to that.

I don't think expropriating land from poor people half-way around the world would solve anything, but I think his understanding of the past bears more scrutiny than the specific details of his vision for the future. Also, I believe Brock spoke to the sovereignty of all human beings.

"Do the Plantation Negros who seem to cling to their servitude also deserve these things?" (control over their identity and culture, political, economic, and social destiny)

Is anybody entitled to deprive anyone of these things? You could argue that individuals and groups alone can and must claim these things for themselves. But as Brock points out, a very small minority is capable of wreaking all kinds of havoc on entire populations.

I am of the mind that identifying and exposing the root cause of the problem takes precedent over all else. I am of the mind that once they really know what's going on they would simply refuse to cooperate in their own destruction.

That is not to say that you and your readers are unaware of this. I guess all I'm saying is, spare the Plantation Negro, bash a Jew instead.

Denmark Vesey said...

OK ... OK

That clears things up a bit Blammo.


"a very small minority is capable of wreaking all kinds of havoc on entire populations." B


Very true.

... and ...

another way to look at it:

'a very large majority is capable of wreaking all kind of havoc upon itself and blaming a small minority of people for its own failings'.

Which is why I don't play the blame game.

I can't see holding another man responsible for my situation.

That's ... the definition of bitch.

"I'm this way cuz of him"

I couldn't get down like if I tried.

"I guess all I'm saying is, spare the Plantation Negro, bash a Jew instead." Blammo

1) Why "bash" anyone?
2) Who ..."exactly" are you referring to when you say "Jew"?

I once heard a little something about the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

So ... I tend to think, Jews are, by definition, Godly people, and incapable of oppressing anyone.

So there is no need to "bash Jews" either.

God Bless America and let's all avoid the pitfalls of Group Identity politics.

Blammo said...

I've been writing a reply, but these two statements keep rattling around in my head DV.

"Jews are Godly people, and incapable of oppressing anyone" and "God Bless America and let's all avoid the pitfalls of Group Identity politics"

Now, I admit I'm not quite as sharp as you or (some of...) your regulars, but, you're having me on, right?