Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why Is The Global Government Promoting Homosexuality? • Introduction To Eugenics, Social Engineering & The Depopulation Agenda • DV University • Spring 2011

Marco from Sao Paolo said ...
"In Brazil the government is promoting a "gay kit", a series of DVDs showing explicit gay behavior in kids, to be shown to junior high students in an effort to prove to them that homosexuality is normal.

In the future, nothing will be impossible. Medical news, such as the recent study showing that gays have double the incidence of cancer, will be censored.

Conservative blogs and religious radio and TV programs will be outlawed. If you fire a lazy, incompetent gay employee, you will go to jail. If you don't hire a gay person, you go to jail. If you quote a Bible passage about homosexuality, you go to jail. If you complain about two guys making out in a restaurant in front of your kids, you go to jail (the law specifically says so).

The contents of this blog post would be enough to put me in jail. Society will be at mercy of a special caste, with special privileges. Even this week, a large mall in a fashionable area in Sao Paulo had to put a security guard inside the bathroom, because gay men were having sex in public."


Blammo said...

Oh Jesus! You have my deepest fucking sympathy!

My sexual preference is of no one's concern but my own. I don't wear outrageous get-ups, I don't stick my tongue down anyone's throat in public, and I've never gone within 5 miles of any outlandish specticle of a parade.

"Society will be at mercy of a special caste" -Yeah, "will be." Nobody ever consulted me before they decided to teach fisting to 12 year-olds. Nobbody ever asked me if I wanted special "hate crime" legislation. I wasn't the driving force behind giving feminizing hormones to pre-pubescent children.

No, there is an agenda, and I'm just as shocked and appalled by it as anyone. You can thank that "special caste" for that one. For that matter, I don't have special considerations codified in my "holy" texts prescribing precisely how to have sex with 8 year-olds, and 3 year-olds. I'm not the one killing people by the millions around the world, whether by usury and starvation, or by spraying them with remote controlled machine guns.

People in the so-called Truth movement like to find proof of a certain tribal conspiracy to be... license. License to justify their feelings of inherint superiority over Blacks. License to rail against immigrants. License to boast of their supposed superior morality in the face of a culture trapped in undertow. License to place the blame for their own failure and insecurity on the shoulders of whoever they already dislike.

"Medical news, such as the recent study showing that gays have double the incidence of cancer, will be censored." -Well, uh, ok. Assuming your little statistical finding has any merit, so what? So more gays die of mysterious reasons, why the hell should you care? Rejoice. Personally, I'm more distraught by the volume of children who are comitting suicide based on the mere accusation of homosexuality. So a group of satanic creatures uses a problem like this to exploit children and further a campaign of perversion which has absolutely no correlation to the problem at hand. Shouldn't you take that matter up with them?

Denmark Vesey said...

I like this cat Blammo.

Passionate writin' muhfuggah.

Good stuff.

Denmark Vesey said...

1) No, there is an agenda,


and I'm just as shocked and appalled by it as anyone.

2) You can thank that "special caste" for that one.

(what do you mean?)

3) For that matter, I don't have special considerations codified in my "holy" texts prescribing precisely how to have sex with 8 year-olds, and 3 year-olds.

(who does?)

4) I'm not the one killing people by the millions around the world, whether by usury and starvation, or by spraying them with remote controlled machine guns.

(That's true. But what does that tell us?)

5) People in the so-called Truth movement like to find proof of a certain tribal conspiracy to be... license. License to justify their feelings of inherint superiority over Blacks. License to rail against immigrants. License to boast of their supposed superior morality in the face of a culture trapped in undertow. License to place the blame for their own failure and insecurity on the shoulders of whoever they already dislike.

(Are some of them just interested in ... truth?)

6) "Medical news, such as the recent study showing that gays have double the incidence of cancer, will be censored." -Well, uh, ok. Assuming your little statistical finding has any merit, so what? So more gays die of mysterious reasons, why the hell should you care? Rejoice.

(Can't speak for the author but ... THAT'S pretty important news. When we promote "gay" as normal ... but ignore the abnormal consequence of homosexual sex ... we mislead people into sickness and death.)

7) Personally, I'm more distraught by the volume of children who are comitting suicide based on the mere accusation of homosexuality.

(Sounds like hype to me. Anyone who commits suicide ... for any reason ... is mentally ill. Focusing the blame on "bullies" removes the responsibility for suicide from the person committing it to people who happen to acknowledge the gayness of gay)

Pink said...

Ugh there has to be a better way to promote acceptance. I personally think there is nothing wrong with being gay but those 2 little kids kissing is more likely to make ppl feel uncomfortable than to make them decide to teach their children not to be homophobic.

Denmark Vesey said...

Heyyyy Pink.

There is no such thing as "gay".
There is no such thing as "homophobic"

Both are manufactured Group Identity constructs.

There is homosexual sex.

99% of the world finds it repulsive.

"Anti-homophobia" campaigns are part of a larger attempt by the Global Givernment to regulate consciousness.

Thordaddy said...

If I were five and 15 years from now, I found out my momz used me in a piece of homosexually-inspired self-annihilating child porn, she might get murdered. At minimum, I'd go radical autonomist on her. Poof, you're gone. This is wicked, wicked stuff... Teaching children to self-annihilate. What's next? Is there even a "next?"

Richmond Muhammad said...

That's disgusting! Shame on the parents for allowing their boys to be in that ad. Modern day freaking sodom and gomorrohah!

uglyblackjohn said...

Hermaphrodites, Chimersim, Biblical Eunuchs, ...
Maybe some people are just born (or made) that way.
But these new commercials are getting on my nerves as well.
When is okay to say that something or someone is 'so gay'.
"'Glee' is so gay." - is this wrong?
If so - why?
"The Real Hoodrats of the ATL's Dwight is so gay" - is this also incorrect?

If you're gay - do your thing, it's not my business.
But don't get mad if someone says that you're gay.